I Am Fugaku Uchiha

Chapter 172: To Iwa


Shikaku carefully considered the looming threat tied to Rasa, the Fourth Kazekage of the Hidden Sand, realizing that Rasa's lack of influence hinted at potential dangers still present.

Despite comprehending the risks, Shikaku couldn't afford to remain passive. Armed with his knowledge of Fugaku's capabilities, he pondered the possibility of deploying the remaining six thousand Shinobi to aid elsewhere.

However, a commitment to an alliance with the Hokage restrained him. No explicit orders had been given, leaving Shikaku in an awkward position when contemplating suggesting a strategic departure.

The situation demanded delicate negotiations with Uchiha Fugaku, the formidable head of the Uchiha clan and the leader of the Konoha Military Police Force.

"I wondered; what have you thought?" Shikaku was about to respond when Fugaku abruptly posed the question.

Nara Shikaku, seeming to have a well-thought-out plan, nodded affirmatively. "It’s enough for the Uchiha clan to stay here and defend.

We'll bring in the people of Ino-Shika-Cho to assist. What does Lord Fugaku say?"

Shikaku's proposal triggered a pensive moment for Fugaku. His gaze lingered on his clan members engaged in a card game.

It wasn't that Shikaku's words were unquestionably right; rather, Fugaku contemplated whether he had been overly protective of his clan.

Aware of the impending threat posed by the Otsutsuki clan, a formidable force of extraterrestrial beings, Fugaku recognized the need for seasoned warriors to confront them. While the leader could handle the battle personally, he pondered the fate of the rest of his clan.

With this realization, Fugaku hesitated momentarily before nodding decisively. "Alright, you go ahead and submit a request to the Hokage. We'll pack up and leave as soon as possible.

Take all of your clan members with you, along with nearly three thousand ninjas and all the medical ninjas! I'll dispatch another 500 to assist you!"

"What? That many? Then there will be only a little over 2,000 of your clan members left? Is that really okay?" Shikaku inquired, his tone tinged with concern.

The prospect of more than 2,000 Uchiha clan members facing the nearly 20,000 ninjas from Suna Village seemed precarious. They would be practically defenseless, especially if Rasa changed his mind and launched an attack.

Could they withstand such overwhelming odds? Shikaku couldn't shake the worry that over 2,000 could be easily annihilated if Suna decided to strike.

Fugaku acknowledged Shikaku's valid concern but dismissed it with a casual wave of his hand. "Leave the sensory ninjas of the Inoichi clan here. They can detect any signs of aggression from the Suna Village in advance.

I've instructed them not to engage in any confrontation—just inform me as soon as possible. If the Suna Village attacks, I can return by myself."

Fugaku's formidable strength, coupled with his ability to fly, made him a potent weapon against the Suna, who lacked high-level fighters aside from Rasa, the Fourth Kazekage. He was even more formidable than a tailed beast.

While Shikaku had contemplated such a plan, he hadn't mustered the courage to suggest it. Therefore, he found himself pleasantly surprised when Fugaku proposed the solution himself.

Without dwelling on it, Shikaku left to send the message and contact the Third Hokage.

"Uncle… Are you leaving?" Urashi asked, his voice tinged with doubt.

Fugaku offered a reassuring smile and ruffled Urashi's hair affectionately. "There’s nothing to do here; go out and have some

Urashi was a smart kid, and Fugaku couldn't help but reminisce about the morning more than a year ago when Urashi approached him.

At just four years old, Urashi expressed his desire to become a ninja and learn ninjutsu from Fugaku to protect the orphanage. The memory still lingered vividly in Fugaku's mind, a testament to the determination and spirit that resided in the young boy.


The room was barely lit.

“Are you leaving?” Nono snuggled into his arm and asked with a flushed face. She had finally learned what it meant to be Fugaku’s woman.

Her complexion had improved a lot since a year ago; she no longer looked weary but rather younger and more beautiful for some reason.

Fugaku smiled and nodded. “I haven’t been home for more than a year, and my son is almost two years old now.”

Fugaku had returned to Konoha for three months when Itachi turned one year old. The war had just started then, but Konoha managed to hold on. He realized how hard it was to be away from his family.

“Listen… I didn’t give you a kid; are you angry with me?” Nono asked with some shyness, mentioning his son.

“What? Of course not; don’t worry about that. Come on, let’s rest. I’ll tell them to get ready tonight, and we’ll leave early tomorrow morning." Fugaku said as he stretched and lay down on the bed, putting his hands behind his head.

Nono cuddled up to him and rested in his arms. “How long will you be gone this time?”

“I don’t know.”

“I’ll miss you so much.”

"Hey, me too.”


A few days later, the Hokage read Shikaku’s report and felt ecstatic. He was impressed by Shikaku's offer to support the war, recognizing the confidence and loyalty embedded in the proposal. Trusting Uchiha Fugaku’s strength and leadership, the Hokage swiftly made strategic reassignments.

Team 8, also known as Ino-Shika-Chō, found themselves relocated to the Iwa Defense Line near the Land of Wind Border. Additionally, Hyuga, Aburame, and Inuzuka, known for their exceptional sensory skills, were dispatched to the Suna Defense Line.

As the leader of the five hundred clan shinobi, Fugaku couldn't help but smile as he surveyed the formidable army behind him.

He addressed his clan members' opinions, feeling a bit lost for words. "Never mind; we have an agreement with Shikaku. Let’s go to the Iwa defense line!" he declared.

Thanks to Fugaku’s decisive decision, the Iwa defense line saw significant reinforcement with nearly five hundred Uchiha who had awakened the Sharingan.

Indeed, it was five hundred clan members who had awakened Sharingan.

Over the last year and a half, Akihiko has employed his former clan squad to conduct a discreet investigation of each clan member. Subsequently, Fugaku employed the same method that awakened Obito’s Sharingan to bestow the powers one by one.

Because of this, even after a year and a half, the investigation of more Despite the lengthy process, the investigation of more than 2,800 people remained incomplete, with only about 1,500 individuals undergoing the Sharingan awakening.

Some of the Uchiha clanmen talent of these 1,500 people was not enough, so only 500 of them had awakened the Sharingan, including those who already had it.

Due to varying levels of talent, only 500 of them had successfully awakened the Sharingan, including those who already possessed it. Naturally, the 1,500 clan members who underwent the Sharingan awakening were kept secret, providing a substantial advantage for the Uchiha.

However, given that there was no ongoing war at the time, these Sharingan users refrained from revealing their eyes to their comrades. The concealed power remained an undisclosed asset, ready to be unleashed when the need arose.

For early access upto chapter 213


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