I am engaged in scientific research, but my identity was exposed at the beginning

Chapter 142

Lu Feng took out the last high-explosive grenade and threw it out, while protecting his body with the last energy of the AT force field, jumping in the opposite direction.

The explosion of the high-explosive grenade really caught the reformers off guard, and the reformers were hit hard, Lu Feng turned over and jumped to the ceiling, using the hook of the fist gloves to stick firmly to the ceiling, and took the opportunity to pour these poisons into the pile of corpses.

It took only a minute for the modders to absorb the toxins before they knew that they could not be used as a backup energy source.

This is the only remedy that Anna can think of, when the design was carried out, there was a problem in front of Anna, it is indeed a good design to be able to absorb the surrounding creatures as their own combat energy use, but since it is necessary to ensure its ability as a war machine, the source of nutrients cannot be carefully screened, and if the toxins carried by the creatures themselves are screened, the absorption rate will be greatly reduced.

Therefore, Anna chose the former, rapid absorption, and at the same time, in the original design, the toxicity resistance in the gene is greatly enhanced, this experimental object can almost immune to most of the toxins, and can cut off the absorption of the toxin as soon as it is detected, and get rid of the poisoned part.

Just like a gecko's broken tail, it takes time to grow a new one, but at least it can ensure the limit of the use of this war machine.

However, it can be regarded as Lu Feng's luck, the poison in his hand, just a good thing to transform the cells that people can't be immune toxin, this poison, even the most powerful doctor in the Federation, can only suppress it first, and then expel the toxin.

Moreover, Anna considered that it was almost impossible to encounter such a situation on the battlefield, so she did not go too much to renovate.

However, for Anna, who has a tendency to perfectionism, the one with a weakness is a failure, even if it is a very efficient killing machine.

"You!!" the reformer shouted angrily, and then, he rushed forward, and it was a heavy punch to Lu Feng's face.

However, compared to the previous offensive that destroyed the world and the earth, the current offensive of hunger is really weak.

However, although the opponent has become weaker, it does not mean that Lu Feng can easily defeat him. There is a way that a camel is bigger than a horse. Even if this monster is weakened, it will still be able to fight a draw against Lu Feng.

Lu Feng saw that this guy was so fierce, and he had a bad heart in his stomach again, and he swam away while sprinkling the poison on the corpses around him that had not yet been absorbed by the reformers, but after a while, all the corpses around him that could be absorbed by the reformers had been completely poisoned by Lu Feng.

"Roar!" The reformers tested several corpses around them one after another, and found that they had been poisoned by Lu Feng, and they only felt depressed in their hearts, and couldn't help but yell out.

Yes, even if he gets closer to a human, this guy is still just a loser, only knows about killing, and doesn't know what human emotions are.

In his eyes, there was only bloodthirsty excitement and anger at the destruction of interest. Other than these two emotions, there are no other emotions for this guy.

Although the transformer was powerless, he still fought back against Lu Feng according to his own ability. He opened his tentacles, thinking about Lu Feng's attack like a giant net.

Lu Feng instinctively dodged, but encountered the attack of the tentacles that the transformer deliberately left behind his back.

Fortunately, now the tentacle's attack has become much weaker than before, and even if Lu Feng can't dodge, he still dodges it.

"No, if this is the case, it will only be a matter of time before this guy recovers. Lu Feng began to discover this.

He started chasing after the guy.

"Tututu" Lu Feng relied on the cover of firepower, and tilted the ammunition in his hand out as if he didn't want money.

Lu Feng knew that at present, this guy had no source and could not recover. As long as you make good use of the ammunition in your hand to cripple him, you have a chance to kill him with one blow.

"Yes, I also know how to fight a war of attrition with guys who can't resist hard. "Anna, looking at Lu Feng's performance in the control room, she seems to be very satisfied.

"Roar!' As if knowing that he would lose if he continued like this, the reformers began to storm the Landing Peak.

Although Lu Feng claimed to be brave, he still couldn't face the onslaught of such a monster. Lu Feng knew that if he had a hard fight with this guy, he would definitely be the one who suffered.

Treacherous and cunning, he immediately opened his magnetic protective shield to protect himself. Although the shield's energy is only half recovered, it is enough to block the attack of the transformers.

Although the attack of the transformer was swift, Lu Feng could sense that the opponent's attack was getting weaker and weaker.

"It's now!" Lu Feng saw the opportunity, the magnetic protective shield suddenly dissipated, and he summoned a sharp blade from the space bag, cutting off several spikes that the transformer stabbed at his face.

After cutting off the spikes, Lu Feng didn't stop, and the pulse current in the fist turned into a sharp blade, stabbing at the transformer together with the high-strength alloy dagger in his hand.

"Roar!" Although the transformer became weak, his extraordinary reaction speed still existed, and he suddenly turned his body into an angle that a normal person could not twist, avoiding the fatal blow brought by Lu Feng's two sharp murder weapons, only leaving two scars on his body.

Lu Feng felt a little disgusted by this guy's plasticine-like body, after all, in the face of such a target, anyone who fought against him would feel bored.

And after this guy dodged Lu Feng's fatal blow, he was not idle, and directly punched Lu Feng.

Lu Feng hurriedly opened his magnetic protective shield to protect his body, but the hundred-legged insect died without stiffening, even if the enemy was weakened by Lu Feng, the other party could still easily knock Lu Feng away.

Although Lu Feng was protected by a magnetic shield, he still slammed into the wall.

Lu Feng repeated his old trick at this time, he twisted his body in mid-air, kicked his feet against the wall, and flew at an angle that was even faster than before, and carried two flashes of pulse current in his hands.

"Boom" There was a loud bang, and the transformer still couldn't defend against Lu Feng's unexpected move. was defeated by Lu Feng's lightning-like attack.

"Whew~" Lu Feng sat on the ground all of a sudden, looking at this guy, recalling the startling scene just now, if he hadn't discovered this guy's weakness in time, I'm afraid that it would be himself who wanted to fall to the ground like a puddle of mud at this time.

"Yes, Lu Feng, I really didn't misunderstand you, you are really much stronger than that failure. On the radio, Anna's voice came again.

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