I am editing at Marvel

Chapter 90 A clichéd performance

Chapter 90 A clichéd performance
Not long after Blaze returned, there was a knock on the gate of the yard.

Blaze, who was interrupted again for the experiment, really wanted to throw this guy out like Casillas, but he followed the normal procedure, and he also had a pass on him, which complied with the rules. Open.

"What do you want from me? Who are you?" Blaze looked at Morey and said coldly. There were only two words in his breath—discomfort.

Seeing Blaze like this, Morey was a little scared, but he was one of the few mages who hadn't seen Blaze's strength, so he wasn't particularly scared.

"Hello, Mage Blaze, I'm Morey who just came from the New York Temple. I would like to ask when Master Gu Yi will come back?" Morey asked very politely.

"Master Guyi? That's your leader. Ask me why. Isn't the king taking care of everything now? You can ask him."

Blaze said he was about to close the door, and Morey quickly reached out to hold the door, "It's like this, the king asked me to ask you, Master Gu Yi went to talk to Master Kilan about something, I want to ask, How long do meetings like yours usually last?"

"How long?" Blaze asked with a question mark on his face, and he was not considered the top clock tower staff.

And when he was in the clock tower before, Blaze also belonged to the kind who could not go to the meeting unless it was a research meeting of the actual scientific research type, so asking him this is not nonsense.

Just when he was about to refuse, Blaze felt that if he didn't give an answer, he might be entangled for a long time and delay his time. Recently, he always felt a little uneasy, as if something big was about to happen, maybe it would be difficult to have something like this in the future It's time for quiet research and tidying up, so hurry up.

So, Blaze hesitated, "Two or three days, you wait two or three days, he should be back, if he doesn't come back, you can ask me again."

After speaking, he slammed the door shut.

Looking at the closed door, Morey wondered whether two or three days were two days or three days.
And when do these two or three days start counting?Does today count as one of them?Which time zone is the time standard based on?

Zila, just as Morey was frantically playing the question pop-up window, the courtyard door suddenly opened again, and Blaze looked at Morey, "The one named Casillas who just came here is also here to ask this?"

"Ah?" Morey was stunned for a moment. Casillas, he has heard of this man, and he is also one of the best mages here, but he has only heard of this man and has never had contact with him, so he just nodded uncertainly, "Ah .”

"Then you tell him, in the future, if you ask questions, go to the front door and bring your pass. Don't act like a thief. Like him, he usually comes to steal scientific research results in our place." Blaze closed the door again as he said.

After closing it, Blaze let out a long sigh, forget it, it seems that it is not suitable to do research recently, so I should take a vacation for myself and spend a few days sorting out the data and forget it.

Morey outside the door scratched his head, turned and walked away. He was going to look for Casillas. As one of the important disciples of Master Ancient One, he should know more things.

I thought so, but after searching the entire monastery, Morey couldn't see Casillas, so he asked other mages, and the news he got was that Casillas just went out with a gloomy face. He didn't know where it was, and in the end Morey could only go back to his room in doubt.

At the top of a branch of the Himalayas, Casillas sat cross-legged on the top platform, the brilliant spell energy in his hands intertwined, forming circles one after another.

"You're going to practice this? You can't become the next supreme mage if you practice for a lifetime."

A small statue next to Casillas suddenly spoke, with a hint of mockery in his tone. Judging by its appearance, it looked down on Master Kama Taj's housekeeping skills.

"Don't confuse me. I will hand you over to Master Gu Yi when he comes back, and you will feel better then." Casillas said pretending to be calm.

"No way, no way, you don't think that if you hand me over, she will allow you to learn more advanced magic." The statue continued in a strange way, "No second person has been qualified to learn magic for 500 years. You don't think you can get this qualification, besides, if you send me there, I can still come next year, can this be considered a credit?"

Casillas was silent, but Mephisto's voice echoed in his heart.

"She herself is using the power of the dark dimension, but she doesn't let you use it. Isn't this a standard double standard? We must resist the double standard and expose her. You are not going to be a hero?" Mephisto continued to confuse .

"Shut up!" Casillas shouted angrily.

Mephisto smiled, and looked at the sky through this small statue, as if Gu Yi was standing there, see?Your disciple has become like me, angry, angry, seeing the future but not in time to change, angry, angry?

High above the sky, Yang Qiu folded his hands behind his back and turned to look at the expressionless Gu Yi, "Did he see us?"

Gu Yi shook his head and sighed slightly. This is the opportunity she least wants to see, but in the future that can be observed, this is also the most likely to happen.

Ancient One’s plan required a villain and a hero other than Mephisto, and she left this choice to the person who planned the plan. Unfortunately, it seems that Casillas is determined to be that villain Well, as for the role of the hero, Gu Yi is still not sure if he wants to let that Morey play it.

If you want to disband the Karma Taj Masters Association and prevent the disbanded mages from resenting the clock tower and the mysterious side that will appear soon, then you can only transfer this hatred to another target.

As for the heroes, they are left behind by Gu Yi. After all, after the Master Karma Taj is disbanded, if there is no leader, there may be chaos for a while, and it is not good for Master Karma Taj to integrate into the clock tower. .

Seeing that Gu Yi stopped talking, Yang Qiu fell silent. He is an outsider in Karma Taj, so it is not easy to control too much. Anyway, Gu Yi will not mess around, so let her do it. Bar.

"Help me spread a message." Gu Yi said suddenly.

"Ah, no problem, tell me, what news?" Yang Qiu responded.

"This news must be guaranteed to reach here." Gu Yi continued.

"It's simple, it's a trivial matter." Yang Qiu waved his hand and said, he still has a lot of captive mages from the Karma Taj Temple under his command. If he wanted to send some news to this place through them, it would not be an easy task.

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  Thanks to the darkness before dawn for the reward of [-] starting coins.

  Thanks to book friend 20210517090415116 for the reward of one hundred starting coins.

  ps: I am asking for all kinds of support, I have recommended it on the Internet, whether I can advance to the next round of recommendation depends on your help, any support is fine, even if it is a recommendation ticket, thank you very much.

(End of this chapter)

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