I am a pill container in the mage world

Chapter 429: The Aura of a Golden Knight

Rhovan is a first-grade mage apprentice at one of the top ten most prestigious academies in the surrounding countries, known as the Evernight Academy of Shadows. Despite its ominous name, Evernight Academy officially belongs to the righteous path, standing against the forces of evil. However, the "evil path" in this region is almost extinct, and its followers are either annihilated or forced into hiding. Of course, this does not mean that everyone is virtuous—far from it. Evil still lurks, but it must be carefully concealed. Many of the so-called "righteous forces" are, in fact, barely better than their "evil" counterparts in moral terms.

Rumors swirl constantly around Evernight Academy, and many of them are disturbing. Whispers of secret human experimentation are common, and there are even more chilling rumors about dark rituals and forbidden connections to the dark gods. But Rhovan, being a lower-ranking member, is entirely ignorant of whether these rumors are true or not. He is just a simple, noble boy who joined the academy two years ago, chosen for his natural talent, which allowed him to progress to the rank of a second-grade mage apprentice in that short time. After two long years of rigorous training and isolation from his family, the academy finally permitted him to take a break and return home to visit his loved ones.

Rhovan’s father is the Duke of the Icereach Kingdom, a prominent noble of considerable influence. As a noble child, Rhovan had spent the first 14 years of his life in luxury, and the past two years at the academy had been a stark contrast, forcing him to step out of his comfortable lifestyle. Unlike his life in the duke’s palace, where servants catered to his every need, mage apprentices are not permitted to have any servants at the academy. Only official mages are granted the privilege of exclusive quarters and personal attendants. There are rare exceptions for students of exceptional talent, but while Rhovan's abilities are considered good, they are far from extraordinary or genius-level.

The journey home, however, is long and fraught with potential dangers, as he must pass through several other kingdoms on his way. Having heard about the recent bandit activities along Silverleaf Road—where a notorious group of criminals, nicknamed the "Silver Thieves," had been terrorizing travelers—he decided not to take any chances. To ensure his safety on the journey, Rhovan spent hundreds of gold coins to hire a senior knight to act as his bodyguard. His father, understanding the peril of the journey, also sent additional protection in the form of a great knight. A great knight, equivalent in strength to a rank 1 mage, is not someone even a duke can hire casually, so the fact that his father arranged such a powerful escort demonstrates how much the family values Rhovan. After all, he is the first in their family in generations to be accepted into a prestigious mage academy.

With both a senior knight and a great knight accompanying him, Rhovan felt reassured that the notorious bandits would pose no threat. Nevertheless, taking extra precautions, he decided to join a large trade caravan for additional protection. Over the past year, the threat of bandits on Silverleaf Road had driven many trade groups to band together, forming massive caravans with hundreds of guards. Some merchants, facing the increasing dangers, even hired knights to ensure their safety.

Despite the mounting pressure on the Greenthorn Kingdom to deal with the bandits, the situation remained unresolved. Political deadlock in the House of Lords had delayed any real action, leaving Silverleaf Road as dangerous as ever. The governance system in Greenthorn Kingdom is complex, with a House of Lords, a House of Commons, and a Council of Experts. In comparison, the Icereach Kingdom, where Rhovan’s family hails from, is an absolute monarchy, with all power concentrated in the hands of the king and his dynasty. Nearly all nobles in Icereach are closely related to the royal family, making the kingdom feel like an extended family enterprise.

In Greenthorn, the king's power is much more limited. The House of Lords serves as a significant check on royal authority and even has the power to depose the king in certain circumstances. Meanwhile, the House of Commons holds little real power, being primarily responsible for investigating complaints from commoners. In practice, the nobles, who control the military, act with considerable freedom. The Council of Experts, essentially the king’s cabinet of ministers and advisors, also wields limited influence because, no matter what policies they devise, the cooperation of the nobles is always required for implementation.

Rhovan glanced at Sir Thorne Blackblade, the great knight his father hired to protect him. Sir Thorne appeared to be dozing off, his body relaxed in luxurious silk clothing instead of the armor one might expect from a knight of his rank. For a great knight, Sir Thorne had an unusually delicate appearance, with a face and body more suited to an aristocratic nobleman than a hardened warrior. However, Rhovan had seen Sir Thorne in battle and knew better than to be deceived by his looks. Despite his fragile appearance, Thorne’s combat prowess was undeniable.

Suddenly, Sir Thorne’s demeanor changed. He stiffened, his eyes scanning their surroundings with sudden alertness.

"What is it?" Rhovan asked, noticing the shift in the knight’s behavior. In the days they had traveled together, he had never seen Sir Thorne this tense.

"Someone is watching us," Sir Thorne muttered, his voice low and vigilant.

"Bandits?" Rhovan asked, though he felt little concern. With Sir Thorne present, no bandit could pose a threat to him.

"Not bandits. It’s a great knight! I can feel his aura from here. This is a hostile great knight," Sir Thorne said, his expression darkening. He hadn’t expected to encounter such an opponent on what he assumed would be a straightforward escort mission. The pay he had accepted was too low for a life-and-death battle against another great knight, but now that he had taken the job, he couldn’t back out without destroying his reputation.

Without further hesitation, Sir Thorne reached for a war horn and blew it, sending a signal to the entire caravan. It was his duty to alert everyone to the threat.

At the sound of the horn, the trade group came to a sudden stop. Guards began scrambling into position, while the civilians hurriedly sought shelter in the wagons. Lady Arwen Brightsteel, the senior knight Rhovan had hired, arrived swiftly. As one of the rare female knights, Lady Arwen was an imposing figure—tall and muscular, with a weathered but still striking face. Years of exposure to the elements had left their mark on her skin, despite her recent attempts to use a mage-produced sunblock. In her youth, she hadn’t bothered with such things, and as a knight, she didn’t overly concern herself with appearances.

"What’s going on?" Lady Arwen demanded, scanning the area. The war horn signaled immediate danger, and by protocol, everyone followed the prearranged plans. Civilians hid, and guards prepared for battle, but Lady Arwen found nothing amiss in the surroundings, which left her confused.

"A hostile great knight was watching us," Sir Thorne explained, his shoulders relaxing slightly. "But he’s gone now. He must have decided it wasn’t worth the risk of a confrontation."

"A great knight?" Lady Arwen asked in disbelief. "Bandits don’t have great knights. Are you sure?"

"I don’t think he was a bandit. Why would a great knight become a bandit?" Sir Thorne mused. "He was probably just passing through."

Even though the immediate threat seemed to have passed, Thorne remained uneasy. "Let’s move on," he suggested. "The less time we spend here, the better."

High above on a cliff, two figures observed the caravan from a distance. Caelan stood behind Leo, his eyes locked on the group below as they hurried to resume their journey.

"A second-grade mage apprentice and a great knight?" Leo muttered, considering their target. "We’ve been waiting here for a month, and this is the first apprentice mage we’ve seen. It seems there are far fewer mages in this region than I thought. Let’s capture them."

In the past, Leo would never have dared to engage a great knight. But with Sir Caelan, a golden knight, at his side, his confidence had reached new heights.

"Sir Caelan, can you take them alive?" Leo asked.

"Of course. It won’t be difficult at all," Sir Caelan replied, bowing his head slightly in acknowledgment.

Closing his eyes for a brief moment, Caelan unleashed his aura. The air around him shimmered, and an oppressive force radiated outward. Even the earth beneath his feet seemed to melt away as his power grew. A golden glow enveloped him, as if a fragment of the sun itself had descended to the earth.

The entire trading group was overwhelmed. Hundreds of guards, civilians, and attendants collapsed under the weight of Caelan’s aura, their souls battered by its sheer force. They would recover, but many would be haunted by nightmares of this day for years to come. Only Leo was spared, shielded from the worst of it by Caelan’s control.

Amidst the chaos, only three people remained conscious: Thorne, Lady Arwen, and Rhovan. Lady Arwen, though still awake, was unable to stand. The pressure had sapped her strength, leaving her vomiting on the ground. Rhovan, too, was barely able to move, the overwhelming force crushing his spirit. It was far more terrifying than anything he had experienced in the academy, even during his encounters with the Hall of Punishment’s principal teacher, a rank 2 mage named Zaedros.

Thorne, his eyes bloodshot, was the only one able to take action, though his movements were slow and strained. In desperation, he shouted, "Great golden knight, please have mercy! We are from Evernight Academy!"

Thorne deliberately included himself in the declaration, knowing that invoking the academy’s name was their only chance at survival. The leader of Evernight Academy was a rank 3 mage, an equal to golden knights, and Thorne hoped that the academy’s reputation would be enough to prevent the confrontation from escalating.

From the shadows, a man in luxurious clothing emerged, followed by Caelan, still gleaming in his golden armor. "The golden knight is guarding him? Who is this man?" Thorne wondered, feeling as if his breath had been stolen. Whoever commanded such protection must be someone of unimaginable importance. Perhaps even the son of a heavenly knight! Thorne cursed himself for accepting this mission.

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