I am a pill container in the mage world

Chapter 420: Luther’s Intervention

Savior had only seconds to think of a way to save his little brother. If Lana took too many bites, it might be too late to save the poor baby.

One 'fortunate' thing was that she would probably take tiny bites instead of swallowing him whole because she wanted to share the food, but this is only Savior's guess; after all, his mother, like his father, is incredibly unstable and might suddenly decide to do otherwise.

Looking at his little brother, confused as his mother debated where to start, Savior thought, *"My poor brother has green hair like me; maybe that's why Dad hates him. He looks like me. If I can prove he’s different, maybe Dad will change his mind."

Savior knew his father well. Long ago, they spent a lot of time together—fishing in lakes and having fun in nightclubs. But as Savior changed, their relationship deteriorated beyond repair. Regardless, the time they spent together gave Savior valuable insight into Zagronan's character. Although it had been a long time, for immortals like them, personalities don't change much. To protect themselves from the passage of time, they store their will and mood in external devices, resetting their state of mind periodically. If they don't do that, they may end up like Mike; for this reason, even though immortals live for countless years, they rarely, if ever, change, which could be considered a weakness or strength, depending on the situation.

"Dad is straightforward. Maybe something as simple as changing the child's appearance would make him less willing to eat him," Savior thought quickly and acted. Lana had not yet taken her first bite.

"Mom, wait a moment!" Savior interjected, snatching the baby away from her salivating mouth.

"What?" Lana asked impatiently, annoyed at being interrupted during her meal.

Savior quickly cast a few rank 13 appearance manipulation spells, altering the baby to resemble Zagronan as much as possible; the appearance change spells were rank 13 and were permanent; after this, the baby would look like this regardless, that is, unless another rank 13 changes his appearance again.

Over the years, Zagronan had changed his appearance several times. He now had two large, dark red horns, red pupils, wild red hair, and a bright, blood-red tail. His facial features were almost human, but his overall appearance radiated danger and evil.

"Mom, you're too impatient. Research shows that how food looks is essential to its taste. Doesn't he look more delicious now?" Savior placed the baby back on the plate. The baby now had red pupils, red hair, a slender yet long red tail, and two tiny dark red horns.

Lana glanced at the baby, then at Zagronan, and laughed. "Yeah, he looks much tastier now. Let me try."

This time, she picked up a knife and fork, ready to cut a small piece.

Zagronan frowned, clearly displeased with Savior's actions. The baby now looked like a miniature version of him.

"Did this bastard do this on purpose? Does he want Lana to eat a baby that looks like this to humiliate me?" Zagronan thought, feeling as if Savior was trying to humiliate him.

Just as Lana’s knife was about to cut into the tender flesh, Zagronan snatched the baby into his arms.

"What now?" Lana shouted in frustration.

"I changed my mind. Let's raise this child. Maybe he'll turn out better than Savior," Zagronan said, even kissing the baby. His attitude had shifted dramatically.

Even Savior was disturbed by how unstable his father was. He thought, *"There’s something seriously wrong with him."*

"Wait, Zag, that was our food!" Lana protested.

"Let’s eat Savior instead of Zag II," Zagronan suggested.

"Zag II?" Lana asked, confused.

"Yeah, I named the baby Zag II. He’s weak, so let's feed him his useless brother," Zagronan said, eyeing Savior with killing intent.

"Oops," Savior muttered, realizing his plan had utterly backfired.

"He’s too old! I prefer baby meat!" Lana protested again; in her view, adults are not tasty, except in certain circumstances, such as when they have high hopes and expectations, etc.

"I don’t care. Zag II is not food!" Zagronan snapped his fingers, and the baby was sent to his True Hell to be raised by his demons.

*"I’ll raise him as a proper, true demon,"* Zagronan thought. Savior was nothing like a demon and had long been a point of shame for Zagronan; this time, he plans on personally raising his son, Zag II, even though, as an immortal, he doesn't need any successor, he would like to have a son that looks like him.

Lana glared at Savior coldly. "Did you do this on purpose?" she asked, though it was clear she had already decided.

"What? Mother, how could I? I just wanted to make him more physically appealing! Research proves that appearance is half of what makes food taste good!" Savior defended himself, refusing to take responsibility.

"Now that I think about it, you’ve never eaten anything I gave you. I’m starting to get offended. Here, eat this." Lana handed Savior a baby elf, her eyes icy, warning him.

"Mom, I’m a vegetarian," Savior refused.

Lana put the elf away and pulled out a baby humanoid Greenman. Greenmen were a blend of humans and plants, feeding off sunlight and soil, but emotionally and mentally, they were no different from humans. In Savior's eyes, they were just as valuable as any intelligent being.

Savior took the Greenman baby, desperately trying to think of a way to save it while cursing his luck. He thought, "I can’t survive for weeks like this, let alone for trillions of years."

"Rachel, save me! I can’t think of an excuse!" he pleaded with his internal ally.

"Sorry, my main body is busy," she replied, unwilling to intervene.

"But my mother would listen to you! Please!" Savior begged again.

Rachel sighed and contacted Lana’s Rachel incarnation.

"Hey, other me."

"Hey, what's up?"

"Can you help out? My host doesn’t want to eat babies."

"Hmm... As Lana’s Rachel incarnation, I’ve seen her eat babies countless times. Babies actually make good food!" Lana's Rachel incarnation replied.

Savior’s Rachel was shocked. "What did you say? We tolerate our hosts, but that doesn’t mean we support their demonic behavior! What happened to you? The main body would never approve of eating babies for pleasure!"

Lana's Rachel incarnation replied, "Well, I may have changed over the years."

Alarmed, Savior’s Rachel used a direct line to contact her main body. According to regulations, once Incarnations stray too far from the original's mindset, it must be reported to the main body.

"What is it?" Rachel’s main body asked.

"One of our incarnations here believes eating babies for pleasure is okay. I think her will have been twisted from being with Lana for so long."

"Interesting. This is the second time! It seems Lana has a talent for corrupting my incarnations. This is worth investigating," Rachel’s main body responded.

Meanwhile, Lana issued her final warning. "Eat him, or I’ll eat you!"

At that moment, Luther appeared out of nowhere.

"Luther?" Lana asked, surprised.

"Luther, long time no see!" Zagronan was also taken aback.

"Luther, please save me!" Savior begged. There might never be a better opportunity than now.

"Lana, give me your Rachel incarnation," Luther asked.

"Sure, here," Lana handed it over without resistance.

After examining it briefly, Luther snapped his fingers, and the pill container vanished.

"Will you give me another one?" Lana asked, not wanting to lose her connection to Rachel.

"Yeah," Luther said absentmindedly.

He thought deeply because what he had just noticed was not simple. He sensed the aura of another rank 14 entity—an old enemy, "The Office."

"We had a truce with The Office. How dare they infiltrate our territory? Why are they trying to twist Rachel’s incarnations?"* Luther pondered, quickly deciding to quarantine and inspect all of Rachel’s incarnations to ensure they hadn’t all been corrupted.

"What’s going on?" Even Zagronan was nervous as he observed Luther’s serious expression.

Luther didn’t bother explaining to them. With a snap of his fingers, he sent Lana, Zagronan, Savior, and the entire rank 13 world they inhabited to his headquarters for inspection. Teleporting an entire rank 13 world was something only a rank 14 could achieve.

Luther turned his attention elsewhere, snapping his fingers again to send all of Savior's saved worlds, Zagronan’s True Hell, and any other relevant places to the headquarters for investigation.

Luther suspected this was part of a larger scheme, possibly aimed at sabotaging the Infinite Body program. After sealing off the reality they were in, he created a rank 14 device to detect The Office’s presence.

With the immediate danger taken care of, he teleported back. Although this was only one of his incarnations, for a rank 14, there was no real difference between an incarnation and the main body. Both drew from the infinite energy of their source—in Luther’s case, the Gray Realm.

Having informed Rachel, they would make a final decision after further investigation.

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