I Am a Big Player

Chapter 67

Chapter 65 Folk Song Festival

It is understandable for Ren He to be a reward for physical fitness, because it adds real strength and other qualities, which can be felt.

But what the **** is charm? This thing is too vague, okay.

Regardless, now my own plan is the most important.

At dawn, Ren He got dressed and went downstairs. This was the first time he drove out after he bought the car. The bicycle he ordered before was also lying quietly in the trunk.

The whole journey from Los Angeles to Kyoto is 809 kilometers at high speed. It starts at 7 o’clock in the morning. It can even arrive at noon when driving fast. Of course, this is the theoretical time.

Since yesterday, he has stopped answering Yang Xi’s calls. Everything he did was a huge surprise.

The saddest thing in love is to meet the person who wants to promise the most for a lifetime at the most incompetent time.

And the world gives Ren He a chance to come back again. He has the ability to commit, and there are people who want to commit. When the Big Mac drove out of the community, it went all the way to the toll booth, and then all the way to Kyoto.

He wore a dark jacket with a black peaked cap. He was very low-key, but the car was really not low-key.

It’s understandable to buy a supercar for millions of ordinary people. If you buy a pickup truck, the taste is a bit heavy, not to mention that there is still a young teenager sitting in the car.

Some people think of something reported in the newspaper before: junior high school students spend a lot of money to buy a luxury car pickup, is it this one? !

The huge pickup truck was driving on the highway, and the trees on the side of the road were retreating rapidly, and the wind of late autumn slapped on the car as if roaring.

Renhe’s mood is unprecedentedly broad. After he is reborn, he has the ability to make money, just like jumping out of a circle that needs to struggle to survive.

You don’t need to look at the face of your boss, you don’t need to look at the face of your teacher, even if you quit your job, what if you can’t live?

In fact, many people have been pursuing a process of freedom throughout their lives. This freedom is not absolute freedom, but to allow more choices in their lives.

One kind of life is to go to the west for a pilgrimage to the west, to go to Jiuzhaigou if you want to go to Jiuzhaigou, or to go abroad if you want to go abroad.

Another kind of life is a short vacation and no savings. You can only travel around the county and district, and you don’t even have a vacation or money.

Renhe believes that most people will choose the former life, because that represents your choice in life.

This kind of life, he is about to have it.

The only shortcoming of this pickup truck in Ren He’s mind is…too fuel-consuming! Even if there is a modified fuel tank, it can’t support a distance of 800 kilometers. When he arrived at the Shijiazhuang service area in the middle, Ren He went in to refuel and took a pee. It happened that two people beside him got out of the car and walked towards the toilet.

The ability of super memory allows Ren He to subconsciously scan the clothes of two people, which is a bit of an artistic meaning, not a rich person.

This behavior is purely a subconscious behavior of Ren He now, and he doesn’t care too much.

heard two people laugh and say: “Tonight Wang Quan is performing in Houhai. This kid has been silent for more than a year. I don’t know what works there will be?”

“Haha, don’t care about the works, today those of us who engage in folk songs are going to be moving. I heard that he will release new songs tonight. This year, many people want to step on his reputation. !”

“Tsk tusk, Wang Quan last year because of a big fire on the road, he was beaten in the folk song circle. It is no wonder that some people want to step on him to make a name and make some money. It is normal and normal. I think it is meaningful to do this today. It’s incomparable to those who sing popular hits, you have to hug and keep warm. The folk songs are not easy to live!”

“Well, let’s have a good drink in the evening, maybe there will be an affair or something.”

“Come on, how can girls look at us? Hahaha, people like young guys.”

Ren He thinks these two people are quite interesting, but he extracted a piece of information that he possessed. There will be countless people who play folk songs gathered in Houhai tonight!

Isn’t this in line with my plan? I can’t say that I have to take Yang Xi to take a look.

He filled up the gas, and felt that the gas station staff was taken aback when looking at his immature face: “How old is the young man this year?”

“26, my face is tender, haha,” Ren He smiled and jumped the money into the pickup truck, started the ignition, and continued to set off!

When entering Kyoto, Ren He felt that the two cities of Kyoto and Magic City are really very different from other cities. Countless people plunged in and struggled, some became famous, and some were bruised and bloodied out.

How many people came here with the dream of Bei Piao but were crushed by reality?

There are as many brilliant buildings and neon signs as there are more people who are lost, desperate, and depraved at this time.

Yang Xi was strumming a guitar aimlessly in the yard at the door of the house, behind the villa, and in front of it was running water. She hadn’t contacted Ren He for a day and night. Yang Xi always felt that Ren He was planning to do something, and what he was going to do was likely to be earth-shattering, at least for junior high school students.

There is no one in the family. After her mother took her back, she went back to the company and continued to work, which made her a little disappointed. Her mother’s name is Su Ruqing, her name is gentle, but she is very strong.

Before Yang En and Su Ruqing divorced, the two parties always quarreled non-stop, and everyone wanted to focus on their own lives. In fact, the two characters are too strong, no one is willing to compromise.

In the city of Novosibirsk, she wanted to contact her best friend, but Su Ruqing specifically told her not to run around and waited for Su Ruqing to come back at night.

So until now, she didn’t dare to call Song Ci, otherwise it would be really hard to explain why she came back but didn’t go to see them.

Moreover, she is most worried about Ren He now.

What is Renhe doing now? where is it?

Yang Xi once fantasized about what her lover should be like Even an independent little girl would occasionally pass through such unmarginal thoughts.

She felt that… the opponent should be like a knight, trapped in a heavy siege, and the opponent is leading the way! I can’t feel a trace of cold behind him, his back is wide, soft, warm and hard!

Yang Xi was amused by herself, what did she think about?

However, on this sunny afternoon, Yang Xi’s cell phone rang on the rocks by the lake in the community. She almost jumped up excited when she heard the ringtone. It was a special ringtone set for Ren He!

She pressed the answer button and carefully placed the phone next to her ear, only listening to Ren He, who was on the other side of the phone, smiled faintly: “Where are you, I have killed you in Kyoto!”

Yang Xi laughed, this tone is more like a guardian knight? !


Thanks to Venerable Dreamless, Big Screen, mYss10, 200713, Huangfu Chasing the Sun, My life is actually a big hole, black bean rice, Zhu Ni, what is good, Ziwei Dijun, Feng Yuanlin, Chen Xiandongliang, Mengli The comma, for her, Mi Yuli, Devil Jietian, musa, relying on good names, let the dog… (the following words are not shown in the background than the author), Liran 95710, legorKing, Lonely Shadow, Six Army Mirror , The handsome face is good, the cool man in the empty city, the Golden Dragon otaku, can’t afford to look at it without a book, Gemini Change, Swallow Yunmu, House No.1, I bought a watch last year! , Timo who loves to jump, ghost swordsman, no beacon, three-year maximum start time, time really can make people… (the author behind the words does not show in the background…), the **** of punishment, the **** on horseback, The novel frenzy that urges updates…

Thank you so many people for the reward yesterday. . .

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