I Am a Big Player

Chapter 48

Chapter 47 Get up for me!

At 12 o’clock in the evening, it was already a bit cold in the late autumn. Duan Xiaolou was standing in the shadows in the distance wearing a sweater and sweater and jeans. Her beautiful figure was clearly outlined.

And she was watching Ren He solemnly doing warm-up exercises downstairs from his family. What would Ren He do?

At the next moment, she suddenly saw Ren He’s body move. The whole person was like a night bird in the dark. Duan Xiaolou didn’t even see what was going on and saw Ren He’s muscles burst out. , I almost kicked my legs and pressed the palm of my hand slightly on the anti-theft window, and the whole person had already jumped onto the anti-theft window on the second floor!

too fast! It’s so thrilling!

In a blink of an eye, Ren He has already reached the third floor…

While Ren He’s dangerous actions continued, Duan Xiaolou almost exclaimed. She covered her mouth in surprise and watched as Ren He climbed away in full pursuit of speed, just like he was desperate. It was more than ten meters away. High, what if one accidentally falls down? Isn’t Ren He afraid?

Duan Xiaolou suddenly realized what Ren He said before, that everyone has different life choices, and she didn’t expect the other party to choose such a thrilling road! This was completely unimaginable to her before. When watching foreigners playing extreme sports videos, she only thought these people were so boring, but when someone was in front of her so desperately, her blood became hot. The palms of the hands are full of moist sweat!

When she recovered and looked up again, Ren He just completed the last action, and his hands were already tightly clasped on the window sill on the 5th floor!

The windows on the 5th floor had been opened long ago, and Ren He’s arms suddenly exerted strength, and the whole person had already jumped in. Duan Xiaolou seemed to be able to hear Ren Heyi’s hunting and hunting sound by the cold wind.

And in the entire yard, she was the only one who stood silent for a long time in the shadows.

Ren He wiped the sweat from his forehead in his room. It was a thrilling moment when he was on the 4th floor. The security window of this house was a little rusty. He heard screws when he was bearing all his weight. There was a broken voice. It seems that when I do this kind of exercise in the future, I definitely can’t believe these things that look very solid.

Heavenly Punishment System: “The host completes the task of climbing the 1-5 floors of the family building within 5 minutes, and rewards physical fitness 1.0!”

Ren He was in ecstasy after hearing the rewards of physical fitness. Sure enough, as long as the first of these three tasks was completed, everything after that was solved!

“What is my current physical fitness?” Ren He asked.


Hey, it was 4.12 before. After adding 1 point of physical fitness, it should be 5.12. It seems that 0.11 is my own growth in the recent period. Before the intervention of the natural punishment system, Ren He’s physical fitness was 1.6, so if he didn’t consider rewards in the future, how could he have a natural growth attribute of around 1.3-1.4.

He tried the task of 100 push-ups in 1 minute, but because he had just consumed a lot of energy, he did not succeed. But Ren He didn’t worry at all. The amount of exercise just now was too large, especially when his arms were already a little out of force during the instant burst. As long as he takes a good rest, this task is definitely not a problem. He can already look forward to what rewards will be given to him in the next two missions!

The next day, Ren He went out very early. When he went downstairs, he looked like a nouveau riche and admired his giant raptor for a while. How dare he want to make money to buy this luxury car in his previous life.

He doesn’t mind if others say that he is a nouveau riche, I am a nouveau riche and I am proud.

Ren He originally thought he would be the first to enter the class. He didn’t want to do squats and push-ups stupidly carrying a table in front of his classmates when he got up so early… The sky was even brighter when he arrived in the classroom. , The days in winter are always so short.

However, when he was about to take out the key to open the door, he suddenly realized that Li Luohe was already sitting on the podium!

“Good morning, Teacher Li,” Ren He greeted with a smile.

Li Luohe seemed to be thinking about something just now. Hearing Ren He’s greeting, he turned his head and looked at him: “I came early. If you put your mind on studying, I guess it won’t be a problem for you to enter a key university.”

“Key universities? That’s not possible. My goal is Tsinghua University, Peking University, the goal I set since I was a child,” Ren He said cheerfully, “In fact, it was Mr. Li, your grief that infected me yesterday. Seeing you cry so emotionally. , I really think I’m sorry if I don’t study hard!”

This is so special which pot is not opened or which pot… Li Luohe’s eyebrows suddenly stood up, and he felt anger burning in his chest…

“You are a poor student, and you will be a moth in society in the future,” Li Luohe reprimanded angrily: “Can you make any contribution to society?”

“Don’t tell me, I just need to take care of myself, why do I have to make any contribution to society? Have you ever studied Capital, everyone just needs to do their own thing is a contribution to society,” Ren He walked to his seat with a smile.

Li Luohe has been teaching for more than 40 years. It’s not that he has never seen a student who dares to talk back, but Ren He is the first to be so plausible. He even felt that his authority has been challenged. He reprimanded: “Then you should be a student of your own. Is it your duty?”

“I think you may have a bit misunderstood this society… The society needs more than intellectuals, I can still move bricks with my physical strength,” Ren He couldn’t help laughing: “Moving bricks. Have you ever heard of this industry that they are migrant workers who contribute to socialism. What do you think of my technology?”

was talking, Ren He directly picked up the desk and started squatting extremely fast in front of Li Luohe, his muscles suddenly tightened, full of explosive power!

Li Luohe was obviously shaken…

What’s going on? Isn’t it just talking well? Why do you suddenly start doing squats? ! Who wants to watch you squat? !

“Get up for me!” Li Luohe roared, “What are you doing? Demonstrating to me?” He suddenly wanted to pick up the pointer to shove Ren He, but he looked at Ren He’s tight muscles at this time. Like steel, Li Luohe suddenly didn’t dare to start.

There are not many people in the school right now. If you are as wild as Ren He, you might have to beat yourself up… Li Luohe knew very well that he could not expel the other party. The content he just meditated on was how to use means to do his job. He could not touch the interests of the school.

So at this moment, he had insisted on the authority of teachers for more than 40 years, and it didn’t work in the face of Ren He.

Ren He looked at Li Luohe’s expression and smiled. The so-called purpose of exercise is to make the idiot able to talk to you well, which is now reflected…

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