I, a disciple of the God of Law, became the biggest villain at the beginning!

Chapter 1

"Our latest news: Earth Online, a highly anticipated subversive game, is officially released today!"

In addition to continuing to update the five permanent members' challenge missions:

Great Wall Watch, The Tower Remains, Oliver Twist, Winter is Coming, and Raging Seas, the new version of the game will also open achievement missions: Brilliant Radiation and Distance to the Sun, two major scientific missions.

In addition, as a privilege of this collector's edition, a new DLC: Imperial Glory is also available for German stick enthusiasts. The new DLC"Imperial Glory" is released.

Difficulty: Purgatory

Description: Help the Second Empire or the Third Empire escape the fate of national destruction.

Reward: The love of the people of the Second Empire or the Third Empire, the title of world ruler, and automatically obtain a seat on the five permanent members.

Mission introduction: You will randomly travel to the empire from the Second Empire to the Third Empire from 1870 to 1945, and become a member of the Junker nobility. As a member of the empire, how to use your own strength to help your camp complete the mission and win will be the biggest test of this mission.


November 11, 1918, 3:15 p.m.,

Western Front of World War I, Bastogne Front.

Although the head of state of the Second Empire, Emperor Wilhelm II, had fled from Berlin to the Windmill Country, and the representatives of the Second Empire had surrendered to the Allies, the war was not over on the Western Front. Boom boom boom! Da da da! The continuous explosions, the roar of countless machine guns, and the low-flying Gallic bombers in the sky all showed the Gallic people's determination to attack!

"We must not let them get away with it so easily!"

"You are right. The war has been going on for four years. The Hans rushed into our country, killed so many of us, and beat our country to pieces. Now they want to surrender. This is not a good thing!"

"Kill them all, attack Bolin, and raze Bolin to the ground!"

"We want revenge, revenge!"

The whole Gaul was furious. When they thought of the losses their country had suffered in the past four years, and thought of the years they had endured in the trenches full of smoke and mud, the soldiers suddenly felt a lot of resentment. At this time, a great opportunity was in front of them. How could they give it up?

For Gaul, this was indeed a good opportunity. The First World War was coming to an end at this time. With the participation of the Eagle Sauce in the war, the balance of power between the two sides began to tilt towards the direction of the Allies. This situation became more and more obvious in 1918. At the end of

September 1918, Bulgaria was the first to surrender to the Allies. A month later, the Turkish government surrendered to the Allies. Just four days later, the second largest country in the Allied Powers, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, surrendered to the Allies. Immediately afterwards, this dual state fell apart and completely disintegrated, and a huge defense vacuum appeared to the east of the Second Empire.

On November 4, an anti-war uprising broke out within the Second Empire. Tens of thousands of sailors in the first major naval port revolted. Soon after, a large-scale workers' uprising broke out in Berlin, the capital of the empire. The rebellious soldiers shouted slogans and rushed into the palace.

Kaiser Wilhelm II fled to the Windmill Kingdom to seek the asylum of his distant cousin, the Queen of the Windmill Kingdom.

The escape of Wilhelm II marked the disintegration of the Second Empire.

The Second Empire not only lost its emperor, but the Kingdom of Prussia also lost its king.

Moreover, with the failure of the World War, the prestige of the Kingdom of Prussia was greatly reduced.

As a result, the Kingdom of Bavaria, the Kingdom of Saxony, the Kingdom of Württemberg and other former member states of the empire sought independence.

For a time, the entire empire was in turmoil, and there was a trend of disintegration and returning to the situation before the establishment of the empire in 1870.

Under such circumstances, the Gauls, who had been defeated repeatedly, naturally felt that they had an opportunity.

When the Second Empire was strong, they could not beat Hans, but at this time the Second Empire had declined. Couldn't they take the opportunity to bully these hateful Hans? The Slave?

You know, since the Franco-Prussian War began, for as long as fifty years, the country that the Gauls hated the most was their neighbor to the east. The shame of Alsace and Lorraine being robbed made every Gaul unable to raise their heads. Today, since they have the opportunity to take revenge, they will never let this opportunity go. What's more, behind them, there are the support of countries such as the British Empire and the United States, which makes them more confident!

The Gauls were full of confidence. With the confidence of winning, they bravely drilled out of the trenches more than two meters deep, and roared in an unclear and chaotic manner, rushing towards Hans' position.

At this time, Hans' position was silent. Except for the smoke from the explosion and the biubiu sound of bullets hitting sandbags, there was no other sound.

Even at this moment, the discipline and pride engraved in the bones of the soldiers of the Second Empire still played a role. What's more, their commander did not order a retreat or surrender at this time, but chose to hold his position!

"Major Mainz von Levinsky, the enemy has entered the range of our machine guns. Should we open fire immediately?"

A soldier named Hans said respectfully to the major officer who was standing on the front line, holding a telescope to observe the battle situation. The major named Mainz put down the telescope in his hand, and was deeply moved!

It was too real, so real that it didn't seem like a game!

However, he was already used to it, so there was nothing to be surprised about!

Through the telescope, he saw that the enemy had entered the maximum range of 2,000 meters of the heavy machine gun. Within this range, the heavy machine gun's projectiles could effectively kill the enemy.

The war had been going on for four years, but the romantic Gauls had been slow to learn from their experience and lessons. Seeing the opponent's dense offensive formation, The major raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth. With such a dense formation, as long as the machine guns opened fire, it would cause great damage to the enemy like cutting wheat. Can this be called an enemy?

He sneered in his heart. In this world, there are very few enemies that can catch the eyes of the imperial soldiers!

However, it is humiliating that such an outstanding army was defeated by a group of mobs. The Second Empire did not win the war, but was defeated, and even the country was destroyed!

Major Mainz knew very well that as long as he gave the order to open fire at this time, hundreds of Gauls on the opposite side would lose their lives!

However, he did not give the order to open fire.

"Battalion Commander, the Army Headquarters has issued an order for us to surrender unconditionally to the Allied forces. If we open fire now, will it be considered an act of disobeying military orders?"

The captain, deputy battalion commander, reminded worriedly. He was right. As early as ten o'clock in the morning, the telegram sent from the capital Berlin Army Headquarters had told all the soldiers on the front line that the Second Empire had been defeated and surrendered. They did not need to continue fighting. The army could disarm and retreat, or surrender to the enemy on the spot.

The major nodded, but did not order a retreat. Instead, he raised the telescope again and looked at the enemy on the opposite side.

Because there was no artillery fire and machine guns to block them, the excited Gauls had rushed to a place less than 500 meters away from their own positions. In another two minutes, they could rush into Hans's position.

Unfortunately, the major would not give them this opportunity!

Five hundred meters is the effective range of the Mauser rifle in Hans's hand, and it is also the ideal distance for the mortar to play a role. The firepower network composed of rifles, mortars, heavy machine guns and light machine guns is much stronger than relying solely on heavy machine guns!

The major slowly raised his right hand. He never intended to surrender, and he would not miss the opportunity to hit the Gauls!


In World War I, Hans's last battle order was issued at this moment!

PS: I came back to revise on March 7th, and the country names were replaced again, all replaced with animal images from That Year That Hare Affair, the sun never sets (Niu Niu), Gaul, Hans, Eagle Sauce, Foot Basin, Bear, Fairy Tale Country, Windmill Country, etc.

PPS: I came back to revise on June 16th, and was reported again. I don't know how I changed it. I was thinking whether to add a game background and set it as a game?

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