Hunter’s Vengeance: The Rise of the Predator

Chapter 7. A Blessing or a Curse?

   When Markus returned from his nearly two-week-long mission, it was already dark outside. The mission he had participated in had been very frustrating for him because he and his team had to capture a marine creature. Markus had never been a fan of fishing. The smell of fish always made him lose his appetite.

   Trying to open the door, Markus noticed that it was locked. 

   'Strange. Did Kara go to bed so early?'

   Markus had no choice but to knock on the door.

   "Kara, I'm back. Open the door."

   Unfortunately, after 3 minutes, he still hadn't received a response.

  'What's happening? If Kara had left, the door would only open with a key. But it's clearly locked from the inside. If Kara were home, she would definitely hear me. No, this isn't good... Something has happened. I need to get in as quickly as possible to see...'

   Markus immediately put his thoughts into action. He quickly broke a window and forcefully pulled on the metal grille, meant to prevent thieves, accompanied by the barking of the neighbors' dogs.

   "Damn it. The whole street will think I'm a thief."

   But Markus' well-trained biceps, developed through lifting the carcasses of thousands of beasts he had killed, did not disappoint. In just 10 seconds, he managed to tear off the metal grille and then, despite being a solid man over 1.90 meters tall, he slipped into the house with the agility of a cat.

   After Markus managed to enter the house, he noticed that the door was not only locked but also blocked with a large oak cupboard.

   'What the hell happened?'

   Markus started searching for Kara from room to room, but she was nowhere to be found.

   'There must be some clue. People don't just disappear into thin air.'

   Resuming the search more carefully, he eventually found a bloodstain on the kitchen carpet.

   'It's blood, human blood. How did it get here? What the hell happened? Kara, where is Kara?'

   "Ahh, whoever harmed my baby shall be ready to meet their death. I will search until the end of the world. Everyone will die, everyone will die..." Markus yelled as he fell to his knees like a dying dragon giving its last breath.

   "Are you done with the dramatic speech? How did you deduce that someone killed me?", interrupted Kara who had just come out of the basement.

   "Kara, you're alive. Thank the gods!" Markus said, relieved, wiping away the tears that had appeared at the corners of his eyes.

   "Dad, calm down. No one attacked me..." Kara said, trying to bring Markus back to normal.

   After hearing Kara's words, Markus stood up, cleared his throat to escape the embarrassing situation, and then asked Kara what had happened.

   "Why is the door locked then? Is someone following you?"

   "No, no one is following me, at least not yet. The reason why I locked the door is quite ridiculous. Do you remember Klaus, the son of the city leader whom I defeated countless times? It seems he has convinced his parents that there is true love between him and me, and they plan to marry me off to him."

   "What marriage? With you? Over my dead body. What do they think, that just because they are nobles, they can steal my child? Don't worry, Kara. Your father will solve this problem. I didn't become the most skilled hunter in this region for nothing. There are many higher-ranking nobles who owe me. I will go directly to Duke Roland and ask him to reason with Count Brunhill."

   "Dad, the problem is not that serious. As long as we leave the city, Count Brunhill won't be able to do anything. I have more important things to discuss with you now than this ridiculous situation."

   After finishing speaking, Kara showed Markus the bundle of papers she was holding in her hand.

   "Dad, what do you know about these writings? Where did they come from?"

   Looking at the bundle of papers, Markus became serious. "Kara, tell me honestly, how did you find these things?"

   Kara described how she accidentally cut her hand (excluding the embarrassing details) and then followed the blood drops to the wall in the basement.

   "Kara, what I'm about to tell you is a very important secret. If it were to be revealed, both of us would be in great danger. But I believe it's necessary for you to know. But first, tell me, were you able to read what was written on those papers?"

   "Yes, I could. Not only that, but the entire content entered my mind. I can remember it perfectly. It describes a ritual, a very bloody ritual through which someone with the Hunter class can evolve his class into the Predator class, a class that could rival that of a hero or a demon lord. Dad, where did you get something like this?"

   "Well, Kara, I'll tell you everything. I think you remember that I told you we are not originally from this city and that we moved here when you were only one year old. Well, before that, we lived in a village located in the Great Moonshadow Forest, a vast forest that borders both this kingdom and the realm of demons. This forest is full of magical beasts, many of which are comparable to the bosses encountered in the toughest dungeons. It's no wonder that demons have never invaded this kingdom by passing through the forest. They would probably lose half their forces trying to do so.

   Our village was very isolated, with almost no communication with the outside world. Since they were children, its inhabitants were taught that the rest of the world was their enemy, and if someone tried to leave the village, they were immediately captured and subjected to a harsh reeducation process. Many were dissatisfied with the situation, saying that it was all the invention of the elders who didn't want to give up power and wanted to control them like a flock of sheep. That's why many tried desperately to become stronger, to rise above the restrictions imposed by the village leaders.

   And some of them actually had the opportunity, or rather, those who had the Hunter class. In the center of the village, there was a mausoleum dedicated to our ancestor, the one who founded our settlement over two thousand years ago. It housed a book that was passed down to his descendants, a book that promised immense power to the worthy inheritor, a power that would allow them to rule the world. The centerpiece of this book was the sheets you found, sheets that were written with our ancestor's own blood. But these sheets are not ordinary; they have their own will. If someone is deemed unworthy by them, they will not be able to understand a single word written. And even if they could understand what was written, the result was the same for everyone who attempted to perform the ritual: madness and death.

    Unfortunately for all the villagers, the elderly were right. The whole world considered us enemies. It seemed that the deeds done by our ancestor over two thousand years ago could not be easily forgotten. Many probably hated him, but many also envied his power. A power capable of putting you above all others. So when the demons learned about the existence of our village from unknown sources, they took the risk of traversing the forest and attacked us, with the goal of seizing our ancestor's legacy.

   No one was prepared for that attack. Many died, including your mother among the first victims. Probably the two of us were the only ones who managed to escape, and that was because I had a unique skill that allowed me to become invisible for a period of 30 minutes. This skill also allowed me to carry a load of 20 kilograms. Before disappearing, one of the village leaders gave me the papers you're holding now to prevent them from falling into the hands of our enemies. You're probably wondering why he didn't destroy them. They probably tried, but they couldn't succeed. The will of the one who wrote them was too strong. If anyone approaches the papers with the intention of destroying them, they will be immediately intimidated by the power within them. That is the origin of these papers, Kara. They are both our legacy and our curse."

   Kara listened attentively. To say that she was surprised is too little. It appears that she has been the enemy of the entire world, both humans and demons. And if they were to know her origins, they would send armies after her. If until now her desire to become stronger was merely related to her pride, now the situation has completely changed. Becoming much, much stronger may be the only solution for her survival. She looked at the papers in her hand and then at her father, asking him:

   "Why was I led to the place where they were hidden? Is it possible that these papers have chosen me? Am I capable of performing the ritual and gaining immeasurable powers?"

   Markus looked into Kara's eyes with seriousness and saw no trace of hesitation. He realized that she had already made up her mind.

   "Kara, I don't know how to answer you. Perhaps these writings considered you very suitable and capable of completing the ritual. Maybe they just wanted to escape the box where I hid them to create unrest and suffering in the world. But one thing I know for sure. If something is possible, you will fight to the end to obtain it, no matter how difficult it may be. Kara, you are smart and strong. If you don't succeed, I don't think anyone else is capable..."

   "Maybe you think that just because I'm your daughter. There are many others in the world better than me..."

   "Perhaps there are better ones. But no one is a better hunter than you."

   For Kara, it is evident that her father is making a tremendous effort to encourage her because he is aware that no matter what he says, Kara will choose to complete the ritual. The only thing he can do is to stand by her side.

   "Thank you, Dad...."


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