Hunter’s Vengeance: The Rise of the Predator

Chapter 1. One More Battle at Sunset

   [The Training Ground in the city of Aldun]


   The sun was almost disappearing behind the hills. While the peasants were returning from the fields and mothers were searching for their children to call them for dinner, two young individuals were engaged in a battle in the middle of the training ground. The fighters were a young woman with shoulder-length black hair and green eyes, dressed simply as if she had gone for a walk after dinner, her only weapon being a knife, and a blond young man with blue eyes, dressed like a knight preparing to face a dragon, even wearing a helmet, armed with a long sword and a matching shield. Although both were using blunted weapons that couldn't cut through flesh, they fought as if the opponent's weapon was the sharpest in the entire kingdom. The reason is simple. Even though the opponent's weapon couldn't harm their bodies, it could cut deeply into their purpose.

  "Clank! Clank!"

   On a terrace in front of a tavern located at the edge of the training ground, two elderly people with a mug of beer in their hands watched the duel between the two young ones attentively.

   "Hey, Noris! It seems you enjoy the show. It's the fourth Friday in a row that you come to watch it. So, who do you think will win this time?"

  "There's hardly any doubt that the girl has the advantage. Look at her! She hasn't even started to sweat, and her opponent is already stumbling. Even if I didn't know that she has been winning every week for the past half year, I would still bet all the money I have in my pocket that she will win."

  "Heh. Last month I got lucky. Some adventurers from outside the city came to the tavern to drink a cold beer..."

   "Yeah, you told me before. It's the fourth time you're telling me. You bet with them before the fight started that the girl would win. When they saw Klaus fully equipped, they said she didn't stand a chance. In the end, they had to give you two silver coins."

   "And twenty copper coins. Too bad no one else showed up. Since then, I've been carrying five silver coins with me..."

   "Hold on a moment. Look. It's almost over..."

   Kara stood in the middle of the training ground, observing Klaus closely as he circled her with his sword pointed at her and his shield raised to his nose.

   'What does he think? That I will throw my only weapon at him? That has always been his problem. He doesn't know how to adapt to his opponent,' Kara thought as she waited for Klaus's next attack... an attack that was delayed for almost a minute.

   'It seems he's not as enthusiastic as before. Or maybe it's because of my kick.'

   Considering Klaus was now limping, Kara's kick was probably to blame for his delayed offense.

   'Very well. I think the fight has lasted long enough.'

   Once Kara decided to end the fight, she accelerated directly toward Klaus like a feline. When she reached in front of Klaus, he swung his sword directly at Kara, but it was all in vain because Kara was already on his right side, and her knife had already found the unarmored space under his armpit.


   Although the weapons were blunted, that strike was enough to make Klaus drop his weapon. Immediately, Kara followed up with a well-placed elbow to Klaus's temple.

   'Heh. What's the use of a helmet when it doesn't have any magical enhancements? It only makes him look ridiculous,' Kara chuckled in her mind.

   Once she brought Klaus down, Kara placed her knee on his chest and the knife at the base of his throat.

   'It seems this boar doesn't have much fat...'

   Although numerous comical thoughts gathered in her mind as she watched Klaus struggle, there was no smile on her face.

   "Can you give up already? You already have a knife at your throat."

   After struggling for another 5 seconds, Klaus finally regained his senses and surrendered.

   "Okay. You've beaten me again."

   Once the victory was secured, Kara stood up and began dusting off her pants. Seeing Klaus lying on the ground with his hand outstretched, she asked him sternly:

   "What do you want? Do you want me to carry you home? Even though you were defeated, it's important to know how to pick yourself up."

   While Kara offered Klaus this valuable advice, a shorter girl, around 1 meter 60 tall, with shoulder-length blond hair and big blue eyes, ran towards them.

   "Kara, Klaus! Is it over?"

  Hearing Alice, Kara turned around and responded with a gentle smile on her lips:

   "Yes. It's done. We can go home. I think your grandmother has already cooked the boar leg we brought her. I can't wait..."

   But Alice didn't stop in front of Kara. She ran past Kara without saying a word and stood in front of Klaus, who was struggling to get up. She grabbed Klaus by the arm with both hands and lifted him with emotion in her eyes as if he was about to drown.

   "Klaus," said Alice. "Why do you have to push yourself to the limit? I know you want to become stronger, but some things can't be rushed. Just wait a second. I have a healing potion with me..."

   Kara resignedly watched the two of them as they walked together towards the benches near the training ground. Alice supported Klaus and continued to offer words of encouragement, and he thanked her and praised her for her attentiveness. Kara could easily see a sly smile on Klaus's face directed towards her.

   This scene played out every Friday. Klaus would challenge her to a fight, and she would refuse. Klaus would insist, and Alice would say it would be fun. She would eventually accept and she would kick Klaus's ass. Then Alice would care for Klaus as if he were her husband returning from war.

   Kara had lost her appetite for boar meat. She left the two of them and headed towards her own home.

   Kara's house was located in the eastern part of the city. Most hunters lived in that area. She only lived with her father, who was often away. She never knew her mother. That's why most of her childhood was spent with Alice at her grandmother's house. After turning 10 years old, her father started taking her on monthly trips to the forests near the city. During these excursions, she learned what it meant to be a hunter, how to survive in nature, how to track animals, set traps, dissect animal bodies, and most importantly, how to kill animals.

   In this world, every thinking being receives a class based on their abilities (strength, agility, magic, etc.) at the age of 14. Some with multiple talents even have the opportunity to choose from several classes. Although anyone can learn skills from other classes, the result will be at best mediocre.

   These classes are divided into several levels: beginner, intermediate, advanced, and special. Almost everyone starts with a beginner-level class.

   Once you have chosen a class, you gain the ability to level up. How can you do that? There are two ways. The first is by using the skills acquired with your class (the long path). The second way is by killing. Monsters, humans, it doesn't matter (the short path). It would be convenient if someone could level up quickly just by practicing the skills offered by their class... For example, Alice's grandmother, who has the Potion Maker class, reached level 15 after 50 years of work. How many potions did she have to make to reach that level? Countless. Probably half of her levels were obtained by killing rats and cockroaches that invaded her kitchen. That's why a combat class levels up much faster.

   Once you reach level 20, you have the opportunity to evolve your class into an intermediate class. If you don't do that, your level will continue to increase, but it will become harder and harder. Once your class has evolved, your level will continue to grow at an acceptable rate until the next threshold, level 100.

   Of course, many cannot reach level 100, although they would like to, because a higher level offers both an increase in power and access to stronger skills, as well as an extended lifespan. For example, someone at level 20 can live up to a maximum of 100 years, while someone at level 80 can live up to 300 years.

   Just like everyone else, Kara received a class at the age of 14. This event caused more commotion than Kara would have liked. The reason is that Kara started directly with an intermediate class, but that happened not because Kara chose it; it was because the only option she was given was Hunter. Yes, her class is Hunter. While others who receive this class at level 20 can start with beginner-level classes like Forest Explorer, Trap Layer, etc., her talent for hunting, which was evident from the first wilderness trips she took with her father, allowed her to receive the Hunter class right from the start. Yes, her talent for hunting was truly extraordinary. She was agile like a wildcat, alert like an owl, and ruthless like a wolf. She didn't have to become a hunter; she was born a hunter.

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