Hunter Or Huntress

New Arrivals

Chapter 28: New Arrivals

As the trio made it to the grand hall, they found Vulzan and two of his remaining guards sitting at the table opposite Nunuk, talking over a drink and some snacks.

As they entered, Vulzan was quick to notice them and got up to greet them, hand outstretched. The guy was now in linen clothes, finely made it seemed, perhaps they had just been under the thick coat.

“Ah, so you are the strange one who decided to be a hero yesterday, I must thank you that was quite the display” Well, he was certainly cheerful for what had happened yesterday, Tom thought.

“Uhmmm, Hi, yeah I guess?”

“Vulzan, if you wouldn’t mind, Tom is not so familiar with our language yet. Just take it slow, you know.”

“Oh certainly, now Tom. Don’t be so shy man, I've never seen somebody use fire magic like that, and I have seen quite a bit.” What did he do now, lie or tell the truth? Best to lie, that way he didn’t say too much. The others could correct him if they believe this guy should know the truth.

“Oh not that hard, practice makes perfect.” Tom firmly crossed his fingers that it was good enough. At least he didn’t have his weapons on him.

“I see. Where did you receive such training? You say you are experienced, have you fought in many wars?”

“Home. Uhm, very far away. Just one war”

“My good sir, I travel far and wide. Far away is closer than you think on dragon back”

“Denmark?” No need to lie more than necessary, Tom thought.

“I stand corrected it seems. Where is this Denmark, I’ve never heard of it”

“Far north, Next Sweden, Norway, Germany”

“I must say I'm stumped, how did you get here?”

“Tom traveled by magic means, though not under his own power” Sapphire interjected.

“Oh, I see. That would explain a few things” Vulzan replied. ‘Thank you, Sapphire, I owe you one’. Tom thought.

“I have been assured your clothing does not reflect your personality, I must say after yesterday I’m inclined to believe it. I’m guessing where you are from it's normal to be dressed like this?”

“Yes, uniform. We fight for moon and nature”

“I see, most peculiar. Anyway, glad to meet you Tom” Vulzan turned back to Nunuk and continued the negotiations, it seemed they were going over what the keep had to sell for the moment.

“Shiva, I believe you talked about acquiring metal for one of your projects, yes?” Nunuk started.

“Yes, I was lacking copper, tin and steel, and some zinc too. Or just brass so I don’t have to make it. A bit more lead won't hurt either”

Oh those clever bastards, Tom thought to himself. Well they had talked about this, they couldn’t afford the amount he needed, but perhaps he could get started on a few projects.

“I have some yes, that is quite the shopping list though. I have quite a bit of steel, and a few of the others, what do you need brass for?” Tom thought the merchant sounded a bit confused, but that was hardly surprising “How much do you need?”

“How much do you have?” Nunuk answered coyly.

“About 120 gold's worth, but along with the other supplies you needed, don’t mind me asking but how are you planning on paying for that? You haven't exactly had a good start to the year? ” Tom had no clue how much 120 gold was but it sounded like quite a bit.

“I seem to remember you were quite interested in my grandmother's sword at some point? For that, I would take every ounce of metal you have, our other supplies, and those fine bottles of wine you were showing off. And 300 gold!” There was silence in the hall.

Tom looked around confused, before turning to Sapphire and whispered in her ear. “That seems bad?”

She answered in a hushed tone. “Yes, she would never sell that, it has been in her family for generations. It's an enchanted blade, I don’t even know what it would be worth.” Was she planning on selling a priceless heirloom so he could make a lamp or a shitty pistol? Also, a magic sword, that warranted investigation. He couldn’t let that happen.

“Lady Bizmati I object, Lord Joackim and by… length me. Owe you big debt. Debt earned by that sword. Can’t allow you sell” Nunuk looked a little uncomfortable, seemingly forcing a smile.

“Don’t worry it is for the best, Tom. Besides, you are here to serve the keep, not pay for it.”

“Won’t allow. May speak in alone with you?”

“Sure not a problem, if you wouldn’t mind Vulzan, I’ll be back shortly” Nunuk got up and Tom walked with her down the stairs to the kitchen.

“Tom, you do not need to do this.” Nunuk protested

“Neither you. I brought things of value, Don’t sell what is priceless. for my projects”

“Tom, what you bought is priceless! My grandmother’s sword was made here, another may be made.”

“Not all I brought priceless. I thought need things for trade here, my money no work here. Spices, alcohol finest there is”

“That might work actually” Nunuk seems surprised he had thought about that.

“Stuff with dragon though?” Tom wasn’t sure going to open boxes in front of the giant murder lizard.

“Make a show of it, if Vulzan thinks it's all very exotic he might pay more, just don’t show him anything too strange okay?”

“uhmmm… I try” Tom was fairly certain he could convince that guy his stuff was exotic, it was after all. But what to show and what to hide? As they walked back up Tom spoke up.

“Vulzan follow please, have things to show.” There was murmuring in the crowd and some worried looks here and there, this was not going entirely to plan so far.

The resulting procession followed Tom and Nunuk out into the greeting hall where they were greeted by a very awake dragon looking down at them. Tom’s heart skipped a beat, being looked down at by a literal monster of myth and legend was more than a little unnerving.

“So. From what I heard you are supposed to be crazy, ugly, and dangerous?” The dragon greeted him

“Ohh. Hi, I’m Tom and uhm… Sorry?”

“Well hello, Tom. I am Archeon pleased to meet you and don’t you worry. Nothing to be sorry for little one, I believe that is Vulzan’s duty.” The voice was sonorous like before but turned down in volume. It did shoot a look at Vulzan who just held his hands up apologetically.

“He did look damn scary okay, I’m sorry.”

“No worry, I dressed scary” Tom tried

“I can’t say I have seen somebody like you before. I overheard your little conversation with Vulzan, seems you are quite far away from home”

“Yeah quite far. You're very big, never seen… big one before” The dragon chuckled a bit, and Tom felt the bass. This was surreal, he thought.

“Never seen a dragon? You are far from home.” Archeon tilted his head at Tom. Just like the dragonettes, that looked very strange. Funny even, he seemed friendly enough too. “Anyways, it sounded like you brought some things from this far away place you wished to trade?”

“Ah yes, I find” Tom jogged over to his pile of boxes taking note quite a few things had been moved around, likely when the others had looked for the medical supplies. He would have to check everything later. He had brought a few bottles of nice rum and whiskey and a few glasses of spices.

“You drink strong alcohol?” He asked, looking at Vulzan.

“Well yes, it's not often you get to enjoy it, but from time to time.” That was good at least, he knew the dragonettes of the keep had that beer-like stuff and he had seen a few barrels of what he thought was ale. He hadn’t asked if they had any actual liquor.

“Then this will interest,” Tom said pulling out a bottle of very fine whiskey. “maybe finest you ever seen” Vulzan picked up the bottle with interest, what is this?

“Don’t know your word, we say Whiskey very, good very old”

“How old” Tom looked at the bottle “18 years”

“My gods that is an old bottle, but I have no clue what Wiskay is” I will give you it looks very fine and the label. Is that silver?”

“Yes, only little” Well Tom wasn’t gonna be explaining it wasn’t actually silver, but one shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth.

“What you say is worth?"

“I don't know to be honest. If anything, this should go to a collector I think. You say it's from your home?”

“Yes, uhmmm city of Stauning. Very famous for whiskey bottle worth weight in gold”

“Worth its weight in gold! You must be joking.” Well, he was lying a bit, but it was very good whiskey, and possibly the finest bottle in this world at least.

“No joke. We put silver on label for good reason”

He did bring his little flask with him he believed that had some sort of whiskey in it. Perhaps a taste test was in order. He retrieved it from his backpack, taking a sip. That was whiskey alright. He presented the flask to Vulzan.

“Whiskey, regular stuff, not fine, but still whiskey. Have taste.”

“You are most generous I must say,” The dragonette took a sip of the flask

“Wauh I say. That is quite potent, huh” It didn’t look to Tom like the guy was a regular drinker. “But I’ll grant you that is very fine stuff, the bottle is even better?”

“Ten times the price, so yes” That was a blatant lie, but what the hell.

“ I’ll give you 40 gold for the bottle” that sounded like a lot of money to Tom, but nowhere near enough. If he held true to the worth its weight in gold, he guessed it should be more like a 100 or maybe a 150 gold.

“No can do. Nunuk how many you say”

“you claimed it is worth its weight in gold, so 150 sounds reasonable”

“Not happening. That is insanity”

“May I see metal. For reference.” Vulzan had said he had 120 golds worth of metal that would give Tom a reference point.

“Reference? You don’t use gold to trade?”

“No. Have coin from home I show. You get metal.” Why he had brought his wallet Tom wasn’t sure. Force of habit maybe, he would be careful to just take out some coins though, the driver's license might spark some questions. Vulzan waved a few of the dragonettes over and Archeon shifted so they could get at a big crate hanging from his harness.

There were quite a few metal bars all nicely arranged and sorted on little shelves in the crate. Tom guessed there was maybe 200 kilos of metal in total, mostly iron or steel. All in those little ingots maybe around a kilo each

“Back home worth 1 bottle” Tom knew that wasn’t true whatsoever, there was metal here for maybe 300 dollars with most of it being steel. The brass and copper was most likely worth more than the rest combined. He did still have the spices too for the rest of what Nunuk wanted.

“I show you something else”

“As Tom returned with the little box of glass jars, Vulzans eyes went wide”

“Are those what I think they are”

“Spices” Tom retorted triumphantly

“What kinds” Vulzan was clearly trying hard not to sound too excited if falling somewhat.

“Don’t know your names. Many you not know, I think”

“This is incredible. How did you get them out of the south?” That was interesting news Tom thought, another note for later.

“Money and power” Tom rubbed his fingers together and smiled at the merchant. He was playing this guy hard. It was mostly from the local supermarket, but hey it was all for a good cause.

“What will you take for this?” Vulzan was clearly excited. What would something like this be worth he wondered? Might as well make use of the locals.

“What you say” Tom went looking at Nunuk and the others, Apuma had made his way forward to have a look.

“If I know you, Tom, these are most likely the finest spices I have ever seen, I wouldn't take less than 100 gold per glass, but I don’t know them all. Is that anon pescis?” he was pointing to the small glass of saffron Tom had brought

“Saffron” Tom went “Extremely expensive”

“That sounds about right to me, and it certainly looks the part. Tom that alone is worth hundreds of gold. May I”

“Of course” Tom picked out the small glass unscrewing the top.

Apuma sniffed the contents. “Yep that is saffron alright” Bingo, well that should more than do it. Time to bring out the inner Jutlander and do some haggling.

“So Vulzan, what you got?” The dragonette looked stiff as if trying to process just what he was going to do now, then looked back at Archeon who was watching intently.

“Lockbox it is then.” Archeon answered, cracking a smile.

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