Hunter Or Huntress

Chapter 200: See You Next Year

“Oooh, so you help Tom with all the things he is working on?” Tiguan questioned, attentively looking down at Edita as Holdey and Kiran were busy competing for who could get the furthest out onto Tiguan's horn. It was a very one sided competition with Kiran already hanging from the tip by one hand, Holdey barely having made it out from the base while clinging on with both arms.

“Yes, I was sent here to assist him in his endeavours and to guide him on certain matters as well. It has been very enlightening to help him. He has soooo many things I have never seen before. Did you know that there are actually 118 elements, but a lot of them destroy themselves almost immediately? So you have to make them?” the slightly tipsy artificer replied jovially.

‘Yup, sounds like something he would say,’ Sapphire confirmed to herself, chuckling a little. She wasn’t sure if she had heard that one before, but it might just have gone in one ear and out the other.

“I uhm… no… That is so interesting, tell me, have you been working on anything for Ray yet?” the dragon responded with a big smile, steering the conversation onto what he actually wanted to talk about.

“Ray? Hmmmm… no, I don’t think so?” the artificer replied thoughtfully, taking a moment to ponder. Tiguan did seem a little saddened, though he tried not to show it. Edita didn’t seem to notice, but Sapphire sure did.

“Oh… I see.”

“It is okay, Tiguan. I got to try the parachute. I got to fly again. And Jarix lets me come along every now and again.”

“Oh that is good to hear, I promise that if Ylditz lets us stay another night I will take you for a nice flight as well, aaaaall the way above the clouds.”

“Watch out for condensation,” Edita added perfectly innocently. Tiguan gave her a bit of a side-eye. There was something absurd about a nerd who had spent most of her life underground giving advice on flying to a combat dragon, but that was clearly lost on Edita as well.

“Oh of course… I will be quick about it… Have you flown much in bad weather?”

“Who me? No no no, I didn’t learn to fly until I was a grown woman. You don’t need it inside the sanctums. Not very often at least. I actually had to take lessons before coming here, in case I fell off or some other accident happened.”

“A grown woman? But… the sky? The freedom?”

“Oh it isn’t so bad. I like it inside. Did you know I didn’t even see the sky without glass between until I had to go and work on one of the uhm… wait can I say that?... on the thing, yes.” She gave herself a bit of a reassuring nod, Sapphire giving a quick scan to see if Paulin was around, which delightfully she wasn’t.

“It was so strange, I hadn’t considered that it was the windows that were cloudy and dirty. It was so clear. Like it had just been freshly polished.”

“Oh… I see,” the black dragon responded absentmindedly, processing what he had just been told. “Are you quite sure?”

“Oh yes, very sure. I would sit and look out the tiny little windows whenever I had the time. It wasn’t very often. I always wondered what was out here. Now I know!” she stated with confidence.

“You might have a little bit left to see I think,” Sapphire added, sighing mirthfully as she shook her head.

“Oh of course. But it is still all what was outside the window back then. Inside, outside. Now I am outside. It’s so exciting!”

“Maybe one day you will get to see even more of what is uhm… outside,” the dragon went in his sweet, friendly tone.

“Oh yes, maybe one day. Who knows? Not now though, I have to learn from Tom, help Tom, become a real engineer, not make Paulin mad. Oh so many things to do!”

“Of course uhm… Might I ask what you have been working on?”

“Oh yes, we have so many ideas. I think I am about ready with my idea for Jarix's machinegun, but we must make it run more reliably before it is time to worry about cooling. Tom has been looking into keeping the keep warm during winter, which should be greatly appreciated I feel.”

“Oh yes that would be very lovely I am sure.”

“And of course we have much to prepare for with spring construction work. Schematics, preparations, plans. And he has so many things to teach me, I believe Linkosta has finally discovered how to make her corruption triggers work for the proposed mines. I think it helped that Joelina sent her something to copy, but don’t tell… wait who was it I wasn’t supposed to tell?... I do not know.

“Oh but I do know where they intend to put them, and I promised to assist Linkosta and her father in manufacturing them. And Tink is veeery busy of course, he and Junior have been doing such a great job making a lot of the parts we need. I believe they are nearly ready with the molds for casting water pipes, just like Tom wanted them… I still don’t understand why they are so big and heavy. I would just use copper.”

“Casting water pipes?” the dragon questioned, clearly intrigued. And Edita’s enthusiasm was palpable as ever.

‘Hooo, boi, now you have done it.’

Edita proceeded to explain a bunch of technical things which Sapphire honestly didn’t understand. It all made her feel a little silly for thinking that Ray and Tiguan would have helped Edita to be a bit more normal. Now she just had Ray and Tiguan both listening to the artificer be her normal self instead.

It left a bit of a strange taste in her mouth. Was there anything wrong with that? The hope had been to try and nudge the artificer away from being all work. But they were all perfectly happy, and Edita wasn’t chasing after Tom, at least for the moment. So some progress had been made…

‘Oh what the hell, let ’em be. At least Tiguan won’t let any of the boys peek up her skirt any time soon,’ Sapphire thought to herself as she leant back and just enjoyed the show, which did go on for a fair bit. She could tell from Both Tiguan’s and Ray’s expressions that they understood exactly as little as Sapphire did, but they were putting in a good effort to seem like they were listening.

“So hopefully we would be able to heat the beds using the excess heat running through the secondary low pressure loop, unless we aren’t running the small engine in which case we would heat the secondary loop directly by means of a heat exchanger to transfer heat from the high pressure to the low pressure loop. You know, in case the engine isn’t running. Isn’t that clever?”

“I uhm… yes, definitely,” the dragon replied with a nod, doing a fine job hiding just how little he had understood. Saph knew that face when she saw it; it was like looking in a mirror after all. All she had cared about was the warm beds at night. That sounded pretty grand to her ears. “But what of anything for uhm… flying?”

“Oh we did uncover some interesting things, though I am not sure if I can talk about that,” Edita answered as she glanced around to see who might be listening. There was the work crew, which Sapphire had to admit she wasn’t entirely clear on either. They might not be in on the shit that was going on, or maybe they only had some of it. Either way, probably best to keep them at least semi out of the loop.

“Oh I understand, but maybe Tom has been… working on something? Do you know?” the dragon questioned leadingly.

“It is okay, Tiguan, he has been very busy, and he let me use the parachute, remember?”

“Oh right yes, when was the last time you had a go?” Tiguan questioned enthusiastically as his attention switched from Edita to Ray. She was currently trying to comfort Vigon, the kid’s pride having been bruised after he had lost yet another round of dragon tag as the kids had inventively called it. He was coming around though as he played with one of the nice puzzle boxes they had been gifted by the inquisition of all people.

“Uhm… it has been a while,” Ray admitted a little shyly. Sapphire let out an audible curse to herself, how the fuck could they forget that? She had loved the damn parachute, and they had definitely had the time. They had just forgotten. ‘And now it’s pretty much winter, fuuucking hell… maybe we’ll get a nice clear day at some point. God dammit Tom. I blame you for this.’

“Oh,” Tiguan replied, evidently surprised by the answer and not in a happy way.

“Oh it is fine, we haven't had the time at all. There has been so much to do all day, we can barely keep up.”

“I know the feeling, poor Deriva. They have been missing so many hands and haven’t gotten any new ones at all. I am carrying a notice written by the nice old lady, that she wants some volunteers to come to her keep. New recruits. She wanted me to carry it and find some people I liked for them. I do not really know what to do with it though. I do not know many people at all. And the Inquisition might not like it.”

“Hey Tigs, if you want you can go talk with my brother Haiko. He works at an inn called the Sweet Dragon,” Sapphire spoke up again. “He’s a real people person, and he’s a guard. I’m sure he’d know a few candidates. Otherwise there is always the races. Tell ’em Sapphire Rayland sent you.”

“Oh thank you, Saph,” the dragon replied, actually giving her a head bow. That wasn’t something you saw every day. Then again this wasn’t an ordinary dragon. Tiguan was rather special to put it bluntly.

“Oh don’t mention it. Do remember to let him know that if the people he sends aren’t up to snuff I’ll whip his ass.”

“Oh… uhm okay, I will be sure to tell him,” the dragon replied cautiously, Sapphire grinning a bit. There was no way in hell he was actually going to convey that part. But who knew, he might end up dancing around it in an amusing fashion. She could already imagine poor Haiko trying to work out what the black dragon at his door was on about, poor fella didn’t have the best of luck when it came to picking up indirect meanings after all.

“Oh and if he’s seen my sister Viper, do try to remind him that he should tell her to come this way. We could probably do with another trader swinging by in the new year. Or at least Deriva and Hylsdal could."

“I will be sure to let him know,” Tiguan stated more confidently.

“Thanks man. I owe you one.”

“Oh no no, it is fine, it is no trouble at all,” the dragon insisted, predictably. “If anything it is me who should be thanking you.”

“You sure? I could have a chat with Tom about something flying related needing to get pushed up a little, call it even?” Sapphire countered with a bit of a cruel grin. A dragon shouldn’t go around giving away favors, gotta have a little respect for one's own time. Especially when said time came at the cost of a juicy deer a day more or less.

“Oh uhm.” Poor Tiguan looked rather conflicted at that proposition, Sapphire chuckling to herself.

“I’m messing with yah,” she finally went with a snicker, before the dragon could make any promises he didn’t have to. “You let them know, I’ll see what I can do, deal?”

“Oh uhm… okay, deal,” the dragon replied with a nod, still seeming a touch uncertain.

“So you heading out tomorrow morning then?” she questioned as she looked about the hall. The hour was already starting to get late, and the festivities showed no sign of slowing down.

“I do not know…” Tiguan replied, matching her gaze around the room. “Perhaps there shall be better weather the day after,” he went as he laid eyes on his two ground crew currently busy playing dice with some of the construction workers. And much to her horror or, more accurately, their misfortune, Tom.

It did not seem to be going well for them at all.

‘Well they are gonna die… lucky them, having a dragon so nice he will even cover for his own crew drinking with excuses,’ Sapphire thought to herself with an amused huff, trying to imagine what Grevi’s reaction to that might be. Jarix wouldn’t give a fuck as long as he was allowed in, but Grevi would likely have them stand on parade to get shouted at for something like that.

“Well if you do stay the night, I hope you don’t mind company.”

“Oh never, Ylditz always said I was a people person… It’s normally just not mutual.”

‘Oh buddy.’


Well it didn’t seem to Tom like they would be getting rid of their new found guests too early the following day. Unless flying with half drunken crews wasn’t too much of a concern. Tiguan would certainly be struggling to get much actual work out of his two ground crew, who were apparently named Karlch and Tonzei.

It was at least partially Tom’s own fault, but the two of them really sucked at meyer. They had remembered the game from the festival last time they were here and managed to talk some of the construction crew into a game of it. With Tom teaching, of course.

It was an enjoyable time, and he supposed he could chalk it up as him doing his duties to get the kids their big play uncle for one more day. While Tiguan’s two crewmen had fared rather poorly, the construction crew had proved far better suited to the game of deception.

The ability of a builder to lie his pants off apparently carried over between worlds, which was both hilarious and disconcerting. But they had a good talk about the work done at Deriva while they were at it, as well as the new barn and planned workshop at Bizmati.

They of course had a few loud suggestions about what had been done wrong, two of them even leaving half way through the game to have a look at the handy work, returning about 20 minutes later to proudly proclaim that, “Don’t worry boss, they ain’t putting us out of business any time soon, fuckers can’t even carve a dove joint.”

“Why bother? Screws and brackets are faster,” Tom countered with a shrug.

“Only if yah don’t know how to use an ax you funny looking fella,” one of the rather gruff women of the group replied merrily, taking a swig of her mug. “And those screws, gotta cost a fortune so they do.”

“We make them ourselves, and most of it is just nailed together. But hey, I guess you aren’t exactly blessed with power drills around here now are you?”

“A what now?”

“Oh do I have something for you. Now it’s definitely NOT for sale… but who knows, maybe one day a certain factory could turn out a few more, if you catch my drift… I’ll be right back. Come on Jacky, I wanna blow some minds.”

“Kulinger won’t be happy, you know that right?”


At Ray’s request Sapphire had gotten up early to help out with breakfast. She could always take a midday nap later, after all.

Herron and Unkai had been overworked like crazy trying to put something together for the extra people. Or more rightly Unkai had. Herron had almost managed to pick things up to a regular working speed, but not without complaint of course. Saph did make sure he didn’t get to just sit in a corner as they all worked.

Once a lot of the prep work had been handled, Sapphire had set about readying the tables, finding the Bizmati family as well as Victoria, Sisu, and Ylditz already discussing at the head table. That was hardly anything out of the ordinary, so she just started setting the table, passing in amongst them as they had their little discussion. Taking it nice and slow to pick up on any delicious gossip that might result.

It wasn’t her fault she wouldn’t mind knowing what the plan for the day would be a little earlier.

“Are you sure that we can't stay another night? Half of them are still suffering from yesterday,” Ylditz had questioned, innocently enough.

‘Your two lads especially.’

“If one imbibes to the point it interferes with their duties, then one should reconsider their profession. We leave in 30 minutes, and that is being generous,” Victoria countered, clearly not buying that excuse.

“But the weather, it isn’t exactly great, either,” Ylditz tried cautiously, rather quickly getting shut down.

“Nor is it likely to improve. In fact it will only get worse. We may be spared on this first leg by waiting, but doing so will only give us worse and worse odds as we carry on towards the capital. No, we are going.”

“I agree, we should leave as soon as possible. If conditions do improve we will benefit tonight. We will not fit under roof in the village even if they are rather fond of Ylditz and Tiguan,” Sisu interjected, arms crossed and standing tall. Saph hadn’t interacted much with her as of yet, but from what she knew, the lieutenant matched Grevi’s personality to a tee.

She certainly looked like she knew what she’s doing, or at least believed so.

“Yes we might share the name, but there is only so much space to go around,” Ylditz replied with a weak chuckle. “Very well, could I have maybe an hour after breakfast to get ready? Just… you know.”

“Very well, but don’t expect me to let you get away with that once we are back in the capital.”

“Of course not, the lady would never allow it.”

“So an hour after breakfast. Do you wish for a send off?” Nunuk questioned as Saph spent a little time rearranging the cutlery for the Lady’s plate, ears perked all the while.

“A quick salute will do, we shall see you again come spring I feel. Though I doubt we will be seeing much leave during our time back in the city,” Victoria replied with a neutral expression. “Without taking into account our inquisitorial friends of course.”

“I thought you had all earned leave by now?”

“We have, but there is a war on. I am expecting garrison or training duty. Such is the life. At least once all of this is over those still standing will get to enjoy the spoils. I believe you are quite familiar with that sentiment yourself, lady Nunuk.”

“Of course… so fresh batch of recruits? Didn’t it take years to get Jarix ready for battle?”

“They are Royal guard dragons, they are the tip of the spear. Or will at the very least become so one day. No, we would be training civilians I feel. Militia dragons. Any willing to lend a hand. A few months will do for those, especially if they know how to fight already.”

“I see, very well then. Sapphire, how far along is the kitchen?”

“Oh, shouldn’t be too long. A few minutes.”

“Very well, once you are done would you be a dear and ring the bell… also wasn’t it Unkai and Herron today?”

“Yes ma’am. They needed a hand,” Sapphire replied curtly, without any malice in her voice.

“Herron’s fault?” the Lady questioned almost rhetorically. They had been through this song and dance before.

“Heron’s fault,” Sapphire just confirmed as she rearranged the last few forks once more.

“Duly noted. Now, I think you have been listening long enough. We do not need a second Esmeralda now, do we?”

“Of course, ma’am. I shall go ring the bell then. You lot plan in peace.”

The officers did look at Sapphire a little funny, but Nunuk seemed to find it amusing. But off she went.

Breakfast had been a quick and uneventful affair. The food wasn’t anything special aside from the leftovers from the day before, and at least half the people present were swaying in their seats. The dragon crews were hurrying a fair amount, something which didn’t go too well as Karlch spilled his plate on the floor, making a grand old mess.

Ray had, of course, been quick to help pick it up, Tiguan watching from the hatch leading to the greeting hall. Jarix and he had slept inside for the night while Grevi and Baron remained outside, though graciously the black dragon had let Grevi borrow his brand new tarp as Baron had taken up residence where Yldril had previously spent the nights. That left just the older black to face the morning dew and light misty rain that had rolled in.

Tiguan naturally apologized for Karlch as the ground crewman swayed a little, looking like he wanted to try and help but couldn’t really work out how as soon enough the mess was gone and Ray was running off with it. Saph chuckled a little as the man looked after her in evident confusion, still swaying gently side to side. After a moment to process he elected to just go get another plate and try again. He was last to finish.

It hadn’t taken long for the dragons to get ready following the meal, the largest point of work being loading Baron up with the saw. There had been some contention on just who had to carry it, Grevi deciding that of course it had to be her, or more correctly she seemed to just assume it would be her.

Baron and Victoria had apparently discussed ahead of time and decided that Baron would do it. As they put it, “We do not know what weather is in store. We need not repeat what happened coming here.”

Grevi looked like she had been slapped in the face, but she took it without complaint. And so the venerable red was made ready to fly. The construction crew was split amongst Grevi and Tiguan, which to Saph at least looked like plenty of load to put on the two young dragons. Tiguan, of course, had his nice new tarp as well. Grevi was adorned in her armor, which surely wasn’t light either.

Tiguan was also a bit larger than her, even if it wasn’t much. Jarix was the smallest out of the three of them, but being a blue there was a fair bit more wing to him for said size. Today that wouldn’t matter, though, as the young blue was staying behind.

With preparations made, goodbyes were said. Nunuk and Victoria had one last exchange of words as Tiguan nuzzled Ray. He apologized that they needed to go already, said he was so sorry about yesterday, and thanked her one last time for the very nice gift. He promised he would get her something from the capital when they came back in spring.

‘Someone believes it is an open and shut deal then,’ Sapphire chuckled to herself at the dragon's assuredness. Then again, he might just be planning on pulling strings or simply begging until they let him back here.

“Very well, that shall have to do, I am afraid. Mount up and tie down, the water only stays hot for so long. Lady Nunuk Bizmati, it has been a pleasure. I am confident we shall get to enjoy your hospitality again. Until then,” Colonel Hashaw let out in a raised voice as she turned back to Baron, the old red holding out a foreleg for her to climb up.

In a few well trained and fluid movements, she had made her way to the base of his neck. “Formation, form V on lead, we make for the town of Ylditz, the namesake buys the first round.”

Saph glanced to Lieutenant Yliditz, who rolled his eyes from Tiguan’s comfy looking saddle. “If so then you have the first round back home.”

“Acceptable. Baron, in your own time.”

“It has been a pleasure Lady Bizmati. Best of luck with the bound one. And, Jarix?” The venerable red spoke, turning his attention to the young blue.

“Yes?” he replied, tilting his head a touch.

“Try not to turn too civilian. You have Yldril for that now.”

“Right… got it,” the blue replied unsurely, casting a quick glance at Tom, who just crossed his arms and huffed.

And so Baron turned away, and with a short bout into a gallop he leaped airwards, the old scarred wings carrying him, his crew, and the heavy plate armor skywards. Tiguan and Grevi soon followed, forming up behind their formation lead as they turned for the edge of the island, quickly growing smaller on the horizon.

Behind the keep Yldril watched wordlessly and alone.


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