Hunter Or Huntress

Big Promises

Chapter 34: Big Promises

Sapphire had finally managed to get Dakota on her feet, it had taken a while. In the end, repeating the threat of swimming lessons combined with promising to bring everyone to her bedroom had gotten the recovering huntress on her feet. On the walk down the corridor, Sapphire could see her straightening her back and fixing her posture.

Sapphire didn’t know if she was happy to see her put the effort in or sad to know she had to. Hopefully, something would come along to take her mind off things, there were certainly plenty of candidates. When they made it down everyone was already eating, she found Tom sitting next to Vulzan clearly discussing something. She just hoped he wasn’t doing something too stupid.

As they sat and ate, Nunuk threw a few knowing glances over at them, she had clearly found out what Tom had been up to as well but didn’t want to broach the subject. For now, she was just making small talk with Dakota, Apuma seemed to have a go at cheering her up as well.

Tom was discussing various items and materials with Vulzan, he was very interested in blitz powder it seemed. Vulzan had asked why and Tom had simply responded he had never seen anything like that before. Sapphire knew perfectly well why the human wanted the stuff, but well he wasn’t actually lying. Well, she didn’t think he was unless he had been lying about a great many things.

As their little discussion had continued Sapphire couldn’t make up her mind whether Tom was lying or not. Something as simple as membrane leather being able to stretch a great deal seemed to astound Tom. How could his people have such incredible things and not know how to make proper leather? Was he playing dumb?

When the subject had turned to magic items, Sapphire started to doubt him even more, he knew a lot about magic stuff for someone who claimed to know nothing. Then again for everything he guessed right, there was a wrong too.

The notion that you could have a rod just stick in place had caught her attention, even though the bag which was bigger on the inside seemed like a bit of a stretch.

“Have you ever seen an item like that?” Sapphire joined in, curious to see how he would react.

“Uhm… No.” Tom had answered, sounding a little uncertain looking at Sapphire with a head tilt “just thought it be awesome”

“I’ll grant you I would pay a lot for a bag like that. I'm no master of the arcane, so I have no idea how that might be done” Vulzan added.

“How you make them magic things?” Tom had questioned the trader

“I don’t really know that either to be honest, but I believe you take either inherently magic materials or enchant an existing material and then mold the inherent or traped power within to suit your purpose. Your cape, for instance, I don’t know the specifics but I know they need lacewing thread to make it.”

“What is lacewing?” Tom had then asked predictably.

“Tom, do you know what a butterfly is?” Sapphire tried.

“Yes,” He answered. At least they had something that could fly back home.

“It’s a special butterfly with color-changing wings. It's very pretty.” Sapphire clarified.

“Sounds pretty,” Tom had echoed seemingly in thought, probably trying to imagine what one might look like.

“But anyway, Arc told me you two had a talk” Vulzan interjected.

“I must say I’m surprised he thinks this highly of you already. I mean, I know you put in quite the first impression but still. Anyway, I think it is a splendid idea. Though I’m fairly sure we will have to consult Nunuk first. Besides, there are no guarantees the kid will go of course”.

Sapphire Looked to Tom he just seemed perplexed at what Vulzan had said. Was Vulzan sending his kid here? She didn’t even know he had any, and why her of all places? They couldn’t teach a kid much here. And surely Vulzan could afford the send his children to a fine school, in a big city somewhere.

“Is someone coming here?” Tom had questioned

“Well yes, didn’t he tell you” Vulzan questioned

“He just said I meet someone”

“Oh in that case. Arc old boy, get your head in here!” Archeon slung his head through the open door looking down at the table.

“What is it now? Have you made promises you can’t keep or have you made any on my behalf?”

“Well no, of course not. I just thought you needed to be the one to tell everyone about that little plan of yours”

“So the latter then. I only said I would ask him, but fine.” The dragon turned his head towards Nunuk sitting in her high chair “Lady Nunuk, I would like to formally request permission that your keep become the first deployment for my oldest son Jarix.”

There was silence in the room for a moment. Sapphire just put the fork back down looking around at the others, all either trying to be polite, frozen, or staring at Archeon. “I have come to the conclusion that he is in need of some tempering following the hardening he has received at the academy. I believe your keep will be able to provide it.”

Nunuk stood up looking bewildered even if Tom had made the unexpected a little more common around here, this was still a lot “I humbly accept, of course, that is a great honor but shouldn’t he be sent where he is needed?”

“I’m afraid that if that happens he will just charge off and get himself killed the first chance he gets. I believe he needs to learn as Tom so eloquently said it. What is worth fighting for and you just so happen to have a darkling problem. A fine excuse in my eyes. Not to mention someone who might be interesting enough to keep my son around for long enough to take a liking to the place. At Least I hope so” The massive dragon now turned its head to Tom along with much of the room.

“Uhm... wha…” was all Tom had gotten, looking somewhere between terrified and utterly confused.

“You think you can handle that soldier?” Vulzan added with a jovial slap on the back. “I warn you he is as rambunctious as they come”

Sapphire wasn’t quite sure what to do with herself. A dragon stationed here at their keep! A dragon of the royal guard no less. This was incredible, Sapphire had dreamed of joining the royal guard since she was a little girl. That was why she had gone to the capitol way back when. She hadn’t made the cut, she was just a huntress after all. She had come to the city alone hoping talent would do. Without a war on though, they hadn’t needed a street girl from a backwater keep to fill the ranks. They had plenty of noble sons and daughters who came with both equipment and powerful connections to choose from.

Esmeralda just let out a puff of air as if she was exhausted, Sapphire could feel that too. This was a bit much.

“We are gonna be working overtime for the rest of the year aren't we?” Esmeralda then went. Sapphire hadn’t thought of that part. Oh, this was gonna suck a lot too.

Jackalope had just taken another drink of water seemingly still a bit dehydrated from the evening before even if her head appeared to have cleared up again. “Can’t he hunt for himself?”

“If you can convince him, Sure.” Vulzan added merely “But he is a warrior, remember. He has spent the last decade training to fight and he is raring to go. So if you get him to hunt deer I would be mightily impressed.”

“You better get that wing fixed Saph” Jackalope just concluded before going to get more water.

Tom was looking around a bit worried as if he had done something wrong… Oh right, the whole secret thing that was gonna be a problem. Sapphire just hoped Dakota wasn’t gonna take this too badly.


Oh my god, what had he done? They would be sending a dragon from whatever the royal guard was, it sounded very important though. And Tom was supposed to teach him manners? What the fuck? What had he gotten himself into? He couldn’t figure out if this was the best thing ever or the worst. It sure as fuck messed up his plans though. He wondered if he was supposed to be like Vulzan. He and Archeon seemed extremely close, that would be pretty sweet.

Apuma then spoke up “It is my understanding that a dragon of the Royal guard sometimes comes with a contingent of warriors. Will this be the case?”

Archeon answered “That is only the truth for the older, larger members, Jarix is as of yet not capable of carrying more than a few people. In combat, he supposed to fly solo to better make use of his speed. I don’t know if he will bring someone along. He is allowed to if he wants, I believe."

"But as I said, I will only be asking him to please do this and try to persuade him. I cannot force him nor will I try to do so.”

“Perfectly understandable, will we be accountable for the pay? I’m not familiar with how deployment is handled if we aren't the ones requesting it?”

“He will be paid by the guard, but you will be expected to provide comfortable living conditions in exchange. This isn’t a warzone after all. His equipment is also to be maintained of course”

Well, at least Tom hadn’t doomed them to financial ruin, he was guessing actually paying for the deployment of a dragon trained for war was not cheap. Tom wondered what sort of equipment a warrior dragon would have, would he be armored? That certainly had the potential to mess with his plans for how to kill one but he would have to see.

“Uhm when is coming?” Tom asked tentatively.

“I can’t tell you for sure, I know his final exams are in a few weeks. I intend to witness them, after that. I don't know. The trip here is only a little under a week if you fly straight here."

Tom better get back to his studies then, he had a lot to learn and maybe not much time before he had something else to worry about.

After the meal, Tom had gotten dressed up in his armor, holstered his weapons, and made ready for another night on guard duty. He did want to have a talk with Nunuk or someone about what was going on and if they thought he was doing the right thing or if this was bad. For now, though, Nunuk and Apuma were locked in conversation with Archeon and Vulzan and he had a job to do at least the extra long nap meant he was more awake than usual.

As he sat peering out into the darkness, He contemplated the day's events. Things were moving faster than he had planned right now and he didn’t feel in control at all. It was all very exciting but something horrible was gonna happen sooner rather than later it always does.

After a few hours, Nunuk stuck her head up the trap door looking around to check if they were alone. Satisfied that was the case she got up and closed the hatch behind her.

“Lady on deck” Tom let out trying to performing their salute.

“Haha very funny.” Nunuk responded “If you are gonna pull that stunt at least stand at proper attention

“Not very good at standing on toes ma'am”

“Yet another shortcoming.”

“Hey, I’m trying”

“Yes, I know. You've been trying very hard.” Tom couldn’t quite work out if the old lady was happy or not at that statement.

“I’ll grant you, I have never before been in this situation. You have been extraordinarily kind, entertaining, and even brave. One might even call you honorable, if not for your general way of going about things.”

“I’ll take that as compliment”

“Tom, I have no clue what is happening right now. I have reigned this keep since my mother died. that was over fifty years ago Tom, I don’t know if that is a long time where you are from but it is here. And I have never had this many things to do."

"In the past two days, you managed to become the ace of your first proper battle, beat Shiva's decade long streak in drinking, save my daughter from certain death, stop me from making a big mistake, blew the feet out under one of the most confident traders I know. Secure the friendship of a venerable old dragon I have known for decades while asking him how you are supposed to kill him."

"At the same time, you put my daughter’s life in jeopardy, damn near killed yourself, stole my husband's sulfur supply while drunk, and used it to try and make a weapon capable of killing a dragon. I can’t figure out what is going to happen next Tom and I don't like it."

“Not much help, I don’t either” Tom just answered shrugging, it was quite the list he admitted.

“Well, first of all, we need to tell Vulzan and Archeon the truth about you. I’m not playing games of deception with a member of the royal guard. Do you still wanna try and keep a low profile?”

“I think so. I try and convince them not talk too much. We need be ready before anyone comes looking”

“Right then, I think you need to do that part. You managed to make friends with the old guy while measuring him up for a killing blow after all. Vulzan’s guards still aren’t airworthy, Dashu is walking again but it will be a while before Tyborg is ready to leave so you have time.

On that whole killing a dragon front I must ask you, what exactly are you planning?”

“Need to experiment, Kokashi found Flashpowder and Vulzan has Blitz stuff. I try and see what do. Also try to make proper black powder, not the drunk failure. After that, I don't know. Need more metal for both tools and good cannon. Much to do”

“Sound like you plan on going through with your little project then. I was hoping on that, I think I need to show you something then.”

“But guard duty?”

“ I’ll send someone up to replace you just come to my quarters when you are relived”

“Okay can do” Tom wondered what she had in mind, maybe the sword? It sounded important after all, so maybe?

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