Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 606 135.4 - The Banquet

Chapter 606 135.4 - The Banquet

'This woman…..'

Maya felt the subtle shift in Vivienne's tone and the sharpness in her words. It was clear now—Vivienne wasn't just making idle conversation, she was testing her. A woman like Vivienne, who had navigated the upper echelons of power for years, would never let down her guard so easily. She was probing, assessing whether the young Lady Evergreen was as fragile as she appeared or if there was something more beneath the surface.

Maya's fingers tightened briefly around the stem of her glass as she took in the realization. Of course, Vivienne would push harder—it was the nature of the game. And Maya was already prepared for such challenges. She had anticipated that her persona of the timid, inexperienced noblewoman wouldn't be enough to fool everyone. Women like Vivienne had sharpened their instincts in political circles filled with deceit and ambition. Maya knew she had to step carefully.

Letting her shoulders relax slightly, she allowed the faintest flicker of nervousness to cross her features, just enough for Vivienne to catch it. She held the glass in her hand, taking a small sip of the wine, her fingers deliberately trembling as she set it down.

Her hand slipped just slightly, and the glass wobbled precariously before tumbling from her fingers.

"Oh!" Maya gasped, stepping back in surprise, her eyes wide with embarrassment. The glass lay in pieces at her feet, and she could already feel the attention of the nearby guests turning toward her. She bit her lip, her expression a perfect mixture of shock and humiliation as she clasped her hands together in front of her chest. "I-I'm so sorry," she stammered softly, casting her gaze down as if utterly mortified by the mistake.

Vivienne's eyes flashed with amusement, but behind her smile was something more. She watched closely, clearly evaluating whether this nervous display was genuine or another carefully calculated move. Maya could sense Vivienne's enjoyment at seeing her so flustered, but she made sure to maintain her facade, giving Vivienne exactly what she wanted to see: an unsure, overwhelmed young woman out of her depth.

"Don't worry, Lady Evergreen," Vivienne said with a teasing lilt in her voice, her eyes gleaming with a hint of predatory satisfaction. "It happens to the best of us." She leaned in slightly, her smile widening.

At this point, many people's attention was directed toward that place as they saw how the glass had shattered there.

Just as Maya was about to respond to Vivienne's teasing remark, the sound of footsteps approached swiftly. An attendant, impeccably dressed in the Cox family's colors, arrived with a small, discreet broom and cloth to clean up the shattered glass. His movements were quick yet unobtrusive, expertly clearing the broken shards without drawing too much attention. Maya cast a fleeting glance at him, grateful for his professionalism, but something else caught her attention.

The timing.

The crowd's murmurs quieted as the doors at the far end of the ballroom opened, and the host of the evening, Gerald Cox, entered the room.

He walked with an air of importance that demanded respect, yet his face held a pleasant, welcoming smile. The sudden shift in focus from Maya's moment of clumsiness to the host's grand entrance felt almost deliberate.

'Not bad.' Maya couldn't help but notice the impeccable timing of his appearance. Whether intentional or not, it provided her with the opportunity to gracefully step away from the spotlight.

'Most likely to save me some face.' She briefly wondered if it had been orchestrated as a subtle gesture of support. After all, the Cox family had everything riding on this banquet, and letting a high-profile guest like Lady Evergreen suffer unnecessary embarrassment wouldn't be beneficial to anyone.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the voice of one of the Cox family's attendants announced, drawing the attention of the room. "Our esteemed host, Lord Gerald Cox."

Gerald paused at the center of the ballroom, a commanding figure now standing at the heart of everyone's attention. With a subtle wave of his hand, the hum of conversation dwindled to a quiet hush. He surveyed the room for a moment, his gaze passing over Maya and Astron for a brief second before settling on the larger group of guests.

"Welcome, friends and esteemed guests," Gerald began, his voice smooth and practiced, carrying through the grand hall with ease. "It brings me great pleasure to have you all here tonight. This evening is not only a celebration of our shared successes but also a chance to strengthen the bonds of friendship and collaboration between our families and our future endeavors."

There was a soft murmur of approval from the guests, the gathered crowd clearly impressed with Gerald's poised and confident demeanor. His words were carefully chosen, not only welcoming the attendees but also hinting at the underlying purpose of the banquet—strengthening alliances and fortifying the Cox family's newfound position of power.

Gerald's eyes swept the room once more, offering a reassuring smile to his guests. "Please, enjoy the evening. We've prepared the finest refreshments and entertainment, and we hope this will be a night to remember for all."

As the polite applause began to fade and guests resumed their conversations, Gerald Cox made his way through the gathered crowd with purpose. His eyes flicked briefly to various important figures in the room, but it was clear where his destination lay. With measured, confident steps, he moved toward Maya and Astron.

Maya noticed his approach immediately. Despite the bustling atmosphere of the room, the subtle shift in attention toward her was impossible to miss. She adjusted her posture, ensuring she maintained a composed yet slightly timid demeanor.

As Gerald reached their side, he inclined his head slightly in a gesture of respect, his smile warm and polite. "Lady Evergreen," he greeted, his voice smooth and respectful. "It is a true honor to have you here with us tonight. Your presence elevates the evening."

Maya offered a small, graceful smile in return, her eyes flicking up to meet his briefly before she lowered them, playing the part of the demure young noblewoman. "Thank you, Lord Cox. I'm grateful for your hospitality," she replied softly, her voice carrying just the right amount of humility.

Gerald's gaze shifted briefly to Astron, acknowledging his presence with a nod before returning his attention to Maya. "I trust everything has been to your satisfaction thus far?" he asked, his tone indicating genuine interest in ensuring that the evening had met her expectations.

Maya nodded slightly, her fingers lightly touching the fan she held as she replied. "Yes, everything has been wonderful. The banquet is... quite grand."

Gerald smiled wider, clearly pleased with her response. "I'm glad to hear it. If there is anything you need throughout the evening, please do not hesitate to ask. We aim to ensure all our guests feel comfortable."

Gerald, still standing before Maya with that pleasant smile on his face, seemed to hesitate for a brief moment before he spoke again. "And how is your brother, Mister Alden?" he asked casually, though there was a subtle undertone to the question. "I understand he's been quite busy lately, taking on more responsibilities within the Evergreen family."

Maya's fingers tightened ever so slightly on the handle of her fan, but she kept her expression perfectly composed, offering a soft, thoughtful nod. Gerald's question wasn't surprising—Alden was a well-known figure within their circles, and it made sense that Gerald would inquire after him. But Maya wasn't naive; she could sense the true intent behind the question. Gerald wasn't simply making polite conversation—he was probing, trying to understand if there were deeper reasons for her presence tonight.

Smiling gently, Maya tilted her head slightly in a gesture of mild thoughtfulness. "Alden is doing well, thank you for asking, Lord Cox. As you mentioned, he's been quite busy lately, overseeing much of the family's work. I'm sure he would have liked to attend tonight, but... certain matters required his attention."

Gerald nodded, his expression remaining pleasant, but Maya could see the gears turning behind his calm demeanor. He was undoubtedly weighing her words, trying to determine if her brother's absence held any significance beyond what she had offered.

Maya, of course, had no intention of giving away more than necessary. Her presence at the banquet was already creating enough curiosity—there was no need to draw further attention to the Evergreen family's internal affairs.

"I see," Gerald replied, his tone measured. "A shame that Mister Alden could not join us, but I'm sure the family's affairs are in capable hands."

Maya smiled politely, her eyes lowering just slightly. "Yes, he is more than capable," she said softly, her voice carrying the perfect blend of familial pride and deference. "He's always been very dedicated."

Gerald's eyes shifted from Maya to Astron, his gaze subtly appraising the young man's poised yet silent presence. There was a momentary flicker of curiosity in his expression before he spoke again, his tone still pleasant but with a hint of inquiry. "And this gentleman is?"

Maya, maintaining her composed facade, gave a soft smile and gestured toward Astron. "This is Astron," she replied, her voice light but confident. "He is my partner for the evening."

Gerald's eyes flickered with understanding, but internally, he was already processing the deeper meaning behind the introduction. 'Partner, is it? A curious choice of words... but fitting, given the nature of these events.' His gaze lingered on Astron, noting his calm, unwavering demeanor. There was something about the way Astron carried himself—controlled, watchful, and entirely unbothered by the scrutiny of the room. Gerald had seen this type before. He had no doubt that Astron was more than just a simple companion.

'A protector, perhaps? Or an aide, here to ensure Lady Evergreen's safety and to fend off any... complications,' Gerald mused. The presence of such a composed figure beside Maya seemed to imply that the Evergreens were not leaving anything to chance tonight. This young man, with his sharp, focused eyes and chiseled features, was clearly someone used to handling tense situations, someone who could diffuse potential issues before they even arose.

Gerald gave Astron a nod, one filled with respect. "I see. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mister Astron," he said and extended his hand toward Astron, his smile warm but with that same underlying note of respect.

Astron, ever composed, reached out and accepted the gesture, shaking Gerald's hand with a firm but controlled grip. It was the kind of handshake that conveyed both confidence and professionalism, traits that Gerald had already come to associate with him.

"Likewise," Astron said simply, his tone steady. The exchange, while brief, spoke volumes to Gerald.

As Gerald shook Astron's hand, something unexpected stirred within him. It wasn't something tangible, nor was it anything he could immediately identify, but a vague sense of unease crept up from deep within his instincts.

Astron's grip was firm, confident, and professional—everything Gerald expected from a man in his position. But there was an underlying current, a subtle shift in the air that Gerald couldn't ignore.

For a brief moment, Gerald's eyes lingered on Astron, his smile still in place, but something inside him was quietly sounding an alarm. 'What is it about him?' Gerald thought, his mind trying to grasp at the fleeting sensation. There was nothing overtly threatening in Astron's demeanor—he was composed, polite, and entirely in control. Yet, beneath that calm exterior, Gerald sensed something... other.

It was as if there was a layer of depth to Astron that remained concealed, something powerful and potentially dangerous, though expertly hidden behind his stoic expression. 'Strange,' Gerald mused internally. 'He's not just a simple aide... there's more to him, something I can't quite place.'

Still, Gerald pushed the feeling aside, knowing that, for now, it would remain nothing more than a whisper at the back of his mind.

There was no concrete reason to question Astron further—only the nagging sense that this man, quiet and unassuming as he appeared, was someone worth watching.

"Then, I hope you have a nice night."

With that, he took his leave politely, as he had other matters to attend to.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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