Hungry Necromancer

Chapter 222: Another Soliloquy

Leona, Matthias and I ride back in the carriage. No more of that Frozia superiority while I'm around. 

Thinking about it I can't help looking at Matthias as even more of a wimp than I previously thought, he gave way to the Preist and her disciples in the same manner he gave way to me.

But I figure he is simply a man enamored by his own survival. He is obsessed with self preservation, he would shake hands with anyone who could guarantee no change in his power or an increase, for now, I'm not sure what the Preist offered him.

I'll have to be cautious. While I thought and expected Frozia to have developed some kind of resistance to my power, to my subjugation of them, but I never thought I'd have to been on edge in this way.

I suppose that's what I get for staying away so long.

Anselm stays out front with Leon I'm sure they have a lot to talk about as I've got quite a bit in common already I can tell that handsome is shocked and pleased to see a person like Leon exists in this world so far all he has met the people like me willing to do whatever it takes for their goals selfish or not but he and Leon share something in common they sure are the hearts of men who are willing to lay down their lives serving some purpose or Another.

Panda stays are back following the courage closely behind as we move out to the mayor's mansion. I need him here so far he is the only proof of my necromantic power being stable he also acts as a show of strength on my part. The people get to see who their true ruler is, his nature and his power, and it also serves as a reminder now to the priests and the disciples of Frozia.

We get to the mansion and settle in, unfortunately I had to leave panda behind the doors aren't large enough for him to come in through. The obedient undead creatures sees this and acknowledges that his presence will be needed and simply stays right in the middle of the streets leading to the Mansion doors.

Anselm spends some time with Leon where outside bid Matthias farewell in the middle there is a lot on my mind and after taking his own room and getting settled in it, I have a chance to ponder on what next.

What next would be war. Although I've been preparing for this eventuality it is such an odd feeling to realise that I am now in the position to either take the first step towards war or be the one on the defence.

While Kaylin and Aren recruits from all the remaining villages I am here in front here with the last dates of military might and I realise that I could prepare to declare war, all out war, on the Marquess.

I think on this option for a while and I know that all it would take is just a few more days of training and preparation and gathering and then I would give the order and the men would March whether they like it or not they would March and take over the March in my name and perhaps in the goddesses as well.

A part of me wishes to do this very thing to get rid of the first domino in my way and be done with it. To announce my presence to the world to the Kingdom, to the point where I cannot be ignored no longer, to the point where I have control over an entire March, of an entire county.

But I don't do this because there's always another option. What is the other option? Well it just happens to be waiting, waiting for the enemy to strike, for Serue to strike without knowing what's really awaits him.

The other option is to train, is to sweat and wait for the enemy to strike at me while I am seated in the strongest position I have been.

I realise and understand that it has merely been lock that has prevented my presents from being discovered a proper leader the Marquis would have found out by now that her subjects are being taken over one by one, that Frozia has been taken over, that Demme had been taken over.

But I suppose I am not dealing with the proper leader I'm not dealing with someone who takes keen interest in your subjects and for that I'm grateful.


I stay the night in Matthias' room, well, it's my room now. Overlooking the frost covered city my thought drift from plan to plan, option to option. 

I reflect on my hunger, the hunger of Lotar and on the power the Deity has bestowed upon me until now. There are three more Cultists out there, Gamma Warriors. Killing all three should bring me closer to receiving yet another boon from the Wolf Deity.

Though, unlike the last times, I'm not feeling overwhelmingly eager about receiving the boon. I believe live I'm at a point where my power, the power the Mark of All gives me, is enough. I feel like I only need to be greedy with it alone, and I think I will be.

The System however, is slow, stealing souls and modifying them to my will with Soul Manipulation has only grown so much. But I can't complain too much, I understand the power of a soul each time I steal one, each time I have one in my palm, dancing in my hand waiting to be released or consumed.

I understand that the manipulation of souls is the first power any aspiring God needs to have and fortunately for me, the system has dropped it kindly in my lap. All that's left is to figure it out and let it grow in me.

Once the sun comes up I get dressed and prepped for the day I have in mind. Matthias is waiting for me at the door with Leon in a chair and several other men garbed in clean steel Armour. I can immediately guess who they are.

Unfortunately, I haven't their time just yet, I have them choose between waiting inside or follow me out to the outskirts of the city,  where the cultists lie in wait, multiplying in number.

The men, soldiers that they are choose the latter. On the way out I'm told that one of the first tings the priest, Leona did once she manifested her powers was challenge the Cultists.

The men speak only good words about this day, watching a woman barely over twenty throw herself at the danger for her city and her Goddess, it was this act that inspired many to begin praying to Frozia once more, this single act that inspired the near citywide worship of the Goddess of Winter and Ice.

Although she lost the battle with the Gamma warrior, nearly losing her life if Mathias hadn't jumped in and saved her at the last minute, she and the disciples have gotten a lot of support and before anyone knew it, Leona was holding sermons and going out on outreaches to those who had yet to give their hearts to the Goddess.

Frankly, I can see why people would flock to the religion once again, even with how harsh it is. Anera has yet to manifest a single priest willing to fight for the safety of others in Frozia. Whereas, the Goddess Frozia has done exactly that, she hs sent down a veritable Avatar of her power to redeem her people from the suffocating power of the cult of Phien.

Even though she failed any of the people will see this in a favorable light. They will believe that someone, a Goddess for that matter thinks them worth saving and they too will believe they are worth it. This renewed worth is starkly shown in the way the city behaves now. There are more people out on the street, more people working, more people moving and being alive.

Compared to last time I was here, it does seem a lot more alive.

Its annoying and amazing at the same time. She's won an entire city with a single manifestation alone.

I pick up panda at the front steps as we move out to the wall, seeing him reminds me of something I found odd but forgot.

The Cultists multiplying.

How are they managing to do that? Are their minions a small number or are there no minions at all? Frozia doesn't get many visitors, not since the Synagogue did what they did to the Carbina family. Plus, there's the mere fact that the place is freezing cold. A nice tourist spot for those looking to see something they haven't seen in centuries sure but not with the cult on the prowl.

So where are these bodies coming from?

I ask Matthias and he gives me a stretched out smile, I bet it's nothing good. 

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