HP: The Crazy One

Chapter 5 – Worst Punishment Imaginable

[8 AM]

"You're going to follow me while I go shopping today with some friends of mine," she said while sounding innocent.

Oh sh-

This is it, my friends. I have met my doom and I'm only 6. I was asked by my mother to accompany her while she goes shopping.

I know I made a joke about being a pack mule but maybe she intends to use me as one today. I can't think of anything worse than to follow my mum around holding all her bought goodies whilst she goes and gets more. I mean, I could be at home daydreaming and that would be more fun than this.

Even this is a bit extreme for just trying to get into that accursed room, why was it even electrified too begin with? They still won't tell me.

Honestly, I don't see how this day could get any worse.


[12 PM]

Well, it got worse.

She didn't tell me her mother's friends would be bringing their own satan spawns as well. Somehow this turned into a giant gathering of mothers to brag about their kids, it's almost like she planned on dragging me here tomorrow, even if I didn't mess up last night.

And who said making friends with people your own age is interesting? Everyone I've spoken to so far is only interested in random toys I've never even heard of before, thinking about it, I don't think I've ever even asked for toys to play with! Books have always been way more interesting to me, even if I have to skip dinner for it.

And none of these kids even read by themselves, they all expect their parents to read them some story about pigs before they go to bed and compete with each other to see whose parents love them more. Honestly, a massive waste of time even talking to them, so I ended up doing exactly what I said I would this morning. Daydreaming.

Yep, I like to daydream about the wackiest of things even when the situation calls for my attention. I always get so entertained or amused in my own thoughts that I end up stupidly smiling when my timing could not be possibly worse. Here's an example.

"My Grandpa died"


"How dare you"


This has happened to me a few times now, not grandpa dying, but in similar situations where I was not meant to smile.

God, I can't wait for this day to just be over and go back to the safety of my books. I don't know what books to ask for my dad, so ill just do the next best thing and ask for everything. Honestly, I think I deserve it for putting up with my mom's friend's kids. I've ended up a glorified babysitter.

"Zane, honey, why don't you talk to the other kids?" My mother asked.

"What's there to talk about?" and just like that, I killed the conversation.

I think she knows that I can't relate to kids my age because they are just so... simple. Though I don't think I should say that around their parents. I see my mother struggling to keep up with their conversation as well, and id rather not ruin the effort she put in to be included into their friend group by simply saying, 'Their kids are idiots.' I've learned my lesson from my last life in doing that.

[3 Hours Later]

"Zane, it's time to go home."

'Oh thank god,' I could not be happier at this rate. Hanging out at a mall that has the smallest playground I've ever seen has not been fun. And somehow along the way I got made the designated swing pusher, but my weak 6-year-old body couldn't handle much before I went to sit down next to my mum and daydream again.

"Dad owes me so many books," I muttered under my breath.

"What was that?" My mother seemed to have heard me.




I slept for 5 hours today. Personal best if i do say so myself. However, waking up to like 3k views on my novel is quite... unexpected. Am I a good writer? Why is no one commenting? Very strange.

700 words this chapter, maybe ill keep it a consistent 1k words per chapter? I'm not sure. If i continued to write this chapter instead of breaking out into the next one it would become pretty long. You might have also noticed he has a fascination with books. Basically, it's his escape mechanism. *cough*

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