HP: The Crazy One

Chapter 28: Potions Class

Having 10 minutes to reach the class, we figured it was enough time to grab the textbook for the potions class and the potion-making kit that goes along with it. However, I seem to keep forgetting simply how large Hogwarts is and end up running late to the class.

After repeatedly asking the paintings and random students along the way where the potions classroom is, we end up outside of an entrance to the dungeon, an area we had completely missed exploring earlier. Walking up to the closed dungeon door, I knock twice and wait for a response. After waiting for at most a second, the door flies open with a pale and stern lanky figure standing over us.

“Ravenclaws? That are late? Ten points from each of you,” Saying that he steps aside and lets us into the classroom where we find an empty desk at the front.

“As I was saying, learning the art of potion making is a subtle and complex process, and I expect 5 per cent of you to be good enough to continue studying it in the future. Potions have potential that none of you even know about, and that is something im going to attempt to teach you dunderheads about. With the art of potion making, fame, glory, and wealth. All of this can be yours if you are good enough.”

After he finishes his introduction, he turns around and starts to write some general rules on the board.

“In this class I expect you to follow these simple rules, that even monkeys can follow. You are not to try and deviate from the recipe given to you at all, for doing so will have dire consequences. You are not to disagree with me, may magic forgive you if you do. Lastly, you are to hand in any potions you made at the end of the class. Am I clear?”

Earning a dreary yes from the rest of the class, he starts to read out the textbook for potion making, before deciding to target me and Luna for his questions.

“Mr Zouglas, what is the purpose of The Draught of Living Death?”

“To raise the dead,” The moment I said it, I saw my fellow Ravenclaw students wince.

“How are you so violently incorrect? Are you sure you are a Ravenclaw?”


Letting out an angry huff, he targets Luna next.

“And you, Mrs Lovegood, what happens if I mix nyxie tears with flobberworm mucus?”

“Are there nargles in them?” She asked.

After Luna answered, the class broke out into laughter. Startled by the response, the professor doesn’t even bother replying before walking back to the front of the class, presumably to continue with the lesson.

“Open your textbooks to page 1,” He said.

What followed can only be considered a mind-numbing lecture of content that was ripped straight from the textbook, with random questions asked between paragraphs targeted towards Me and Luna. With our knowledge lacking, we couldn’t answer them and earned the ire of our fellow housemates for being so ‘Un-Ravenclaw’ like.

After a double period of potions, with various notes and questions written down in Dororithy, we headed towards the Great Hall for lunch, as it was around 4 pm. Entering the Great Hall, all of the students at the Ravenclaw table went silent, giving me and Luna death stares. This was even including my Roommates, who pretended to not know me. Reaching our usual spot on the table, there is a good distance between us and the other Ravenclaw students. Before we could sit down, Luna spoke up.

“There are Nargles everywhere,” She said.

Hearing that, I realize that none of this food is probably safe to eat.

“This morning, there were none in the food directly from the kitchen, right?” I asked.


“Then we just need to get it from the kitchen directly?” I said.

After saying that, we started walking towards the kitchen, arriving in no time because we knew the way. Tickling the pear, we were allowed access to the kitchen where seemingly endless elves were cooking food. Walking into the kitchen, we were greeted by the elf that met us this morning.

“What can Julis do for Sir Zane and Mrs Luna?” It said.

“Lunch, please,” I said.

“There is lunch in the Great Hall, young sirs,”

“They were infested with Nargles.” Luna had spoken.

“Oh, that’s not good! Julis will cook for young sirs!” Julis said as it snapped its fingers.

With the snap of its fingers, cookware and ingredients started flying across the kitchen, getting eventually transforming into two plates of sandwiches with various fillings. When the sandwiches were finished, Julis placed them in front of me and Luna before bowing into the back of the kitchen, going back to whatever it was doing before.

“Well, any nargles?” I asked.

“Nope,” She replied.

“Let's dig in, then.”

Polishing off half the plate of sandwiches, I leave the rest for Luna and start to think about the events that happened today. The common factor was our lack of preparation for each class and the lack of research on where the classes themselves were. Taking out Dororithy, I draw up a plan of action for the rest of today, starting with heading towards the library after lunch.

“Im done.” I heard Luna speak up.

“Ok, lets go to the library next.”

Getting up from the table, we walk out of the kitchen and into the corridor, ignoring all of the strange glances we get from the Hufflepuff students. Making our way to the library, we find the door to it is unlocked but is being guarded by a front desk with a stern-looking lady manning it. Walking into the library, she looks at us before starting to speak.

“First time in the library?”

“Yes,” I replied.

“Only a few rules, don’t write on the books, don’t damage the books, take care of the books as they are magical in nature and finally, no practising magic inside of the Library for any reason.”

“Ok,” I replied.

After agreeing, the lady waved us towards the books, where rows upon rows of books rested.

“Luna… if you can't find me in the future, im probably somewhere here,” I said, before stumbling towards the first book I could see.


Author Corner:

Short and simple this time, I was going to make this chapter WAY longer but I decided to break it up into two chapters. One of you commented that I should try POV changes and you know what? You gave me a really good idea! The next chapter will be more than one POV, probably.

I wanted to get a chapter out before I become frankly ridiculously busy over the next few days.

Thanks for reading so far.

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