HP: The Arcane Thief (LitRPG)

Chapter 99: Axel Hunt: Exposed





'What the fuck?'

The titles of the articles made Axel take a deep breath while Martina immediately understood what had happened. To deal with all the humiliation they had suffered today, the Mikhailovs had decided to target Axel.

She took his hand, feeling extremely remorseful, "I'm so sorry Axel… if I hadn't gotten you involved-"

Axel shook his head, stopping her from speaking further. What's done is done, and he can't really blame Martina for it anyway. Right now, there were more pressing matters to worry about. Taking the MM in his hand, he began reading the articles.


Dear readers, the moment we had all been waiting for has arrived! The past of Axel Hunt, the genius Quidditch Player, and the newly announced Son-in-law of the Valentino family, has been revealed!

Ever since his meteoric rise in fame, the curiosity of the wizarding world towards this young prodigy has been increasing day by day, but curiously enough, there had been no news of his life before Hogwarts, nor his family background. It was as if Axel Hunt came out of nowhere.

People have always wanted to know: How did he become so good at Quidditch? What were his living conditions? Was he professionally trained from birth? Did he receive some kind of prior tutoring, so that he's in the top of his class without even studying? And, what kind of family background does he have, that he became the Son-in-law of the Valentino Family?

However, the reality was revealed to be quite shocking. Here's a picture of Axel Hunt as a child:

[Click to see the Image]

Below was an image of a six to seven year old Axel, in torn and shabby clothes. He was quite scrawny and malnourished, and he looked like he had just come out of a fight, since he had a light bruising on his cheek and a grimy appearance. Overall, he seemed like the kid you would steer away from out of caution and disgust if you saw him on the streets.

"How the fuck did they get that?!" Axel couldn't help but mutter. The picture looked legit, it was definitely him, but, it was in a very high definition, fully coloured, and moving, since he was blinking his eyes and wiping his cheek with the back of his hand. No way it could have been taken using a muggle camera, and he didn't think a random ass wizard had enough time to take his individual image so long ago.

Martina, who had been too absorbed into looking at the younger version of Axel, came out of her thoughts as she answered Axel's question. "It's a picture generated from a memory, Axel. They're called pensieved images. Since a memory can be viewed in a pensieve, you can also generate an image through it using modern magical technology," she explained, still looking at the image in fascination.

"Fuck…" muttered Axel, as he realized the implications of that. If this image is a memory then they must have gotten the details about his childhood! "Fuck… fuck fuck…"


Martina looked at him in worry, but Axel just continued reading the article, already knowing what to expect, Martina also following his lead.

"As hard as it is to believe, that is the picture of a six year old Axel Hunt. Quite different from most of the expectations, Axel Hunt did not have the ideal childhood, nor did he have the powerful background everyone believed he did. His childhood was actually spent at a 'Muggle' Orphanage.

Yes, Axel Hunt, the genius prodigy and the son in law of the Valentino Family, is actually from a muggle orphanage, where he spent his childhood being severely ostracized. Young Axel had a quick temper, and he was prone to accidental magic. Every time he lashed out, people were hurt, which led to the worsening of his treatment at the orphanage.

At the age of seven, he got into a fight with the son of a rich and influential muggle, resulting in him getting dropped out from the scholarship program of the school. The very next day, he left the orphanage, never to return again.

"The image you see is the last time he was seen at the place. How he went from this, to being declared the son-in-law of the Valentino Family, is what everyone is curious about. But a lot can be deduced from his background."


Is the genius Quidditch player and the newly declared finance of the famous Mafia Princess Martina Valentino is actually a Muggleborn?

As absurd as this statement might sound, it might, in fact, be true. Through our sources, it has been confirmed that Axel Hunt has actually spent his childhood in a Muggle Orphanage. Now, in case the child of a registered wizarding family is orphaned, we have our own wizarding orphanages for such children. And Hunt not being there could only mean that either his parents were unregistered, which is unlikely, or not even one of them was magical, meaning they were muggles.

Whatever the case, there has been a sudden increase in people speaking against Hunt's engagement. People are questioning his qualifications for marrying the beautiful and kind Princess Martina with his rough background, and number of young men cursing him are increasing every minute. Subscribe to our channel and we'll keep you updated about further news on this matter.

{? Subscribe}

The forums were no good either.


started by: Bewitcher69 ( bewitch69)

I just found out that Axel Hunt is actually a muggelborn with no family background. And he's had mental issue since childhood. Is he really a good match for Goddess Martina?


No way! Fuck you, Axel! You filthy mudblood shit! Stay away from my goddess!

Rapid_cast12 ( rapidcast12)

Isn't this the same gold digger guy who's seduced a lot of heiresses? I thought he was dead for sure for messing with a Valentino, but became the Son-in-law instead? Well, serves him right. He's dead for THIS time, for hiding such information from the Valentino family. No way they'd keep a Son-in-law of who has no status.


rapidcast12 rightly spoken, brother! Die AxelHunt!

MartinaSimp467 ( simpingforMartina467)

Fellow cultists, we've been tricked! And so was our goddess! The lowly hunt dared to trick our goddess! He has committed blasphemy!"


Yes! We can't remain silent! Hunt must face the consequences!

Quidditch~princess ( quidditchprincess99)

Shut up, you all! Axel has done nothing wrong! He managed to rise after having such a terrible past. Y'all just jealous he's so good.

MartinaSimp467 ( simpingforMartina467)

Stfu Quidditch Princess! You're just a brainless Axel fangirl. Girls' opinion can never be believed when judging that fiend.

Justice_for_Rose ( JusticeforRose)

Yeah, he's just a scumbag who's always trying to get in rich girls' panties. He leaves them after having his fun with them. He made Rose Potter his slave for Merlin's sake. How can someone marry their daughter to such a scumbag?!


Axel discarded the Magi-mirror away as he sighed, plopping himself back into the bed. Funny how he thought his Christmas would be passed peacefully.

This situation is so far fucking from peaceful that most people can't achieve it even after trying their best. And yet Axel...somehow managed to get it without even trying.

Martina went back to look at Axel's childhood pictures. The one in the article wasn't the one leaked. "So... are these... real?" She asked, a look of heartache on her face.

Axel sighed. There was no point in hiding his background now. He could already see all of his haters burning up after finding out that he actually had no backing whatsoever.

Until now, due to him being Slytherin and close to girls like Martina, everyone had thought that he was from some extremely powerful family or wealthy family. People like Damien and Maksmilian would comment on his background from time to time, but those were just bluffs to sound him out.

There was always a great chance he was from one of those secretive powerful families. But, now that the truth is out, his peaceful days are gone even further away from him.

"It's true. All of it,' he said at last.

Martina looked at the photos in anguish. This was really how Axel grew up?

"But... isn't the man in the portrait..." she began... but then stopped. She wanted to ask how he was in a muggle orphanage when his father was clearly a wizard, or at least knew someone who could paint that portrait.

"The portrait?" Asked Axel, putting his hand in his space pocket as he took out the big portrait. Martina had just told him her biggest secret. He could at least return him this much, right? It was already useless information anyway.

"You mean this?" He asked, pointing at his so-called father.

Martina nodded, looking between the two faces staring at her. She had to accept, the resemblance was uncanny.

Axel shrugged, also looking at the portrait. "I don't know him at all. Actually, my parents abandoned me at the muggle orphanage when I was less than a year old."

"That's horrible... " Martina couldn't help but say. To leave a child like Axel? How could someone be so cruel?

Axel shrugged. "Well, it's always been like that. I had a lot of accidental magical bursts when I was young. And I truly was quick to get into a fight," he said, recalling the past that he kept to himself until now.

"Soon, none of the children at the school or at the orphanage would even talk to me. I began to think there was something wrong with me for having these outbursts. So, I began to suppress them..." he said, making Martina gasp, her eyes filling with tears.

Axel continued, "It was a party... the kid I beat up, my classmate. His family had thrown a party for his birthday. He said, "everyone in class is invited". Me being the idiot I was, thought I was too..." he said, smiling at his younger naive self.

*sniff* *sniff*

Martina gripped his hand, as her tears started falling.

"I was just another kid, it was normal for me to be curious about rich people's parties. So, wearing the best pair of clothes I owned, I went there. Of course, my presence there wasn't appreciated, and I was humiliated quite badly for my gall to think I could be considered a member of their class. I'll save you the pain of hearing the unnecessary details, but the party ended with me losing control of my "cursed power" yet again, as I hit the kid too hard, before I left the place."

Axel shrugged, looking at the crying Martina. "That's as much as I can tell about my childhood. Hope this also explains why I don't like parties..."

Martina couldn't take it anymore, as she tightly hugged Axel and began sobbing. "I'm so sorry Axel... it's not your fault. None of it is your fault!" she said in between her sobs.

"I..." Axel felt a bit preplexed. He wasn't used to being comforted like this. And he thought that he had already lost Martina.

"You're not disgusted anymore?" he asked, raising his hand that was being gripped by her.

Martina shook her head vigorously. "You've saved my life! Thrice! How could I?!" She asked, looking offended. Martina would be the most ungrateful bitch to turn away from Axel after all he had done for her. She just... needed some time to adjust her flawed mentality.

"You saved her life? Three times at that?"

The man in the portrait, who had been silent throughout the conversation, couldn't help but be surprised at that piece of information, looking between Axel and Martina.

"You really are my son," he said at last, shaking his head.

"You don't know what trouble you've gotten yourself into, son." He muttered, looking at Axel with some pity.

"You keep your mouth shut, painting. Tell Bellatrix I said sent a fuck you," said Axel, throwing the portrait back into his pouch. He was quite certain there was another portrait of this man with Bellatrix, which he could travel between and report his findings.

"I'm really Sorry for what the real me—" the portrait was saying, but it was cut off as Axel closed the pouch.

Martina's eyes widened. "Bellatrix? Bellatrix Black?"

But at this moment, the door was knocked, saving Axel the trouble to explain. Opening the door, he found that it was Martina's mother.

Francesca bowed as soon as she saw him.

"Axel, I, Francesca Valentino, sincerely apologize on behalf of the Valentino Family for what we did. But I can swear on my Magic that Martina had no hand in it. Due to us, now the Mikhailovs are targeting you. We promise to make it to you in any way we can," she said sincerely, while bowing.

Axel shrugged, still impassive. He was quite desensitized to it all by now. "I'll hold onto that." he said simply. He hasn't forgiven, but he won't throw a tantrum either. He'll just remember what they did, and if they don't remember it well, someday HE might return the favor.

Francesca nodded, "That's all I can ask." "And for what you did for Martina—," Saying so, she then bent down and planted a kiss on Axel's forehead.


"We are forever in your debt. We'll do anything within our power for you," she said, her fingers grazing his cheek and her eyes close to his.

Axel stepped away, wiping his forehead. "Well, you didn't need to do THAT. "

Francesca looked at her daughter, who was safe and sound, and her eyes filled with gratitude. "Yes, I did."

Axel shrugged, "What you did yesterday? I'm just going to say I'll remember it," he told her upfront. These words, coming from him after knowing what he had done just a few hours ago, made Francesca feel the true impact of them.

But she nodded solemnly. "Please do not. We have a lot to make up for and we'll do our best to help you out from now on," she said, bowing again.

Axel didn't feel comfortable having Martina's mother bow to him right in front of her.

"Anyways, what exactly is the situation?" He asked, changing the topic.

Straightening up, Francesca sighed at that. "Somehow, they got the memories of the manager of your Orphanage. And they decided to send the memories to all the Media companies. Instead of trying to bribe a few media companies to publish false news about you, which we could have easily stopped, they decided to hand out the true information, the authenticity of which can be verified, to each and every outlet, letting them tear into you on their own."

Axel sighed. He should have handled that man's memories before, just like what he had done with Scar's men.

Johnny Scar, the man who gave Axel the scars on his face, had been brutally killed by Axel last Christmas. And after getting healed and getting Legilimency, Axel had tried out his newly acquired skill on his men which he had left alive, making sure to erase all their memories as well. He couldn't have done such delicate work while he was still crippled.

He wished he could have done something similar for the Orphanage manager, but he didn't think it was any trouble since he didn't know that memories could be turned into videos and images like this, or that someone would go through the trouble to spread it like this.

Francesca shook her head, "But you don't have to worry. We have just made our statement, giving you our full support, and your situation is getting under control. Some damage is already done, but now everything is stabilizing. Your… other backer turned out to be very resourceful," she said suggestively.

Axel didn't understand that. "I don't know what you're talking about," he said truthfully.

Francesca nodded understandingly. "I'm sure you don't. But thanks to your backing, I can now get to help you out with your wand. Can we begin right away?"

"Really?" Axel sighed. His wand. The thing he had gone through all this trouble for.

"Fucking Finally," he muttered, not even caring about his language. With his background revealed and what had already happened, he didn't need to pretend to be civil anymore.

Francesca nodded, turning to leave the room. "If you will please follow me." She asked curtly.

Martina also began walking. "Let's go. You'll love the place we're going to."

Axel looked at the Magi-mirror in his hand. He wanted to check out his messages, but well, it could wait for a few more minutes, right? He was sure Daphne was just worried about all the news.


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