HP: I was doing all sorts of things at Hogwarts

Chapter 224 Searching and searching for Horcruxes

"What you said is great."

Avro suddenly spoke, hugged Harry's neck, and kissed his cheek.

Harry's pupils trembled and he turned to look at Aphra.

Avro retracted into his arms and didn't say a word.

"Ah, she... is very straightforward." Slughorn wondered if he had disturbed Aphra and Harry.

"Thank you." Avro replied first.

"..." Harry thought, who will save him!

Slughorn quickly turned his attention away as Harry continued.

"Many people are resisting Voldemort, and I believe we can do it." Harry said seductively.

Slughorn said vaguely, "Ah, yes."

"They all say I am the savior."

Harry said calmly, although he didn't think so in his heart, he had to convince Slughorn, "I also hope that I can know something and then help everyone defeat Voldemort."

Slughorn was a little panicked. He probably shouldn't be in this place.

Slughorn wanted to leave, but Aurora pulled out a wand from nowhere.

She shouted slimily, "Xun Dun!"

A blue light screen blocked Slughorn's steps. Slughorn looked carefully and felt huge fluctuations in magic power.

Slughorn was stunned. He reached out and touched the touch screen, feeling the surging magic power.

"Is this... the defensive spell that can block the Death Curse?" Slughorn murmured.

Avro nodded and continued to squint, with a slight smile on her face.

She also hugged Harry's waist. Harry was ashamed and happy, too embarrassed to hug her tightly and didn't want to push her away.

So his current posture and reaction are very embarrassing.

Slughorn touched his nose and said, "This spell...how many people can do it?"

"I can teach you." Avro raised her head, her voice was muddy and sticky, as if she had just been fished out of a honey pot.

Slughorn rubbed his hands. Isn't this bad? this……

"I mean what I say," Avro swore, raising a finger. "Baby Harry knows that I always mean what I say."

Harry, baby?

Harry was a little confused, he felt like something was wrong with him today.

But what was obviously more wrong was Avro.

Avro had fallen on his lap, tugging on his coat.

Slughorn listened to her words and nodded, as if he had made some determination.

He took out his wand and pulled out strands of silver wire from his temple. He put the silver wire into a small glass bottle and handed it to Harry reluctantly.

"I hope you don't think I'm a bad person." Slughorn said sadly and left the small room tremblingly.

He didn't forget to close the door before leaving.

Has Avro sacrificed too much? That is the magic spell that she alone possesses.

Harry felt a little confused when he felt the hem of his clothes being lifted.

Harry looked down at Aphra, who was putting her hand under Harry's shirt.

"Aphrodite?" Harry's voice trembled slightly, and he quickly pressed Aphra's hand.

Only then did Avro raise her head from his arms, and Harry noticed that her eyes were blurred, her cheeks were flushed, and there was a slight trace of sweat on her forehead. She looked very charming.

It's unbearable to love.

Harry tried to think back and remembered that Avro had only had one drink. How could he be so drunk?

He thought about the knowledge he learned in Potions class again, and then suddenly realized, "You won't be infected with the love potion, right?"

Avro blinked and shook his head desperately, "No, I'm drunk."

Okay, it’s a love potion.

Harry sighed, "I'm going to call Professor Slughorn back. Please wait a moment and stop running around."

Avro's mind was confused, and she shook her head quickly, as if she wanted to turn herself into a rattle.

"Not Slughorn," her eyes were filled with water, "just Harry."

Harry wanted to smile, but he knew it was unethical.

Avro held Harry's hands tightly, their fingers intertwined.

Harry opened her hand bit by bit and said patiently, "You need the antidote to the love potion. Trust me, I'll be right back."

"You're not good." Avro let go of his hand and lay on the table, her voice aggrieved.

Harry panicked instead, and hurriedly explained, "I'm not bad, I just want to help you."

"Come here and help me." Avro said pitifully.

Harry hesitated for two seconds, then walked over and held Aphra's hot hand, "I want to help you, but I want to get the antidote."

Avro immediately grabbed his hand. She staggered to her feet and pushed Harry down on the table.

Harry's back was hit on the wooden table, and he hissed in pain.

But before he could immerse himself in the pain, he felt the girl pressing on him.

Harry didn't know where to put his hands, so he just froze in mid-air.

Avro held his chin and kissed his lips.


Although Avro agreed while unconscious, this was also her original intention.

Slughorn has been a professor for so many years, and has a wide network of contacts. He knows many people, and it would be good for him to help him.

And not just because of the Horcrux.

Avro and Harry came to the principal's office. Dumbledore was sitting in the principal's office, somewhat surprised by their arrival.

Harry handed over the glass bottle, and Dumbledore was surprised, "Have you already done it?"

Avro nodded, and Harry nodded too.

Dumbledore pushed up his glasses and took the glass bottle, "Let's take a look together."


The three of them walked into Slughorn's memory. At that time, he was much younger than he is now, and there was a handsome man sitting in front of him.

That was Tom Riddle, whom they all knew.

Tom was asking Slughorn about Horcruxes. Slughorn was very tactful, but because he was in front of a student he liked to admire, he still couldn't help but say a little bit.

Tom's face revealed hidden desire and ecstasy, making his expression a bit ferocious.

"What if there are seven?" Tom asked enthusiastically, obviously because of desire, he became careless.


Avro clasped her diary, gold cup, and pendant on her fingers.

If you add Ravenclaw stuff, there are still three.

Don’t mention how long it will take to find it.

Avro was a little disappointed. When she met Dumbledore's eyes, Dumbledore shook his head slightly.

"This at least gives us some relief," Dumbledore said with relief, "It's very late now, can you go first?"

As he said this, Dumbledore watched Harry finish his sentence.

Avro raised her eyebrows slightly and walked out with Harry.

"I'm on night watch today, you go back to Gryffindor." Aphra waved her hand, "You don't want me to see you off, do you?"

Harry shook his head, "I'll go back by myself."

After Harry left, Avro turned back to Dumbledore's office.

Dumbledore was not surprised, because he wanted Aphra back.

Harry had no idea how much was being kept secret from him.

Avro and Dumbledore poured another cup of tea. After drinking it, Dumbledore took Avro to Gaunt's old house.

"I asked a few people, and I probably know that he may have some connections here." Dumbledore smiled and looked reliable.

"Let's look for it together."

Avro raised her wand, which glowed slightly.

In fact, magic is really a very mysterious thing, and she doesn't know the principle. Anyway, she knows it once she knows it.

Aphra used magic to open a locked drawer, which contained a box. Avro opened the box and found a ring lying inside.

"Ah, is this the thing?" Avro held up the box and showed it to Dumbledore.

The box was handed to Dumbledore, who was in a daze for a moment.

When he was about to reach out and take it, Aphra took the box back and held it up in front of him to look at.

"Hey, this ring is quite ugly." Avro looked at it curiously.

The ring box was farther away from Dumbledore, which made Dumbledore come back to his senses a little.

Realizing that he had just lost control, Dumbledore felt a little scared. He said seriously, "Aphro, don't touch that ring. Put the box down first."

Avro immediately threw the box on the table, "What's wrong with this ring?"

Dumbledore said, "This should be enchanted. If you wear it, you will be cursed."

"Who has nothing to wear?" Avro looked at the ring and then at Dumbledore, "You just didn't know how to..."

He wouldn't want to wear it, would he?

Dumbledore rubbed his nose awkwardly, "People are indeed easily bewitched, aren't they?"

Avro nodded at this, but why wasn't she bewitched?

Avro spread her hands and said, "Yes, then let's destroy it now."

Dumbledore hesitated.

"Don't tell me that you can't bear it." Avro suppressed a smile, as if she was going to crush the ring in the next second.

"Come." Dumbledore answered her immediately, fearing that Aphra would think he was reluctant.


Ring, diary, gold cup, pendant box.

"There's still something from Ravenclaw." Dumbledore seemed to know what Aphra was thinking, he added.

Avro nodded, "That's only five. If he thinks 7 is the most magical number, then what about the other two?"

"Actually, Horcruxes don't necessarily have to be stored in objects," Dumbledore pushed up his glasses, "It could also be in living things, and maybe that's okay too."


Judging from Dumbledore's tone, he had already made a guess.

"For example?" Avro asked him.

"I paid close attention to the snake next to him for a long time. That snake played a very important role in him," Dumbledore said. "He was almost inseparable from the snake."

Avro nodded, "Then just kill that snake."

Dumbledore pinched the bridge of his nose after listening to her straightforward words, "I'm afraid that big snake Nagini is not that easy to kill. It is different from other snakes."

She touched her chin, "Does it require any special items to kill it?"

"Ah... maybe." Dumbledore also started to think about it. After thinking about it, he decided to let it go first, "We probably won't come into contact with that snake for a while."

"Then we have to find something from Ravenclaw," Aphra couldn't help but rub her temples. What does Ravenclaw have?

After returning to Hogwarts with Dumbledore, Avro just finished saying goodbye to Dumbledore, and she seemed to think of something.

"What about the last Horcrux?" Avro leaned back, "You haven't guessed the last Horcrux yet."

Dumbledore pursed his lips and stared up at Aphra, who also stopped smiling.

"You don't want to tell me?" Avro frowned, wondering if there was anything she couldn't say.

She and Dumbledore had a heart-to-heart, and Dumbledore played tricks with her.

"Then I'll make my own guess."

"Maybe Harry." Dumbledore answered her helplessly.

"...Then what, are you going to stab Harry?" Avro narrowed her eyes and asked.

Dumbledore held his forehead and sighed, then shook his head, "No."

Avro snorted, closed the door and left without looking back.

She would definitely not let Harry die, absolutely not.


What would be Ravenclaw's items?

Avro moved a small chair and sat at the door of Ravenclaw.

Those who didn’t know better thought she was here to stir up trouble.

Qiu, wearing a scarf, passed by Aphra, and then she came back.

"Aphro? What are you doing sitting here?" Qiu tilted her head and asked curiously.

The last time Avro sat here, she still had to find someone to settle the score.

"I want to receive some knowledge and see what the atmosphere in Ravenclaw is like." Aphra replied seriously.

She seemed to be joking, but didn't seem to want to.

Qiu thought for a while, "Ah, then, is there anything I can do to help you?"

Avro's eyes lit up, "Of course. I want to know about Rowena Ravenclaw. I wonder if you have time."

Qiu was holding the textbook in her hands, wondering if she was going to class.

"Okay, I'm not in a hurry," Qiu thought for a while, "Rowner Ravenclaw is the wisest of the four founders of the academy. She is knowledgeable, intelligent, and highly creative."

"She was very thirsty for knowledge. She left a saying for us Ravenclaws, 'Extraordinary wisdom is the greatest wealth of mankind'."

"Are you talking about Rowena Ravenclaw?" A little blond girl passed by almost as if floating, "I happen to know her."

Avro seemed to remember her. This girl was very beautiful and seemed to have a bit of madness. She was always immersed in her own world.

The blonde girl smiled at her, "My name is Luna, Luna Lovegood."

"I'm Avro Greengrass, nice to meet you." Aphra curled her lips.

She conjured a stool for Luna, and Luna sat down.

"Ah, I know you." Luna said, "When I was DA before, Harry always mentioned you, um... he said you were very powerful."

"Thank you." Avro didn't deny it. She never liked to deny it.

"Speaking of Rowena Ravenclaw, she had a daughter, but she didn't have a good relationship with her daughter later on," Luna said.

"Really?" Qiu frowned, she didn't know about this.

"Who knows," Luna replied lightly, "Well... there is a theory that it is because Rowena's daughter Helena stole her crown."

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