HP: I was doing all sorts of things at Hogwarts

Chapter 222 Working for Dumbledore

(Front row recommendations: Pumpkin Cheese Bun "HP: The Life of Triplets at Hogwarts", Pineapple Widget "HP: Orieji Tsubaki Mountain Tea", I like it very much)

(Also, Misty Hoshino, when will you update "HP: Seven Days Festival"? I hate you, you cold and heartless woman.)


Avro wants to help Draco solve Lucius's problem.

Kill Dumbledore?

This task is too ridiculous, Aphra shook her head, Voldemort would make things difficult for her.

Of course she was helping Dumbledore, so she had no choice but to kill Voldemort.

I don’t know how Dumbledore’s Horcrux is being found.

Avro knocked on the door of the principal's office, but Dumbledore was not in the office.

Is that Harry in the office?

What, Harry is trying to usurp the throne? Hi to the position of principal!

"Why are you here?" Avro asked curiously.

"Dumbledore called me," Harry replied, "I don't know what it was about."

Avro nodded, then sat on the chair naturally, "Don't look outside, just sit down."

She really looks like a headmaster, Harry thought.

Avro even took out Dumbledore's tea cup and poured tea for the two of them.

After pouring tea for both of them, she poured another cup.

"How do you feel about wearing this improved ring?" Avro asked him.

"At the beginning, I could only sometimes see what Voldemort was doing." Harry answered her, "But later on, I could take the initiative to look for his traces and explore what he was doing."

Avro nodded understandingly, "Well, that's a normal effect. It seems that my level is pretty good."

"You are so awesome." Harry praised sincerely, "What do you want to be in the future? An alchemist?"

"No," Avro curled her lips, "Minister of Magic, what do you think?"

Harry blinked. He was fine with whatever Aphra took because she could always solve the troubles in front of her.

"It seems that the Ministry of Magic has not had a female Minister yet, and you are going to be the first."

Avro pursed her lips and smiled, "It may be a little difficult. After I graduate, I have to have at least one year of work experience, apply for some medals, and get meritorious service, so that I can be eligible to run."

Then, she needs to take Rufus down.

How can a minister step down if he is doing a good job?

Unless he dies, or he makes a big mistake in his political performance - like Fudge before.

Fudge has been in the Ministry of Magic for many years, and his influence is complicated and hidden in various departments of the Ministry of Magic. It is difficult to eliminate, so he is allowed to make so many mistakes.

Rufus is different. He has only been in office for a few months, and Cobain Yaxley and Fudge's old henchmen are still in the Ministry of Magic. He will not be able to get rid of those people for a while.

Rufus hasn't found his footing yet, and if he makes any big mistake, it would be easy to step down.

If Rufus were to step down when Voldemort's power was about to decline, and Aphra ran for election again, there would probably be less unstable external factors after successfully taking office.

She thought a lot, but it only lasted a few minutes.

Harry naturally supported Avro as a minister with both hands and feet, and said that if he had the right to speak, he would strongly recommend Avro.

Of course that's good, and Dumbledore still owes her a wish. Her request is to let Dumbledore help her rise to power.

As for Draco, Avro had to find another way to get Dumbledore to help.

Dumbledore can definitely help. Voldemort can lead people to destroy Azkaban, and so can Dumbledore.

But Dumbledore may not necessarily help, and this is what gives Avro a headache.

She didn't want to exchange her hard-earned wish, so she had no choice but to work for Dumbledore.

It’s not easy to go to work, Maomao sighed.

Dumbledore came after a while. He was walking in a hurry and didn't know where he came from.

He was wearing a hat and a thin cloak, and it looked like he had gone somewhere to investigate.

He smiled when he saw Harry and Aphra drinking tea in the office.

"It seems that Miss Greengrass is already familiar with my place," Dumbledore put his hat on the coat rack. "When can I retire and leave this office to Miss Greengrass?"

"I don't want the principal's office," Avro said with a smile, "I think the Minister of Magic's office is big and comfortable."

"I've been lucky enough to go there," Dumbledore said in surprise, seeming to be lost in memories, "Yes, it's really big there. I should have thought that you would like it there."

Dumbledore sat down, and Aphra handed Dumbledore a cup of tea that had been poured in advance.

"Thank you," Dumbledore squinted and smiled, "Before, they also wanted me to try that office, but I refused."

"You don't like the air there, do you?" Avro smiled slightly, frowning as she spoke, recalling what happened to Lao Mu and Rufus.

Her eyes met Dumbledore, and she quickly raised her eyebrows, "To be honest, the air quality in the Minister of Magic's office is not very good, it's a bit smelly."

"Yes, yes," Dumbledore laughed, "it does stink there, but this is more suitable for an old man like me."

"I, an old man, went out just now. I was collecting Voldemort's Horcruxes." Dumbledore looked at the ring on Harry's hand.

He also tested the improved ring. It was so exquisite that there were no flaws.

Now that Voldemort has been cut off, there is no need to hide it. It will not do Harry any good to hide it any longer.

"I found something, but there are still some things I'm not sure about, and I need Professor Slughorn's help."

Dumbledore rubbed his brows, picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

Aphra and Harry waited for him to continue talking, and Dumbledore also said what Aphra wanted to hear.

"Slughorn is a very thoughtful professor and he loves Harry very much."

Harry pointed at himself, feeling a little uncomfortable. If it was because of the name of the savior, then there was no need to like himself.

He doesn't think he is very powerful.

"At the same time, he is also very interested in Miss Greengrass's defensive spell."

Dumbledore looked at Aphra, who had a serious expression on her face.

Dumbledore smiled slightly, "Yes, I mentioned a little bit about you, but I didn't continue, but Professor Slughorn is very curious."

"It would be great if you could get some information about Horcruxes from Professor Slughorn."

Dumbledore said expectantly with his eyes flashing.

Harry was immediately ready to agree, but Aphra coughed pretentiously.

Avro rubbed her temples and pretended to be distressed, "Sir, I also want to help with this. After all, it is our honor to work for you."

Dumbledore waited for her "but".

"However, I have been feeling a little powerless recently."

Avro blinked and looked at Dumbledore, who also pinched his eyebrows.

Dumbledore was a little embarrassed. Her words were obvious. If Dumbledore wanted to pretend not to understand, he really couldn't do it.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Dumbledore didn't know this. What troubles has Avro had recently?

Harry looked like he had seen through her, who could it be, that little Malfoy kid.

Thinking about it makes him angry.

Not angry.

Harry gritted his teeth secretly, he wanted to fight Malfoy!

"I have a..." Avro thought about what to call Draco, "a good friend."

Dumbledore hesitated, and Avro thought he didn't want to agree.

But she heard Dumbledore ask: "Which good friend?"

Avro was ashamed, and she coughed awkwardly, oh, she might indeed have a lot of friends.

"Uh...Draco Malfoy."

Dumbledore said "Ah", thinking that something had happened to the Malfoy family recently.

He also knew that Mrs. Malfoy came to Severus specifically to ask for his help. In order to prove his loyalty to the Dark Lord, Severus had no choice but to agree.

Come to think of it, the Malfoys, who put their family first, must be worried now.

Was little Malfoy assigned any mission?

Dumbledore thought quickly.

Harry held his chin and sat next to Aphra to look at her.

Avro waited patiently for Dumbledore to think. After all, when asking someone for help, you must give him enough time to think.

Dumbledore's thoughts were changing over and over again.

The little Malfoy family has chosen the path of the Death Eaters, and little Greengrass, with her calm face, is actually against Voldemort.

They chose the opposite path.

Can Aphra and Draco continue to be together even though they have chosen opposite paths?

Dumbledore tugged at his white beard, but didn't notice it.

This sounds impossible.

Because Dumbledore himself experienced this.

They have different paths and do not seek each other's will, but each follows his or her own will.

He will not change his ambitions, and neither will he, so they are destined to never bow their heads and give in, nor to shake hands and make peace.

So, little Malfoy has changed?

It still sounds incredible.

Maybe this is the power of love.

Dumbledore was a little self-deprecating, but he quickly regained his composure, "Little Malfoy has been troubled by his father recently."

Avro nodded, "That's right. Can you get a handful?"

Dumbledore was a little hesitant, which was normal.

"Taking it out is not a problem," Dumbledore wondered. "What happens after you fish it out? If Voldemort finds out, I'm afraid Malfoy will not end well."

Avro nodded, that was the truth, but it was probably very dangerous in prison. Voldemort might kill him at any time.

Will Voldemort deal with this old subordinate?

Avro didn't quite understand him. He didn't have many Death Eaters left around him, and he still let the Death Eaters in his inner circle go to jail.

If he is somewhat distracted, won't the other subordinates be disloyal?

Avro thought about the crazy Bellatrix and the crazy little Barty, oh, this might be the real fan.

"In your opinion, which one is better?" Avro could only ask.

It was Dumbledore's turn to do his own thing.

Avro smiled on her face and cursed Dumbledore ten thousand times in her heart.

Dumbledore shuddered, a little confused.

"It's not that I don't want to help. Since the little wizard wants to turn around, of course we welcome him."

Avro waited for his "but".

"However, this matter is a dilemma, and there is no perfect solution."

Sure enough, Dumbledore was confused.

Of course there is no perfect way, otherwise could she come to Dumbledore?

"Or, let little Malfoy know about his father's situation and pay attention to it at all times. He will feel more at ease."

Avro had no choice but to give in. This was the most moderate solution.

If we want to avoid future troubles, we still have to kill Voldemort as soon as possible.

To kill Voldemort, he must find and destroy his Horcruxes.

Then you have to know how many Horcruxes he has and where they might be. Don't you have to ask Slughorn?

Come on, let's ask Slughorn.

In other words, work for Dumbledore.

Working, working, working, what’s so good about working?

"Sir, how many Horcruxes have been destroyed now?" Avro asked again.

"Diary, Slytherin Locket, Hufflepuff Gold Cup."

Aphra holding her chin, Slytherin, Hufflepuff?

"What about Ravenclaw's and Gryffindor's?" She speculated that Voldemort didn't have a collecting habit, right?

It's not impossible for him to collect a complete set of stamps and make them into Horcruxes.

"I keep Gryffindor's sword, no problem." Dumbledore replied.

"But the Ravenclaw treasure... can no longer be found," Dumbledore told them. "The whereabouts are unknown."

Avro had a headache, "Then principal, do you have any other clues?"

"Yes, I just went out to investigate because of this matter." Dumbledore said, "Voldemort's original name was Tom Riddle, as you all know."

Avro and Harry nodded.

"Old Riddle was a Muggle. Tom's mother, Miss Gaunt, fell in love with old Riddle and fed him a love potion, and then they had Tom."

Avro was stunned, that's not the case. If this man can't do it, just replace him with another one. Is it necessary to use intoxicants to force others?

Isn’t this forced buying and selling?

This is really perverted.

"After Voldemort resurrected from the cemetery, I suspected that he had a deep memory of his life experience, so I went to Gaunt's old house again and again to investigate..."

"I found some magic fluctuations there. There should be something there." Dumbledore said, "But I didn't rush to search. I think I still need a little preparation."

"But it was quick." Dumbledore added.

Avro nodded, "Then we're going to trick Professor Slughorn into asking how many Horcruxes Tom has?"

"Yes, Professor Slughorn was Tom's teacher at the time and often discussed some dark magic issues with him. Tom later asked him about Horcruxes..."

"Of course, I don't know the specifics. Slughorn also deliberately conceals it, so he also deliberately conceals his memories in normal times - he puts his memories deepest, and others can only open their hearts if they let him. Got it.”

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