How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World

Chapter 312

Chapter 312

The incidents in the Kingdom of Ters have been reaching my ears continuously. I received updates in real-time through newspapers without needing to hear it from others.

Although the events occurred in a distant country, the news spread to the Minerva Empire through various newspapers within just two days.

I’ve always thought this fantasy world is full of strange and wondrous things. Given the era, these developments seem impossible, yet they happen.

While I’m concerned that this could be used for propaganda and media manipulation in the future, that’s not a pressing issue right now. Let’s focus on the current situation in the Kingdom of Ters.

The situation was already soaked in gasoline, and my letter served as the spark, causing everything to burst into flames.

The upper echelons were hastily trying to contain the fire, but it’s a futile effort. Moreover, to properly extinguish the fire, they would have to reveal all the royal family’s dirty secrets.

Can’t they just ignore it? That would be an ignorant statement, showing a lack of understanding of the Kingdom of Ters.

The Kingdom of Ters currently exhibits a peculiar social structure, somewhere between a monarchy and a republic.

There is a king who oversees most policies, but if there is strong opposition from the people, he cannot push through.

If there is a legitimate reason, he might forcefully push through, but the aftermath would have to be handled by the king and the nobles.

This is possible because, during the Jairos Revolution, the commoners realized that although individually they are weak, together they are as strong as those in power.

Furthermore, with the existence of the academy, one-third of the knights are commoners, and needless to say, the majority of the soldiers are commoners as well.

Thanks to this peculiar structure, there was no major bloodshed during the revolution. In fact, it turned out well, as it allowed the Kingdom of Ters to advance its system one step further.

If the Kingdom of Ters had imposed even harsher measures after the revolution, it would have ended up like the French Revolution.

Anyway, the Kingdom of Ters now stands at a crossroads, just as it did decades ago. Friedrich and the royal family must either reveal the whole truth or continue to hide it.

Even if they try to keep it hidden, they can’t because too many nobles were present during the trial. Silencing them is impossible, and one of them might expose everything to save themselves.

Moreover, the nobles of the Kingdom of Ters include Count Kamar, who has frequently checked the royal family and provided me with unintentional help.

I don’t know his true intentions either. If a revolution breaks out, he would think of his safety first.

Furthermore, if a revolution occurs and many nobles, including the king, are sent to the guillotine like in the French Revolution, it would significantly impact other countries as well.

In other words, the Minerva Empire can’t just sit back and enjoy the show. Military intervention would be quite tricky.

Amidst this complicated situation, I, who was genuinely watching with interest…

“How much did you say in total?”

“Even after all taxes… it’s close to what I just mentioned.”

“Is this even possible?”

“It’s the best-selling book in the world, isn’t it?”

I was calculating money. To be precise, calculating the earnings from Xenon’s Biography.

Originally, it was money that had been set aside due to the risk of my identity being exposed. Later, with the help of Leort and Rina, I started to withdraw it little by little, and even that was a large amount by my standards.

If I withdrew it all at once, someone would surely become suspicious. In fact, there were people who noticed the movements and attempted to track it.

But look now. Despite being just a ‘fraction,’ neatly stacked gold bars were lined up.

Gold has always been a symbol of wealth and the essence of ‘money.’ Even if a country’s economy collapses, the value of gold remains absolute.

And in front of me, these gold bars are radiating a brilliant light.

‘They say even the gold coins are only gold-plated…’

The common currency of this world is gold-plated, but these are all pure gold. The value is unimaginable.

I blinked and glanced to the side. My lovely fiancée, Marie, stood there with her mouth wide open in shock.

Coming from the only duchy in the Empire, she must have a lot of funds, but it’s probably her first time seeing gold bars piled up like this. It’s understandable why she’s so stunned.

Adelia, standing behind us, was no different. She had a bewildered expression, unable to maintain her composure.

‘But this is just a fraction?’

The issue is that this is just a fraction. Even one gold bar is quite heavy, so I’ve only brought a small portion.

The remaining gold bars must be stacking up in the underground vault by now. It’s such a large amount that it will take several days to complete.

Additionally, the personnel assigned to the underground vault and the vault itself need to be overhauled. This part will likely be handled directly by demons or elves.

Given the quantity, the security will probably rival that of a coin mint. In the future, many thieves will attempt to break into our mansion.

‘I have more to think about than I initially realized.’

It turns out, I don’t just need to be wary of devil worshippers. As I endlessly stared at the shimmering gold bars, I shifted my gaze forward.

In front of me sat Musk, the publisher’s president and a trustworthy business partner, smiling broadly.

Since all the gold bars in front of me are the profits from selling Xenon’s Biography, it’s not surprising that he visited our mansion.

Also, since I announced that I am Xenon, we need to discuss our future plans.

“Mr. Musk?”

“Yes, go ahead.”

“I’d like to hear about your plans for the future…”

With a smile still on his face, Musk replied.

“Mr. Isaac.”


“We’ve now earned enough money to buy a building in the capital.”


What an outlandish statement. Just as I thought that, Musk continued.

“Oh! Now we have enough money to buy horses.”

“… …”

Somehow, I get the image of a billionaire buying a Lamborghini just by praying. It’s the same thing Musk is implying now.

For reference, horses are several times more expensive than buildings. Since automobiles like tanks haven’t been properly invented yet, they are strategic assets.

Anyway, what Musk is showing me is this: Even if I do nothing, Xenon’s Biography continues to sell like hotcakes.

As I realized this and gave a wry smile, Musk spoke to me in a voice brimming with happiness.

“Xenon’s Biography is still being sold worldwide. And this won’t change even if Mr. Isaac reveals his identity. In fact, there’s no plan. The pressure that used to be on me will now be on you, Mr. Isaac, and I’ll just continue selling books as I always have.” “Ah… I see. It seems I asked a pointless question.”

“Not at all. May I ask you one question?”

“What is it?”

Musk clasped his hands together and hesitated slightly at my question. His face still had a smile, but his hesitation piqued my interest.

He then looked at me cautiously and asked in a very careful voice.

“How much time is left until the completion of Xenon’s Biography… That’s the most sensitive issue.”


I immediately understood the question. As the publisher, it’s the most critical issue for him and deeply connected to me.

Moreover, Xenon’s Biography is gradually approaching its conclusion. In Volume 23, the battle with Envy ends, and starting from Volume 24, the counterattack begins in earnest.

During the counterattack, Pride will reveal the truth related to the ancestors of the elves. I anticipate that this will cause quite a stir.

Anyway, it is certain that the conclusion of Xenon’s Biography is approaching. After roughly calculating in my head, I spoke.

Given the political issues and the wedding, it won’t be as fast as expected.

“Probably… it will be completed within six months at the latest. Only the final arc remains.”

“Hmm… I see.”

At the answer of six months at the latest, Musk wiped the smile off his face and adopted a serious expression.

Xenon’s Biography is like an inexhaustible well for him, but he can’t rely on just one work forever.

He had actually planned to hold a writing contest. Although Cherry’s work is there, it can’t be expected to have the same impact as Xenon’s Biography.

Being a person whose mind works quickly when it comes to money, he must have thought about what to do after Xenon’s Biography ends. Still, the uncertainty is inevitable.

“Are you going to ask me to delay the ending a bit?”

So I probed. What kind of answer would Musk give?

In my previous life, there was a rather notorious bad habit in the Japanese manga industry. They would try to prolong popular series to artificially boost sales.

It is particularly famous that when the creator of Dragon Ball announced its conclusion, the Minister of Culture personally visited him.

Of course, that visit was due to various complex reasons, and there were many instances where unexpectedly popular works were extended for long runs.

As a result, many works were ruined. Would Musk react the same way?

“No? Oh, no. Absolutely not.”

“Why not? If I decide to extend it a bit, it would be very beneficial for you, Mr. Musk.”

But Musk gave an unexpected answer. Looking at Marie sitting next to me, she also had a surprised expression.

Despite appearances, is he truly someone who doesn’t cross the line? As my regard for him increased, he spoke again.

“Xenon’s Biography will continue to sell steadily for the next 10 years. Of course, it will sell less than it does now.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s simple. The population will continue to grow, and Xenon’s Biography will sell in proportion to that. So, there’s no need to ruin the work’s quality by extending it unnecessarily.”


I corrected myself. Musk is truly someone with a keen eye for money.

As he said, the population is steadily increasing, and Xenon’s Biography will sell accordingly.

A child is born to a couple, the child grows up, becomes independent, and forms their own family. In that process, they will likely buy Xenon’s Biography.

It’s not just an ordinary novel but is revered almost like a sacred text. Considering that the Bible sold nearly 4 billion copies in my past life, it’s easy to understand.

‘What a scary person.’

So, was the writing contest really just an insurance plan? Or did he not expect Xenon’s Biography to sell this much?

As I restrained my curiosity to delve into his mind, I gave a small chuckle.

“I was worried for nothing. So, why did you ask about the completion?”

“So that I can at least be prepared. Speaking of which, do you have any thoughts on your next work…?”

So this was his main objective. Musk mentioned the next work in a more cautious tone than before.

Seeing his clasped hands fidgeting, it was clear he was quite curious. And it wasn’t just him.

Even Marie and Adelia, standing behind me, were showing interest.

And I had already prepared an answer for this.

“I do have one. However, it’s not a hopeful adventure story like Xenon’s Biography. It’s deeply related to war.”

“War… That sounds very profound. Could you give me a brief idea of what it’s about? Ah, not that it would affect our contract. If it’s a book by Mr. Isaac, we’ll definitely sign a contract.”

“Then… Mr. Musk.”


I faced Musk and quietly began to speak.

“Mr. Musk, what do you think about a world without mana?”

“A world… without mana?”

“Yes. And one more thing. It might be a dangerous thought, but what if gods cannot directly exercise their power in that world?”

“…Would such a world even exist?”

Yes, it does. Because I come from that planet.

Musk, as well as everyone else, looked at me as if he’d heard something completely absurd. He must think my story isn’t just strange but impossible.

But I have no intention of explaining further here. Although I’m tempted, I have to hold back for the sake of the impact.

“I’m planning to write about such a world. A world without mana, where something else has developed instead. What do you think?”

“I can’t imagine it at all.”

“What are you planning to write?”

Marie was the next to ask, filled with curiosity. I responded with a subtle smile.

“It wouldn’t be fun if I told you in advance. If I had to give a hint, it would involve something similar to a steam locomotive.”

“…I always wonder what goes on in your head. Are you really not from another world?”

Marie’s sharp question made me feel a bit uneasy. I just shrugged my shoulders at her question.

Anyway, now that I’ve mentioned the next work, there’s only one thing left to address.

“But Mr. Isaac, are you really planning not to sell Xenon’s Biography in the Kingdom of Ters?”

This was the most important and sensitive issue for Musk. The Kingdom of Ters is a crucial market.

As the nation prides itself on being a cultural hub, the Kingdom of Ters has purchased a large quantity of Xenon’s Biography. Even with import taxes due to it being a foreign product, it sells like hotcakes.

Given that it constitutes a significant portion of the revenue, it must be a painful loss for Musk. However, he doesn’t know the complex circumstances between the Kingdom of Ters and me.

Instead, he’s very perceptive and didn’t bother to bring up that part.

“Yes. Due to complicated circumstances that I can’t explain, I plan to maintain my current stance.”

“Hmm… I understand. In that case, it can’t be helped.”

Even now, as soon as I mentioned complicated circumstances, he quickly shifted the topic.

Honestly, he could have been curious, but his character is extraordinary. I wonder what it would have been like if someone like him were a noble.

“Then, I’ll take my leave now. May I visit often in the future?”

“Of course. I look forward to it. Ah, and…”

Before he left, I picked up one of the gold bars from the pile.

Being pure gold, it was quite heavy.

“Take this with you. You’ve worked hard.”

“Hahaha. It’s okay.”

“No, please take it.”

“Really, it’s fine.”

Up to this point, I thought he was refusing out of politeness.

“I don’t take small change.”


This man is something else.


About three days passed since then.

“The royal family of Ters is coming to our mansion?”

“Yes. They should be at the Imperial Palace in the capital by now.”

The royal family of Ters was visiting our mansion.

“Did King Friedrich come too?”

“No, I heard the queen came instead.”


As expected, the king seems to have a hard time getting out and about.

Translators note:

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