How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World

Chapter 304: Rice Cake (3)

Chapter 304: Rice Cake (3)

Isaac’s father, Hawk Ducker Michelle, has led a life full of ups and downs compared to others.

Born as the child of ordinary peasants, he displayed remarkable prowess from a young age and caught the eye of a noble, becoming a knight.

While it is relatively common for commoners to become knights in the Minerva Empire, the martial feats he accumulated were far from ordinary.

He was the central figure in the dragon subjugation known as the Ascanal Incident and defended the border region against frequent incursions by barbarian beastfolk and elven scouts for over a decade.

Each of Hawk’s achievements significantly impacted the Minerva Empire, particularly his defense of the border region, which was acknowledged even by the royal family.

Before his assignment, the border was frequently overrun by barbarian invasions, causing substantial damage.

Moreover, the fact that he withstood a massive offensive by the barbarian beastfolk alone warranted his ennoblement. However, perhaps due to living a life of constant battle, his active duty period was significantly shorter than that of other knights.

Knights typically do not retire unless they sustain severe injuries. In fact, as long as they deem themselves fit, they can serve until their death.

Unlike Earth, where aging inevitably affects physical capabilities, this world is a fantasy realm where “mana” exists.

Mana not only prevents aging but also enhances physical abilities, making it a valuable asset for professions like knighthood. Even if the body ages, decades of rigorous mana training can compensate. This is why there are many so-called “elderly warriors,” and the Minerva Empire holds its military personnel in high regard.

Despite this unique culture, Hawk retired at an early age due to none other than his ‘heart’.

Think about it. Comrades who laughed and talked excitedly turned into cold corpses overnight, and even if they are barbarian beastfolk, you still have to kill people. If this repeats every day, can a sane person endure it?

This was the state of the border region where Hawk served. The reason he became a knight commander at a young age was because all his comrades and superiors had died.

Even after becoming a knight commander, this tragedy continued. Only an extraordinary person could endure such an extreme environment without going mad.

Fortunately, Hawk silently endured this environment and continued fighting. He met a lovely woman, married her, and continued his duty, eventually repelling the barbarian’s all-out assault and training successors to take over.

Finally, he was awarded the title of count by the Imperial Family but declined it, accepting only a barony because he didn’t want any more mental torment.

Hawk’s life was nothing short of remarkable, worthy of a place in history. However, he refused to have his name widely known for the sake of a peaceful life.

The Empire, eager to use his fame, respected his wishes due to their high regard for military personnel. Thus, Hawk ended his illustrious and brutal military career and lived a peaceful life.

His eldest son, Dave, and eldest daughter, Nicole, followed in his footsteps and joined the Navy Knights, while his youngest daughter, Lily, was undeniably adorable. His second son, Isaac, was both his greatest pride and, paradoxically, his biggest headache.

Why would he call his son a troublemaker despite being proud of him? Especially when his son is Xenon? Hawk even told Isaac he could use him as a shield, and he meant it literally.

The problem arose when Isaac’s fame grew too much. At the time, he was only considered a great writer worthy of historical note. This alone was impressive, but now? Now he is treated like a living scripture.

The impact of being a renowned author versus a prophet or a reincarnator writing a biography is vastly different. The shield would not only be pierced by the spear but shattered.

While having a successful son is wonderful, Isaac’s fame has grown so immense that it’s beyond what can be contained.

Isaac’s fame far surpasses the accomplishments Hawk achieved during his active duty. Instead of Hawk being the shield, it’s Isaac who must become the shield to protect the family. So what happens if Hawk suddenly becomes the shield in such a situation?

“Lord! Are you really Xenon?!”

“Just tell us once! If it’s not true, say so! If it is, just say yes!”

“Baron! Why did you kill Kair?!”

It’s chaos, of course.

Currently, the front gate of the Michelle estate was swarmed with a massive crowd. Men and women of all ages, mostly commoners who read the news, have gathered.

Most of them are residents of the Michelle territory. A few people began gathering at the gate after reading the newspaper, and within days, the crowd became uncountable.

Fortunately, the guards at the gate are barely managing to control the situation, but it’s just that—control. If the crowd decided to force their way in, they could easily break through.

Given the situation outside, can the interior of the estate be peaceful?

“Are you really going to deny it? All the evidence points to Baron Michelle.”

“Currently, the Michelle estate is evolving from a sanctuary to a holy site. Do you plan to lie in a place protected by the gods?”

“If not you, then who is Xenon?”

Not at all. Hawk was busy dealing with nobles who have come from who knows where. While the protesting commoners outside might be somewhat manageable, visits from nobles cannot be ignored. Refusing to see them would only confirm their suspicions, which must be avoided at all costs.

Seated at a table for receiving guests, Hawk looked at the assembled nobles, cleared his throat, and began to speak.

“…What makes you think I am Xenon?”

“Red hair and golden eyes.”

“Your rich experience as a knight, which you must have used to describe the battle scenes in Xenon’s Biography.”

“Transforming a barren city into a cultural hub shows wisdom akin to a sage.” The nobles answered Hawk’s question in unison, much to his dismay.

Both Dave and Isaac share the red hair and golden eyes, not just Hawk. Let’s exclude Lily since she’s still a newborn.

As for the rich experiences of a knight reflected in Xenon’s Biography, that’s because Hawk shared those experiences with Isaac. There are even battle tactics in the biography that Hawk himself didn’t know.

While Hawk experienced significant events during his active duty, many incidents in the biography were beyond his experiences. Most of the content was Isaac’s creation, with Hawk merely advising on accuracy.

Lastly, transforming a barren land into a cultural city is a misconception. The Imperial Family did most of the work, while Hawk merely signed off on the paperwork. These factors created a perfect storm leading everyone to mistake Hawk for Xenon.

“Huuu… Contrary to your beliefs, I am not Xenon. So please, go home for today.”

“Very well. But we hope for a better answer next time.”

“We don’t want to upset Xenon, so we’ll take our leave.”

“But can I ask one thing before we go? Why did Kair have to die…”

The noble who asked the last question was dragged out by another noble. Despite being dragged away, he desperately wanted an answer. Hawk sighed deeply, looking up at the ceiling, feeling like a storm had just passed. It felt like a bolt from the blue. Life was going on as usual, and then this happened.

‘Isaac is not a thoughtless kid…’

Hawk already knew about the incident where Isaac slapped Hiriya. Rina had informed him, just in case. This current situation seems to stem from that incident, but without knowing the details, Hawk felt frustrated.

‘There are definitely things I don’t know.’

For now, Hawk is dutifully playing the role of the shield as Isaac requested. His priority is to calm the estate until Isaac arrives.

Hawk hurriedly rose from his seat, hoping for Isaac’s swift arrival.

While he had managed to send the nobles away, his duties were far from over. There was still a mountain of work to be done, and he couldn’t afford to delay it just because he was tired.

Moreover, the townspeople were still gathered outside, shouting in groups, and he needed to calm them down first.

‘What on earth are you thinking, my son?’


Just as Hawk was dealing with the nobles, someone else in the Michelle estate was facing a similar situation. That person was none other than Musk Grid, the publisher of Xenon’s Biography.

Enjoying his previously peaceful life, he suddenly found himself in a difficult position due to the revelation of Xenon’s identity.

“Is it true that Xenon has red hair and golden eyes?”

“If you just tell us, I’ll give you all this money!”

“There’s no point in hiding it anymore now that it’s out!”

Musk found himself surrounded by nobles and wealthy individuals trying to tempt him with sweet words and bribes. Deep down, he wanted to take the money and be done with it.

This situation was vastly different from before. Previously, there had been no solid information about Xenon’s identity, so he could firmly refuse, maintaining his integrity.

However, the current circumstances were more delicate. Unlike Hawk and Isaac’s other acquaintances, Musk had no clue what had triggered this situation.

Technically, he had seen the newspaper, but he was unaware of the events leading to its spread. For him, it was truly a bolt from the blue.

‘Should I say it or not?’

Musk scanned the faces of the nobles who had barged into his office, feeling a nervous smile creeping onto his face. According to the newspaper, Xenon’s identity was almost revealed, but not conclusively.

Most people now believed Hawk to be Xenon. If Musk confirmed this, it might improve the situation immediately, but he had no idea how Isaac’s side would react. He felt trapped and close to tears.

“Sorry, but could you wait a bit longer? Xenon’s letter will arrive soon, and this is making things difficult.”

“When exactly is this letter coming?”

“Can’t you just say yes or no?”

“Can’t you just confirm or deny it now that it’s almost revealed?”

These guys can’t even wait. It’s only been a few days since the news broke.

Suppressing the urge to vent his frustration, Musk responded with a forced smile.

As the saying goes, no one spits in a smiling face. The people pressuring Musk reluctantly started to back off. Or at least, they were about to.


“Sir! A letter from Xenon has arrived!”

Musk’s loyal subordinate and secretary, Matthew, arrived holding Xenon’s letter. All eyes, including Musk’s, turned towards him.

“Quickly, hand it over!”

Matthew, realizing the gravity of his sudden announcement, looked momentarily regretful but quickly recovered thanks to Musk’s quick decision. Matthew handed the letter to Musk, enduring the intense stares.

Musk, in turn, slowly opened the letter. The short time between the news breaking and the letter arriving didn’t matter now.


“What does it say?”

“Tell us quickly!”

Hold on, you impatient fools. I just started reading.

Musk frowned at their impatience but was relieved that they didn’t forcibly snatch the letter. He began to read the letter slowly, starting with the usual brief introduction. Then came the unexpected content…


“What’s wrong?”

“Don’t tell me Count Kamar was wrong?”

Musk’s startled reaction piqued everyone’s interest. Some were so tense that they stayed silent with their lips tightly sealed. Musk blinked at the letter, then looked up, meeting their gazes.

“…He’s coming.”

“He’s coming?”

“Who? Xenon?”


The small spark lit by Hiriya had grown into a giant meteor.

“Exactly one week from now, based on the current time.”

It was now headed straight for the Michelle estate.

“He will reveal himself at the theater.”

The announcement landed like a meteor, shaking the Michelle estate to its core.


Meanwhile, at around the same time in Alvenheim.

“Do you think the rumors are true? If they are, it really narrows things down.”

“It’s not certain yet. But I hope it’s true. We need to present the queen to Xenon soon.”

“Me too. We can’t lose to those demonkin.”

As rumors about Xenon’s identity spread, the elves began to stir. Most were curious about Xenon’s true identity, but there was also a significant interest in Arwen.

The entire population had agreed that once Xenon’s identity was revealed, they would offer Arwen as a gift. Having been overshadowed by the demonkin until now, the elves were determined this time.

No matter how great a gift they presented, it couldn’t compare to offering their queen, who was virtually synonymous with Alvenheim.

While the public opinion in Alvenheim was united with one heart and mind, Arwen was…

‘What should I do? What should I do? What should I do?’

…surprisingly, very flustered.

‘What should I wear then? This is my first time. I’ve never done this before. There’s nothing about this in the books. Wait, did Kair and Elisha have a relationship? There were no descriptions of that.’

Drinking her kimchi soup, figuratively speaking.

‘Isaac won’t dislike me, right? He won’t compare me to that fat girl, will he? I’m confident about my lower body… Ugh. No, there’s nothing for me to worry about.’

She was worrying about a very advanced ‘future’ all by herself.

Translators note:

Back home from a little trip. Uploads resume.

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