How to get rid of being a baby? The whole family fights monsters while I eat milk

Chapter 178

Bạn đang xem văn bản gốc chưa dịch, có thể kéo xuống cuối trang để chọn bản dịch.

The third generation of Mingya Skin Care Cream is even better than the second generation. It can not only remove scars and lighten spots, but also has a significant whitening effect, and it also has no side effects.

However, this product is also only sold to Mingya members.

When Tong Tongma slandered Mingya Skin Cream, some Mingya members canceled their memberships out of concern, and they regretted it now.

And Tang Zhiyan directly released the news, saying that the third generation of Mingya Skin Care Cream will be given directly to Mingya veteran members for trial use. The post she posted online for help was also found online, and many people left messages under the post. The comment said that it was too late to say that he believed in Mingya now.

As for the previous highly praised comment that said Mingya was about to go bankrupt, it was deleted in dejection under the ridicule of netizens.

A veteran user who quickly got the third generation of Mingya Skin Cream posted a review video.

In just seven days, the face of users who used the third-generation skin care cream became one degree whiter.

There is one mother and baby blogger in particular. Her child was born like a little black charcoal, and she attracted many fans because she was so ugly and cute.

This blogger used a lot of whitening products on her child and ate a lot of fruit and food that were said to whiten her baby, but it was of no use at all. Many netizens joked that the baby had a genetic mutation.

Unexpectedly, after using Mingya Skin Care Cream this time, my skin became visibly whiter.

Although it's just a little bit, it's something that other whitening products can't do.

Netizens are impressed by the effects of the third generation Mingya skin care cream.

Unfortunately, this skin cream can only be purchased by Mingya members. Others who want to buy it can only apply for membership. If they fail to apply, they will have to buy it from the second-hand market at a high price.

Soon this product was sold at a sky-high price on the market, and some rich women even spent hundreds of thousands to buy a bottle.

In Mingya's studio, those employees who had complained about Tang Zhiyan quietly apologized to Tang Zhiyan. Tang Zhiyan was in a good mood and decided to take Su Ming out to continue buying gold bars.

Su Ming didn't even understand why Tang Zhiyan would buy him gold bars every time he made money.

But... who can say no to gold bars?

After the two of them bought the gold bars, Tang Zhiyan wanted to go to the mall, but found that there were no maternal and infant products launched by Mingya Studio on the shelves in the mall.

[If you ask me, we should take advantage of the trend now and make all the ordinary products of Mingya into upgraded models. Anyway, people outside know that the products of Mingya brand are getting better every time, and consumers will definitely want to buy them. Better things only need to be marked with the words "upgrade" to make people want to buy them even more. 】

Su Ming looked at the shelves and muttered in his heart.

Tang Zhiyan was reminded by his words and immediately returned to the company and sent a message to Chen Wanqiu.

Chen Wanqiu was originally a little concerned about whether consumers would pay for such a large number of upgraded models, but in the end she decided to give it a try first.

Unexpectedly, after the upgraded Mingya maternal and infant products were launched, they were quickly snatched up. The supply was simply in short supply. Some mothers even directly said that Mingya's products are better every time, and they are better than other brands when they use them. rest assured.

At the same time, Su Ho was suddenly stuck in a traffic jam on his way to the company.

She was a little confused. There were usually no cars on this stretch of road, so why were there so many cars parked today, and people seemed to keep driving over.

"What's going on?" She frowned and turned to ask the assistant.

"I heard that a shopping mall nearby got a cooperation from Mingya Studio and bought a large number of Mingya's maternal and infant products. So many people came to grab them."

"You can't buy any product online, why do you have to rush to grab it in such a noisy manner?" Su Ho turned to look out the window with great confusion. Many young women or couples hurriedly squeezed towards the entrance of the mall.

"Mingya's maternal and infant products are now sold out online. If you want to buy them, you can only buy them in offline malls. There are not many products in offline malls, so these people are anxious to grab them." The assistant smiled and said, "My wife complained to me today, saying why I didn't buy Mingya's baby shower gel."

"But aren't they all about maternal and infant products? Are there really so many people buying them?" Su Ho was very confused.

"I heard it's not only useful for babies, but also for adults. My wife is clamoring to buy it at home every day." The assistant showed a helpless smile.

Su Ho was curious. She had never seen a newly established brand that could establish such high national credibility.

"Let's go, let's

Go buy a bottle." She opened the car door and got out, wanting to see what was so special about Mingya's maternal and infant products.

She and her assistant were squeezed like dead fish in a can of sardines in the mall, and they were sweating all over before they could barely grab a bottle of Mingya baby shower gel.

In the expectant eyes of her assistant, she sent the shower gel directly to the testing agency.

Soon the agency's test certificate came down, and the result was that the chemical composition of this shower gel was no different from other baby shower gels, and there would be no other magical effects.

It was hard to understand why so many people were scrambling for such an ordinary product.

She was very puzzled and posted a post online to explain that Mingya's products actually had no special effects.

But what she didn't expect was that no netizens believed her words, and some said that she was jealous of Mingya Studio's money and deliberately poured cold water here.

Some people also said directly, Even if Mingya's ordinary products don't have any better effects, they are more willing to buy Mingya's products than other brands.

Through the market research done by her assistant, Su He found that the current Mingya brand has surpassed a number of old maternal and infant brands and has become the leader in the maternal and infant industry.

Even many people who are not the target audience of maternal and infant products also like to buy Mingya's products.

For a newly established brand to achieve this, it is definitely not enough to rely on the excellent product quality.

She carefully studied the launch time of the three skin care creams of Mingya Studio and found that the launch time of the three products was very clever, which maximized the brand awareness of Mingya.

This large-scale launch was also planned very perfectly, stimulating consumers' desire to buy.

But Chen Wanqiu is just an ordinary woman who doesn't know how to do business. She certainly can't make such a perfect planning plan unless there is a master behind her.

I don't know how she found such a powerful planning team.

"Go and check for me which planning teams Chen Wanqiu has had contact with recently. "She immediately ordered her assistant.

No matter who Chen Wanqiu hired, she would spend a high price to recruit them. With such a powerful planning team, the current predicament of the Su family might be solved.

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