How to become a Demon Lord: The Former Hero's Journey as a Demon Lord!

Chapter 59: Don't Be An Idiot, Reginald.

Rosavellt stepped out from her portal into Richter and she looked around. She was inside a building. It was filled with people and they all stopped what they were doing once they saw her! All of them were adventurers and they all were sitting at various tables while drinking and having fun before Rosavellt appeared! Did she land in the middle of a guild? Rosavellt sighed in annoyance. She should have been more specific with her portal travel. She only calibrated the portal to open up a path to Richter, but she didn't put an exact location, so the portal just landed her in the middle of Richter, which coincidentally ended up being the guild house.

Rosavellt took a small breath to release her annoyance before she just turned and started to walk out of the guild. She didn't have time for this. She was sure that she appeared here before her brother. If he was here already then the adventurers wouldn't be drinking and having fun like this. They would all be busy dealing with the threat. So she could find her way out to the town and then wait for her brother to appear.

"Hey, where do you think you're -"

A man suddenly stood up and tried to talk to Rosavellt with a sneer but Rosavellt just put her hand on his shoulder and activated the skill [Deaths Touch]. There was no sign of any changes in his body. The man just dropped to the ground and died!

Immediately the man landed on the ground, all the other adventurers there shot to their feet as well! The sound of weapons being drawn and people shouting filled the entire place. Rosavellt sighed. She didn't have time for this. Her lord only gave her a week and sh already wasted three days chasing her brother in a stupid game of cat and mouse. She didn't even agitate them, so why are they trying to fight her?

Then all of a sudden, an old man stepped forward. He was the mayor of the town, and to Rosavellt, he looked like he already had one leg inside the grave. He stared up at Rosavellt with squinted eyes as he opened his mouth to talk. He was about to tell her to leave peacefully if she didn't want any trouble, But nothing even came out of his mouth before every person in the guild other than Rosavellt suddenly fell to the ground! Rosavellt blinked and looked around in surprise. That wasn't her. This is the same skill she used, but she wasn't the one that cast it.

A voice spoke from the entrance to the guild as a man started to come inside. He had black hair and red eyes, just like Rosavellt. He only wore trousers and a half coat on his waist. His chest was bare and he had a scar running from his right collar bone down to the left side of his waist.

"Rosavellt, it's been too long. I saved you the trouble of killing all of them, I could see that you were already about to do it so I decided to save you the stress. Dreadful creatures, aren't they? They can never pick their fights properly."

Rosavellt finally looked up and faced her brother. He was a head taller than her and he had this cocky smirk on his face that just made her want to smack him. She looked behind him and saw that his familiars were there as well. So he knew she would be coming?

Reginald could tell exactly what she was thinking as he answered.

"When I learned that you were here, I just had to come to see you. I knew that you wouldn't leave me to do whatever I wanted for too long. Not when I could be disturbing the plans of your precious master. How is your master? I heard that he finally came back. At least now you can fulfill the task that you abandoned your family for, you glorified whore,"

Reginald sneered at the end of this sentence and he expected Rosavellt to have an angry expression on her face, but she was still as stoic as ever. He scoffed. His sister has never changed. She could be mistaken for a statue if he didn't know that she was a real person.

Rosavellt spoke up as she put her hand in front of her. Reginald knew that she did this so that it would be easier for her to draw her sword out of her spatial space. So she was willing to fight family for the sake of this master of hers? Isn't she just a loyal dog?

"Your petty need for recognition has also hot changed, Reginald. I know you didn't come here for me. You are too stupid to do anything on your own so I can only guess that someone else sent you here. What are you looking for? If you stay in the demon world any longer without giving a good reason to my master then you will be killed."

As much as Rosavellt didn't like her brother, she still didn't want to see him die. Someone from the underworld coming to the demon world is not something that the demon lord will look away from. Her lord only sent her here out of empathy, he wanted her to handle her family business by herself. But if Reginald becomes a problem then Floid has ordered her to kill him. She will not disobey her master.

Reginald grew annoyed once he heard Rosavellt talk. How dare this slave talk to me like this!? I'm not the one that sold myself to the demon lord as a fucking servant!

"Fine, you're right. I couldn't care less about your pitiful situation. Uncle wants you back home. He has commanded you to come back and he won't take no for an answer. This was only funny when we were children. You're grown now and there is nothing funny about it! How dare you go to the demons! You know we are allied with the devils and you're still serving the demon lord!? Are you an idiot!?"

Reginald looked very angry when he finished talking and Rosavellt could even see a vein pop in his forehead! Rosavellt immediately put her hand into the spatial space once she heard the anger in his voice. Her brother has never been the most reasonable person and it would be easy for him to start attacking her at any time.

But even with all this shouting, Rosavellt knew that he was still lying. Or at least, he isn't telling her the whole truth. Reginald wasn't only here for her. She was just a convenient excuse that he was using to hide his true purpose. He was looking for something in the demon world and he didn't want her to know what it was!

Rosavellt joined the demon king a long time ago and she knows that her family never bothered to come and find her. They never even cared about her once she left so why would they start caring now?

The previous demon lord trusted her and made her the head maid and she knows that her family always hated her for accepting it. It was a big honor to her, but for them, they saw it as a huge insult! They despised the demon lord!

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