How to become a Demon Lord: The Former Hero's Journey as a Demon Lord!

Chapter 35: A Father's Love For His Son

Out of all the vampires, there was one vampire that never had to worry about going out at the night. The lord of the vampires was a young man in his early seven hundred years. He didn't go out at all ever since the demon queen lost to the hero a hundred years ago. He was a member of the demon queens army and it was a devastating loss for him! Half of his coven died in that fight and now the rest of his coven were being hunted by humans!

Nowadays, he shuts himself inside his chambers in his mansion at all times of the day and night. To everyone else, he was just hiding from the world but he didn't care! He had a long life ahead of him and he could easily spend a few hundred years hiding! He was the vampire lord, Dracula.

"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Yes, fuck me! Fuck me!"

The shouts of a woman resonated through the room as she spread her legs wide open for Dracula. The man himself was banging his way into her over and over! His eye was shining with a red light and the spell that he always uses to mesmerize humans reflected in her eyes and also made her eyes shine red! All around the bed, multiple other women were spread out with bite marks on their necks! Their skin was flaky and chalky and they were already dead!

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

Dracula felt himself getting closer and he immediately shut off the [Mesmerize] skill he used to hypnotize the woman! Her eyes changed from red back to their normal brown and her face contoured in shock once she saw the person that was fucking her! W-Who is this!? What am I doing here!? She screamed in fright and tried to push him off her body, but Dracula was far too strong for a mere human to push him! He bent down and his fangs grew to twice their size before he bit down on the woman's neck hard!

"Argh!!! Stop! Stop!!"

Dracula didn't stop and he only groaned as he finally felt himself cum inside her at the same time that she started to lose her strength! Before long her skin also turned chalky and flaky and she stopped moving altogether. Dracula released a pleasure-filled sigh as he drew his fangs out of her neck! That was the best! He could never get enough of this!

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Dracula turned out the door as he heard someone there. Who could be disturbing him at this time? He told the person to come in and another vampire with blue hair and red eyes entered. He was Dracula's attendant, the one in charge of taking care of all Dracula's needs. He informed Dracula that there was someone here to see him and Dracula frowned as he cleaned a line of blood from his chin while getting off the bed. Someone was here to see him? He hasn't had a visitor in years. Who would even know that he is here?

"Who is it? Someone from the coven? Didn't I tell them that they should do whatever they want? I'm not interested in ruling over them for now. If it's someone from there then tell them to come back in a hundred years,"

The attendant shook his head and the next thing he said shocked Dracula to the core!

"He said his name is Alucard. He calls himself your father,"

Dracula's expression immediately changed and the attendant was shocked! The attendant has never seen such an expression on Dracula's face before! It looked like Dracula got three shades paler in one second! The attendant has never that Dracula had a father, and even when he received the guest he was still suspicious of Alucard. How can he call himself Dracula's father!? Is that even possible!? The attendant knew that Dracula was almost seven hundred years old, which means that his father would be far older than that! That means that Alucard was around during the time of the first demon king!

But from the look on Dracula's face. It just might be true.

"Clean this up. Clean the room and get me some new clothes! Now!"

The attendant immediately flew into action once Draculs shouted this as he rushed to finish everything! With his super speed, getting the bodies away and putting them outside wasn't a problem! The attendant brought a change of clothes for his lord and Dracula put them on. Dracula released a nervous breath as he straightened out his collar and fixed his shirt properly.

He only wore a pair of black slacks and a white shirt but he made it look like something from a royal seamstress! He asked the attendant how he looked and when the attendant gave a nod of approval, Dracula started to walk out of the room. The attendant couldn't believe what he was seeing. His lord was nervous. No, not just nervous. His lord was scared. It was like he was going to meet someone that he knows he can never please. Someone that stood higher than Dracula could ever reach! What kind of person is this Alucard!?

The place where Dracula walked to was an abandoned church just outside his mansion. He opened the large door and his eyes were immediately drawn to the person standing in front of the alter. Alucard was holding a cross and looking down at the crucifix with a faraway look. Once the door opened, Alucard turned to look at Dracula and Dracula felt his dead heart freeze. It was really his father. How long has it been since they last met each other? Five hundred years? Six hundred years? He didn't remember!

"Six hundred years..."

This was the first thing that Alucard said to his son when Dracula entered. Dracula closed the door behind him and started to walk into the room. Alucard was wearing a butlers uniform but somehow, he still managed to make it look ten times better than Dracula's clothes.

Dracula nodded to show that he understands what his father said. They haven't spoken in six hundred years. Alucard looked down at the crucifix again.

"A father's love for his son, and a son's love for his father. I was always fascinated by the bible. The story of a father that sent his son to die for the world. I could never really wrap my head around it. The love that son must have had for his father. The loyalty. It was beautiful...

"But when you were born, I looked at you and I felt none of that. Instead, I felt like I have just brought someone else to take on my responsibility. I am ashamed to say, I felt relieved,"

Dracula swallowed. He didn't know where all this was going, but he didn't like it. He didn't like how the pressure in the church was increasing more and more!

"So imagine my surprise when I come back and find out that the one I left my responsibility to has failed."


Alucard was suddenly cut short as Dracula said this. Alucard stopped looking at the crucifix and turned to his son. Dracula continued.

"You abandoned me. I was a child. A twenty-year-old child that didn't even know what the world was like and you expected me to lead a group of mad vampires. I did my part. I tried my best! You were the one that went to try and fulfill some stupid task given to you by the former demon king! You left your own family to serve as a damn slave!"

Alucard blinked slowly and nothing in his expression showed that he even cared about what Dracula said. If it was anyone else that said these things to him then that person would already be dead! But this is his son. His idiot son. He might be very angry right now but Alucard was trying his best to hold himself back! Alucard spoke calmly:

"I heard that you went to serve the demon Queen. You were with her when she fought against the hero and died. Why did you suddenly decide to do that?"

Dracula scowled.

"I believed in her ideals. It's too bad that she was too weak to achieve them. I wasn't going to just run away like you and wait for some demon lord that would never come. I wanted to actually make a difference!"

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"And look how that turned out for you. Beaten, torn, and broken. My son! The vampire lord! Reduced to a rat hiding in his hole so that the holy people of the church will not get to him!"

Dracula took a step back with grit teeth! This is the first time he has ever heard his father shout and Alucard's teeth were already peeking out from his mouth as he was getting angrier! Dracula didn't know If Alucard would attack him or not and he needed to be ready! Alucard ignored the movement that Dracula made as he continued!

"... Sometimes I try to understand how my genes could have produced a coward like you! I can never fathom it. Surely, it must be your mother's genes,"

Don't talk about my mother!! Dracula wanted to shout this but he forced himself to shut the fuck up! If he said it he knew the Alucard would only get angrier!

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