How to become a Demon Lord: The Former Hero's Journey as a Demon Lord!

Chapter 261: Here Comes Yule

The mere thought that someone would dare to come to the demon lord's castle and attack it was making Dracula's head spin! This was one of the most fortified places in the entire demon world! That person would have a better chance of attacking an entire kingdom than they would have to attack this castle!

Talia could only follow behind both Dracula and Andromeda in a daze! She turned to look out the window at what was happening outside and she saw that the humans that were working on the demon lord's farm were all staring at the distance in shock. Talia looked at where they were staring and her eyes widened as she saw hundreds of humans running towards them!

But the humans were not just regular humans, they all looked grey and pale and their skin was red hot like it was burning from the inside out! One of the humans for within one kilometer of the demon lord's castle and it hit something that looked like a forcefield before the humans suddenly exploded like a bomb! Talia walked closer to the window and she strained her eyes to get a closer look as more and more humans were running towards the barrier and exploding themselves against it! She remembers that explosion! It is the same way that the leader of the Lizardmen exploded when they were in that meeting!

Doesn't that mean that it is the same person that attacked the lizardmen that is currently attacking the demon lord's castle!? Talia turned to the side to speak to Andromeda but Andromeda was already walking away and Talia had to rush to catch up to her!

"I want reports from everyone! Has anyone found out the location of the intruder!?"

Andromeda spoke angrily into a magic circle in her ear and every single servant in the demon lord's castle heard her at the same time! They were all frantic as they rushed out of the demon castle and spread out into a wide arc while trying to find the location of the intruder! The barrier held back any of the humans that were trying to get too close so they didn't have to worry about that and they just opened portals and appeared behind the humans before running further away to search through the perimeter!

Talia came up to Dracula frantically and spoke to him about what she thought! She told him that it has to be the same person that attacked the lizardmen that was attacking them! Dracula looked out from the window quickly and saw that Talia was right! Another human slammed against the barrier and exploded! The barrier shimmered after the explosion before it cooled down again, and Dracula could tell that it would take a lot more than just an explosion like that to break down the barrier!.

This meant that the person attacking the demon lord was underestimating him! They don't know that the demon lord was the one that created that barrier and that he is already exceptionally strong so it will be impossible to take it down with just those sorts of explosions! Dracula turned to talk to Andromeda!

"Andromeda! I think it is the same person we were talking to you about! I apologize, but they must've followed us!"

Andromeda narrowed her eyes in irritation at Dracula, and he immediately shut up, and Andromeda turned around and continued talking to the servants! Andromeda couldn't give less of a fuck that they followed Dracula! It didn't matter to her that this person was the same one that attacked the lizardmen! They could be the person that destroyed an entire continent and she still wouldn't care!

But no one attacks the home of her master and gets away with it! Noone! They should have stopped at the lizardmen and their punishment would not be so great, but now that they have gone this far then they will surely die! It is the only way their master will be happy with them!

[I found something!!]

Someone on the other end of Andromeda's call shouted and Andromeda recognized the voice as the voice of one of the younger servants that just started working with them a few years ago. He was a demon troll that was always working in the kitchen.

"Rizi!"<snext> I think you should take a look at </snext>

Andromeda shouted urgently once she got the message that he found something and Rizi laughed from the other end of the call!

[Just give me a location!! I'll fucking blow them to pieces!]

Rizi was sitting inside the tower that held her cannon blaster! She hasn't gotten to use this cannon blaster ever since that foolish grand commander came to attack the demon lord's castle, and she didn't think that anyone would be stupid enough to attack the demon lord's castle again! Rizi loved staying in the workshop and she liked to create things for her master more than anything else! But when the demon lord is being insulted like this, nothing is going to stop her from erasing that fool from this world!

Rizi pulled a level and the cannon blaster hummed to life as it rose out from the top of one of the towers in the demon lord's castle! Rizi pressed a button and a scope came in front of her eyes for her to look through. It was the demon lords that added this improvement to the cannon blaster since the last time that they used it.

Floid was worried that they would not be able to handle smaller enemies if Rizi didn't have a way to see them properly, so he added a scope to the cannon blaster that would allow Rizi to see at least three kilometers away!

Rizi looked through it and she turned her cannon blaster in the direction that the troll servant was telling them! There was some foliage blocking her view, but that didn't stop Rizi and she just used the troll's magic signature to narrow down the location even more.

The person that was attacking the demon lord's castle was a single woman. She had long red hair and she wore a baggy outfit that covered her whole body! But it still couldn't hide her large breasts and wide hips! She was sitting on a mat that was floating a few inches off the ground and she hummed as she looked at the large castle in the distance! She touched one of the men beside her and his skin turned red as he started to run towards the castle! He could only get to a certain spot before he hit a barrier and he exploded beautifully!

That could be a problem for them! She thought like this as she continued to touch more and more men and made them run for the demon lord's castle! This was not how things were supposed to go. She was told that the former demon lord died and he got a successor. How was the successor able to develop such an advanced magic barrier in only two years? This barrier would take anyone else at least a decade to create! Each of the explosions that she is sending was EPIC rank in strength and it wasn't even making the barrier budge!

The woman's name was Yule and she is a devil from the continent of Mogul. She and a few of her comrades had come to the demon world to take the dragon that was promised to them by Elias! But she has been sitting inside a room ever since she came to the demon continent and she hasn't had any fun with the demons here! Even the humans that she thought she could kill were all killed by the demon lord and she pouted in anger as she remembered how the demon lord quickly eradicated all those humans!

She thought she had some time to play with the humans, but she just didn't think that the demon lord would eradicate them so quickly! Demon lords are known to be very slow when it comes to invasion, so why was this demon lord so quick!? He destroyed the whole of Uta in only a few hours!

This woman was one of the devils that came to Aradite with Arex and Fluguel - those two devils that came to take Givalich from Elias. She has been staying inside a room on the outskirts of the demon world for a long time and she was tired of it! She didn't want to stay in a room forever! She was told by her comrades that she couldn't attack that church that was on the other side of the continent because there is something there that they cannot deal with! But that doesn't mean they cannot attack this demon castle instead!

Yule noticed that the demon lord was no longer in his castle, so she decided to leave a small gift for him by destroying the castle. Did he think they wouldn't notice the lack of his magic signature on Aradite? The demon lord disappeared from the continent a day ago and he hasn't come back since then, so Yule knew he must've gone somewhere far away for something important. Even if Yule knew she wasn't strong enough to kill the demon lord, Yule was sure that it would piss him off enough for her to enjoy his reaction. Just thinking about the look on his face when he comes back to see that the entire castle is destroyed made her chuckle excitedly.

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