How to become a Demon Lord: The Former Hero's Journey as a Demon Lord!

Chapter 253: Is It Possible To Defeat An Unknown Enemy?

Floid finally told Alucard to go and check up on Dragonnel. Dragonnel would be leaving for Volcanica tomorrow and Floid wanted to make sure that Dragonnel was well prepared. Alucard bowed and he opened a portal to leave before Floid turned and continued walking. As he went through the halls, maids that were walking past immediately stopped walking and bowed deeply to him until he passed them Floid made his way towards his own room and once he entered, he immediately took off his shirt and tossed it on a chair at the side.

Flodi walked to the window in the room and a worried expression appeared on his face as he looked out into the horizon. For the first time in a while, it was settling in that Floid was actually the king over this entire continent. Floid has always known that he wanted to be the best no matter what he did, but if anyone told him three years ago that he was going to become a king here then he knew he would never believe them!

But Floid was worried about what he was going to face oj Volcanica. Floid knew that Volcanica was very different from Aradite. The two continents were like night and day! The first thing that was very different was the fact that Volcanica had a lot of very strong people. According to what Dragonnel told Floid, the people on Volcanica were all B-Class and above in terms of strength! That was insane when Floid heard about it!

This means that even if you were to pick out a random civilian from the street that has never fought a day in his life. He would still be strong enough to defeat a regular soldier from Aradite! The reason for this was simple! Everyone on Volcanica was either a Dragon Slayer or the descendant of a Dragon Slayer! None of them were regular humans even though they looked like regular humans! Floid was stunned when he heard this, but it didn't worry him that much. Instead, it was the second thing that worried him. Floid didn't know what the power level of Asgorath was going to be like.

Asgorath was a very strong dragon! It was a dragon that was so strong that they couldn't defeat it at all and they had to resort to simply sealing it! Floid knew that in order for something to be sealed that meant they couldn't think of any other way to defeat it and they risked their life to simply seal it!

Floid needed to get stronger. The things that Floid has heard from both Dragonnel and Alucard have made him realize that he is not strong enough yet. Having a lot more mana is not going to be enough to fight against Asgorath because that fucking dragon also has a lot of mana. And not only does it have a lot of mana, but Floid does not know how much mana it has accumulated in the time it has been sealed. A dragon core never stops absorbing mana. So it is possible that Asgorath is far stronger now than it was before!

Floid squeezed his hands against the window sill and his eyes narrowed. Floid knew that he was strong. He was one of the strongest people on this continent. But that was only on this continent. Floid hasn't met with many other Epic-class beings in his time and he didn't know how well he would rank against them. But if the dragon was so only an Epic class then Floid knew he would not have any issues defeating it. Floid was already an Epic-class rank three and he also had his skill [He Who Is Loved By Mana] that would allow him to take in as much mana as he wanted anytime he wants. That would easily close the gap between him and any other Epic-class being. But what if the dragon wasn't Epic-class? What f Asgorath was actually in one of the higher classes?

There are three other classes above the Epic. The Grandmaster class. transcendental class and the phantasmal class were all above the Epic class and Floid had no idea what sort of power you would need to be able to reach them. If the dragon was anywhere near the Transcendental class Floid didn't know if he would be able to defeat it.


The sound of the door opening behind him made Floid glance over his shoulder and he saw that it was Rosavellt that entered the room. She was carrying some clothes in her hands that she wanted to put in his wardrobe and she stopped in surprise when she saw him standing by the window. Rosavellt immediately bowed.

"My lord! I... I didn't know that you were here! I heard you were with Alucard. I'll take my leave if you wish to be alone,"

Rosavellt thought that Foid went with Alucard to go and see how his sister's progress was coming. If Rosavellt knew that Floid was inside the room, then she wouldn't dare to come inside without knocking.

Rosavellt was about to leave but Floid stopped her with a wave and told her to go ahead and drop the clothes. He was not doing anything serious. Rosavellt nodded in thanks as she closed the door behind her and she moved to go and put his clothes in the wardrobe.

As she walked past him, Rosavellt couldn't stop herself from staring at his back. Floid's clothes didn't always show it, but Floid's body was filled with muscles and Rosavellt had a strange urge to touch them. But she held herself back and she just continued putting the clothes in the wardrobe.

Once Rosavellt finished putting the clothes in the wardrobe, she turned to leave the room. But she stopped once she saw Floid's face. Floid's brows were furrowed and there was a frown on his face as he thought about something deeply. Rosavellt was immediately worried! What was making the demon lord look so troubled!? Rosavellt didn't want to overstep her boundaries by asking him what was on his mind. But Rosavellt suddenly remembered the last time that she managed to give Floid some advice about something that was troubling him. I know the demon lord has a lot of things to worry about and he is always thinking about something, so if I can help him to at least reduce his stress then should I try?

Rosavellt decided to take a gamble and she just spoke up in worry.

"My lord, is there something troubling you?"

Rosavellt was standing to Floid's left and Floid turned his head slightly to look at her once she spoke. There was a look of confusion in his eyes like he didn't expect her to ask him the question that she asked. But it was gone very quickly and Floid just told Rosavellt to leave. He didn't wish to talk to her.

Rosavellt felt her entire body shiver as she realized that she just overstepped her boundaries. She should've known better. Rosavellt turned to leave, but her mother's voice suddenly echoed in Rosavellt's mind again.

"You have to really push forward before you can get a man to open up to you. They think about a lot of things and they always keep it inside. You won't get anywhere with a man if you just do everything he says without question."

Rosavellts mother had said this to Rosavellt when Rosavellt was still afraid of her father. Rosavellt always wondered how her mother could speak to her father so easily since Rosavellt wouldn't even be able to say a word to the man if she tried. Rosavellt talked to her mother about it and he mother just laughed.

"Men are always like that." Rosavellt's mother said, "But If you really want to help them, then you have to keep trying. That's how I always get through to your father, and I'm sure if you try, you can do it too,"

Rosavellt's eyes softened and she turned back around and took in a deep breath. She knew that if she didn't help the demon lord, then he would keep carrying all of this on his own. The demon lord was already burdened with a lot and Rosavellt cannot bare to see him like this when he is working so hard for them. She walked up to him slowly and she gently touched his lower back with her fingers.

Floid glanced back once he felt her fingers on his back and he saw Rosavellt staring up at him resolutely. What the hell is she doing? Didn't I tell her to leave me alone? Floid turned around and looked down at Rosavellt with a frown. He hated when people didn't do what he told them to, and Rosavellt was the only servant that disobeyed him like this regularly. He wouldn't kill her because he knew she was still useful to him but that doesn't mean she is above punishment.

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