How to become a Demon Lord: The Former Hero's Journey as a Demon Lord!

Chapter 225: It's About Time To Move On To Other Things

"Did you think of mercy, when you killed me, Priscilla? Did the thought of my life ever cross your mind as you drowned me to die? No? So why would you beg for your own life now?"

Floid's grip on Priscilla's hair tightened until he was almost pulling out her roots and Priscilla whimpered. Priscilla couldn't look Floid in the eye once she heard what Floid said. The logic made too much sense, and Priscilla didn't have any counterargument for what Floid said! And Priscilla knew deep down that if it came down to it again, she would kill Floid a second time just so that she can achieve her goals! That was how ambitious she was! But she wasn't a monster that would do something like this! She didn't hurt Floid, or torture him! She only killed him!

The crime and punishment don't balance out at all!

This amount of punishment for only killing you is too much! Don't you think you should pity me a little? I can't even count the number of times I've died!

Priscilla felt like she would finally go mad if this continues. She felt like stabbing Floid a thousand times and killing him again and again for what he was doing to her! But she was just so confused right now! What exactly would fighting do for her!? Priscilla knew this was only an illusion. She wouldn't have come back to this moment unless it was an illusion.

But can she really call this an illusion if the pain is so real? The pain was deep inside Priscilla's body and her kind would never forget the things she felt as those men ripped her apart. Can something like this be called an illusion?

Priscilla curled in on herself even more and a sadistic pleasure passed through Floid's entire body as he looked down on her as she begged him. The great Priscilla was prostrating herself and kissing his feet like an animal while begging for mercy. Floid relished this sight more than anything. Even the pleasure of killing Priscilla was not as entertaining as this.

But Floid was a cruel person. He always knew he was a cruel person and he accepted that fact about himself. Floid wanted to know how far he could push Priscilla before she broke. Just how much can Priscilla endure before that proud mind of hers succumbs to madness?

Floid grinned as he took a step back and Priscilla looked up in shock. Once Priscila saw the smile on his face, she knew that there was no saving her. Everything that was happening to her right now was something that Floid enjoyed! Floid was enjoying the pain and suffering! It was like a drug to him! There is no way this is the hero! There is no way this is the same Floid that came and helped us to defeat the former demon lord! This man is an imposter that stole Floid's face!

Priscilla refused to believe that the kind and heroic Floid from before was the same man that was smiling as he watched her beg at his feet!

Floid started to step out of the cage and Priscilla felt fear pass through her as the sounds of footsteps coming closer echoed through the dungeon! Priscilla immediately knew that those men were coming again! She looked towards Floid with pleading eyes and begged him not to do this. She didn't want to go through this again, but Floid just ignored her as he turned and left the room as the ten men from before came into the cell.

Priscilla quickly tried to crawl to he feet and she moves back away from the men. She decided that she would try her best to fight the men! She can't just let them have their way with her! Fresh tears fell from her eyes as she grit her teeth in fear. She would never forgive Floid for this. Never!

The next thirty minutes were the worst thirty minutes of Priscilla's life. Fight? Priscilla couldn't even throw a single punch before she was overpowered and thrown into eh wall of the cell and the men descended on her again.

Floid came back after the thirty minutes passed and he saw the broken and dirty form of Priscilla staring blankly into the air as the ten men used her body however they wished.

"Thirty minutes. Thirty minutes. Thirty minutes. Thirty minutes,"

Priscilla was constantly whispering this as she stared blankly into the air and her voice was so low and inaudible that Floid could barely hear her. Floid put his hand up and activated the [Earth Lance] skill. Ten lances flew from the ground and impaled the ten men that were surrounding Priscilla and they all fell dead to the ground. Floid walked closer to the cell and the smell of piss, sweat, and sex made him frown in irritation. Fkoid kicked Priscilla's body and his frown deepened when he didn't get any reaction from her at all. She was still muttering under her breath but Floid could tell that Priscila didn't even know he was in the cell with her. She probably couldn't see him at all with how she was right now.

Floid immediately snapped his finger and the entire building flickered before it broke like glass and disappeared. The two of them appeared inside the royal palace throne room. They were back in the real world now because Floid realized that his toy was broken. Priscilla would not be able to react to anything he does anymore so there was no point in continuing. How disappointing.

Priscilla was still clothed in her regular queen's outfit, but she was lying on the floor and muttering under her breath. Although there was no injury on her body and everything on her body was just as perfect as it was before she entered the illusion, there was no sign of life in her eyes. Her mind was broken and torn beyond repair.

She was alive, but anyone that sees her now would think that she was dead.

Floid turned around and walked towards Priscilla's throne at the far end of the room to sit down. Rosavellt and Alucard were standing at both sides of the throne and they bowed once Floid came closer.

Rosavellt could sense the disappointed feeling that her master had and she narrowed her eyes at Priscilla in irritation. So this woman was so useless that she couldn't even provide proper entertainment for the demon lord? Rosavellt wished that Priscilla was still aware of herself so that Rosavellt could kill her properly.

Alucard, meanwhile, didn't care about what just happened to Priscilla. Alucard has seen the former demon lord do things that were just as cruel if not crueler than this. It is not a servant's place to show emotions regarding their master's actions. A servant is only meant to carry out their master's wishes.

"Take her away and throw her into the caverns below the castle for the giants to have their way with her. I have no use for her anymore,"

Floid said this in disinterest and Rosavellt bowed as she walked down and grabbed Priscilla by one of her legs and dragged her out from the throne room. Rosavellt would leave the room first before opening a portal to transport Priscilla to the underground cavern.

There was a large mural on one side of the throne room and Floid studied it curiously for a few minutes. It was a painting of him when he was the hero. He was holding the holy sword and standing in a heroic pose while staring forward. Floid found it strange to be looking at himself as a hero. Sometimes, Floid would forget that he was once a hero, but it is moments like these that remind him of that time.

Floid spoke to Alucard.

"Give me a report about the invasion. How are our forces faring against the humans?"

Alucard immediately began to report the performance of the demons to the demon lord. He told Floid that the demon forces were performing very well against the humans. From the last report that Rizi sent to Alucard, Alucard could tell that the demons have only lost about ten percent of their fighters to the humans.

The humans, on the other hand, have lost more than eighty percent of their forces! Many of the humans were trying their best to escape through the eastern sea and some of them were even trying to use the airships to fly away from the fight, but Rizi managed to block those two escape routes easily and she prevented any of the humans from leaving the kingdom. At this rate, Alucard predicted that the demons will take over Uta before the sun comes up.

Floid nodded passively. Most of what was happening was moving according to Floids plans so Floid was sure that there would not be any surprises! If there is any surprise, then it will probably be easy for one of the members of his household to deal with it and they will still be able to take over Uta.

Right now, Floid was no longer interested in Uta. The only reason why Floid didn't just rain Uta with explosives was so that he would complete the mission that the system gave him. Floid needed to make sure he killed everyone in Uta no matter what.

Floid already got his revenge on all the former members of his party that killed him and now Floid was thinking about moving on to more important things. And the most important of them all was the mission that the system gave Floid.

The anger that Floid felt after losing to Elias and Givalich is still fresh in his mind and Floid was going to pay them back in full when they get to Volcanica. Floid knew that he and Elias will meet again in Volcanica when they go to find the dragon Asgorath. Floid will make sure he crushes Elias once and for all! This time, only one of them will walk away alive.

Floid's mind suddenly went towards his sister and he asked Alucard f there was any news from Dragonnel about Quinn's task. Alucard answered that Dragonnel had nothing to report. Quinn is still searching for the human priest Dray but she has not found any leads yet. Dragonnel believes that at this rate, the hour will run out before Quinn can find anything.

Floid scoffed and relaxed back in his seat. it is just like his sister to waste an opportunity like this. What was he expecting from that idiot?

Alucard noticed the small smile that Floid had on his face as he thought about his sister and Alucard also smiled. He could sense the closeness between the demon lord and his sister and Alucard was happy for it.

Alucard knows how difficult the future will be for the demon lord and Alucard has been worried that the demon lord does not have anybody he truly trusts by his side. But Alucard doesn't have to worry about that now that Quinn was here. Alucard could sense that Floid trusted Quinn far more than he trusts anyone else in this kingdom and Quinn will be an important part of the demon lord's future.


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