How could O who installed A find A again?

Chapter 109

Lin Jingye's reaction was the calmest, and most of the others were completely dumbfounded, because if a normal general appreciates his subordinates, he should say: You transfer to my place/Let's go to the martial arts field to continue to learn/fight a simulated battle , How can there be an appointment for dinner?

dinner date...

Isn't that how alpha appreciates omega?

Noticing Lin Jingye's expression, Charles shrugged: "Does the general not eat?"

Lin Jingye: "I think eat."

Charles: "That's right."

Then the two of them really turned around and left?

A stunned statue was left watching this scene, among which Oko was about to crack, his mind was filled with the sound of sirens resounding through the sky, and the word "no" was swiping the screen in his heart, although he himself I don't know why I feel like I can't.

There are many drones circling in the sky above the street, and some of them even hang a holographic banner with a portrait of a woman on it, whose appearance can be regarded as delicate, but when those eyes are lifted at will, she becomes A dashing warrior.

Lin Jing also raised his head inadvertently, his eyes swept across the armor on this person, and his expression changed slightly.

The shape of that kind of exoskeleton is quite different from that of the earth, both in color and function. The earth does not have too many air combat fleets, and their standard exoskeleton is more inclined to be an auxiliary equipment rather than a serious armor weapon. .

Lin Jing could even tell that the battle armor on this female alpha was enhanced with speed optimization.

She is good at stealth, has strong survivability, and is a scout responsible for information.

This is not a conclusion.

Lin Jing also looked away calmly, casually chatting with the blond general beside him.

He realized that it was more like a piece of information he had known a long time ago than a deduction drawn from analysis, as if...he had seen relevant information at some point.

Another sense of detachment.

Lin Jing also once again felt that he was out of place with this planet. He felt instinctively on guard, and there was a sense of disobedience everywhere, especially the people around him. General Charles was the commander-in-chief of the Earth's frontline forces, but he felt that something was wrong.

Hair color is wrong.

He thought about it, and the shape and taste were also wrong.

How could a blond-haired alpha with a thick back and a hulking waist be a commander, just by looking at it.

And his real chief should have white hair that is soft and smooth, but is always spoiled at will by the hostess, and blue eyes that are as bright as stars, and like to lazily melt on his seat, like a piece of hair Sweet chocolate fudge, and the key point——

Likes to build nests.

Charles asked suddenly: "I think you seem to have a... opinion on my hair?"

Uh, so obvious?Lin Jing also bowed his head and replied, "No, General."

Charles: "You have."

Lin Jingye: "Oh."

For some reason, Charles felt his heart beat faster.

This overly indifferent young man even had a cold breath on his body, but Charles felt that he was more palpitating than those omegas who splashed red wine on him in fancy ways, frequently fell on the ground in front of him, and all kinds of omegas who accidentally fell into heat in front of him move.

Why is it so like the TV series his omega brother likes to watch? "You are different from the goblins outside", "Beta, you have successfully caught my attention".

Charles shuddered.

"General." Lin Jing also asked suddenly, "Do you think being a program or turning into a computer is still alive?"


The sirens stopped.

Meera was hidden in the shadows, and the corridor outside the house was silent.

She did escape from the place where she was held, but fleeing to the next city was just an illusion, which was deliberately created by her. The special forces who hurriedly set off to pursue her probably never thought that this daring guy did not leave, and she even In the base, hiding in a research room!

The new Chang'an City on Earth is the main place where the military industry and science and technology laboratories are located. Mela has already entered the largest military base, so why not drive outside?

The new city named after Chang’an has the intention of imitating the ancient style. The towering new century buildings outside the windows are unified with quaint oriental blue bricks and red tiles, carved beams and painted buildings. The holographic advertisements on the street are quite landscape-like. Traveling here on vacation.

She walked through this base secretly, feeling slight regrets about the beautiful scenery in her heart.

Without him, Meera just thinks that the possibility of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Earth and the Federation is only one percent.

Because she passed by many rooms, there were strips of glass containers standing one after another, shining blue light in the dark, at first glance, they were neatly arranged, like monuments in a cemetery.But floating in those translucent solutions are human bodies with their eyes closed.

Meera approached quietly. Those people included men, women, and children. There was a display screen next to each container, recording the DNA sequence, status, name, and serial number.

But not all container contents are humanoid.

Meera stopped in front of a container, which turned out to be a white gaunt skeleton.

There were a few probe-like things moving on the skeleton, as if they were knitting a sweater. Meera watched for a while, and then recognized in amazement-those things that were constantly spinning like sweater needles were knitting on the skeleton. Weaving a set of nervous systems? !

what the hell!

Meera walked forward and saw again those who were making blood vessels, who were wrapping muscles, and who were skinning the reddish dolls.

"Fuck." Meera gasped, cursing in a straight-forward swear word.

Is this a body processing factory?

What are these people making again, an army of clones?

Then Meera noticed a detail——

The information on these human bodies shows that only men and women are marked, and there is no second gender.

It wasn't Ye Yu's kind of forceful refusal. Meera checked, and there was no trace of any glands on the back of the necks of those people, and there was no tendency to be uniformly installed with glands.

She walked to a control console and carefully hacked in. It took about half an hour to bypass the base firewall. Soon, a list of base personnel information appeared in front of her.

Meera frowned.

On that list, about half of the people, the gender column is almost the same as the federal registration method, the combination of male alpha, female alpha, male beta, female omega, etc., while the rest are uniformly written x .Some just write x, and some write male and female followed by an x.

What kind of double is this? Mela has a good history. When humans on earth were only male and female, there were some people who were dissatisfied with their innate gender. Whether it was in the process of transgendering or they didn’t want to do it at all, it’s okay. The choice is denoted by x.

No way, earth medical technology can change the sex of abo, right?

This is too outrageous, even if it is possible, half of the population has not changed, right?

I don't know where the captain and the others went.

There are too many doubts on the earth, and Meera feels that she can no longer stay here. The longer the time, the greater the risk, and she must bring the information back to the asterisk.

But as soon as she thought about it, she immediately became less nervous.

The marshal of their family is still there, and even the captain has a problem. With Ren Chu's style, if he can't contact the captain for a day, there is a high probability that he will start looking for someone.

Alas, too tired (jealous) crooked (jealous).

The Sword of the Vault of Heaven, the Jagged God of War, I didn't expect to be so clingy when I was in love, and my body smelled so strong of chocolate, how many lovers' gift boxes I have eaten, look at that sweet and sticky energy, you need to be safe with someone who just fell in love Feeling like a small omega.

Omega...? ? ?

and many more.

The smile on Meera's mouth froze as soon as it was raised.

Ren Chu, the warrior who was killed in the war zone, acts arrogantly, domineeringly and strangely, with repetitive temperament and unpredictable temper. When you are in a bad mood, you can even kick the gate of the parliament to pieces, which makes him angry He can go straight to the enemy's base camp, block the door and see one kill the other, and act recklessly to the extreme. I heard that Major General Benson didn't even have a chance to go to the military court, so he let Ren collapse on the spot. The captain goes up, from the civilian lieutenant colonel directly to the captain of the major general of the Sky Sword, as long as he is happy, no one can stop him.


It is an anecdote that the Marshal likes chocolate, but Meera carefully recalled that she never saw Ren eat chocolate once during this mission.

Roland, the star dyed quartermaster, said at a gossip party that on the 927 transport ship, Renn took out a bunch of expired chocolates, pulled out the only one that hadn't expired, and asked the captain to eat it.

A person who loves chocolate like his life, will put chocolate until the expiration date?

Meera shivered, feeling that her idea was not very good.

"Impossible, impossible, that's the Sword of the Vault of Heaven, that's Ren Chu! He—" Meera trembled, "What am I thinking? I'm crazy!"

But once it started, it suddenly became uncontrollable.

Ren Chu, an S-level alpha, the grandson of the old General Kuitus desperately trying to pull him back to be the heir, the old man overtly and secretly let all his favorite omega run in front of Ren, and even deliberately used pheromones to lure him, but Ryan has never been moved.

Many noble omega also stole Ren's hair and other items, and used them for matching tests.

Without exception, all are zero.

This is also one of the anecdotes in the legend of the Federation. The people all lamented what kind of omega can be matched with the marshal, but Meera suddenly thought of——

Although some ao may indeed not match at all, but omega and omega test the ao matching rate, that is 100%, it is a problem if the match can be detected!

"Fuck!" Meera cursed again, her eyes darkened.

Because she suddenly realized something.

In Ye Yu back then, the diplomat Joyce, a tall male omega, S-class, with chocolate-flavored pheromones, had an ambiguous behavior with the captain, and a group of them were worried that he was the marshal's little stand-in, but fortunately The captain has a good character, and has never had anything to do with Joyce after the Ye Yu incident.

Joyce spent the night in the captain's cabin.

So is the marshal.

The taste of the pheromone in the Sword of the Vault of Heaven is still an unsolved mystery of the Federation.

His pheromone taste is indeed not very good to show to others.

Because he is chocolate flavored.

The sweetest kind of white chocolate.

Meera rolled her eyes, as if she saw the scene where she was killed by the main cannon.


The base sirens blared again, much louder than when Meera had fled.

She came back to her senses and rushed out of the window. In the planetary ring of the earth, there seemed to be something looming.

Lin Jing was also casually slicing the steak, and Charles opposite him was introducing a red wine graciously.

The wine is delicious without heat.

Lin Jing also helped the monocle on his right eye. His right eye can't see normally, and it hurts even to look directly at the strong light, but he has a lot of glasses of various colors——taken out from his right arm.

These glasses seem to be not holographic technology glasses, but ordinary ones, which can protect the right eye. Lin Jing doesn't know why there are a dozen fancy ones, but when he entered the restaurant, he felt that the light was uncomfortable, so he chose one like Wear it in the shape of a butterfly.


The siren sounded from Charles, who was trying to pass the wine glass to Lin Jingye's hand, paused, and brushed Lin Jingye's palm with his fingertips.

They immediately looked out the window.

Lin Jingye's pupils shrank suddenly - he saw a shadow slowly appearing from the planetary ring, with a proud posture and an overbearing aura.

"Starfleet?" Charles' expression changed drastically.


Lin Jingye's breathing was a little fast.

After all, from such a distance, the figure of the huge mothership is only the size of a palm to the naked eye.

But Lin Jingye suddenly appeared the badge on the side of the mothership.

Bright stars and unsheathed swords.

The long sword piercing Tianyu on the skyline.

That is the sword of the sky.

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