How could O who installed A find A again?

Chapter 107

The examiner was a tall, dark-skinned middle-aged man with bulging muscles. He was not a good person at first glance. His biceps were bigger than Li Ranran's head. The other young fighters who took part in the assessment wailed when they saw him. It perfectly interprets what it means to be ashamed.

"That's a super warrior code-named Titan, an S-level alpha, and our group will be chilled if we meet him."

The people around were talking, and then found that there were two people who were out of place among them.

The orange-haired Aoke squinted his eyes lazily, unable to get nervous at all. Although he didn't understand why, he just had an idea in his heart: He's not surnamed Lin, so why should he be afraid.

There was a black-haired young man in the distance, with his back to the crowd. He didn't know what was so attractive in the distance that he didn't pay attention to the venue.

That was also a back that was too calm.

"How do we take the test?" Ao Ke couldn't see the people over there clearly, so he could only turn around lazily, and asked rather carelessly.

The other assessors squinted at this strange strange companion, and someone said: "You must have just transferred from the military academy over there in Chang'an City, don't you even know the Titans of the Athens Defense Force? One group is all assessed by the Titans, and we are in the queue. There are six of us in this group, and the Titans can beat us all by themselves, so maybe there is room left to test the other groups!"

Damn, blow it after only hitting six.

"Oh." Aoke said calmly, "I was the first to go up at that moment, it's fair."

A group of people looked at him like a monster, and other groups spread the word. In the Titan group, there was a person who couldn't bear to think about death, and he was going to recommend himself to be the first to go up (to be) beaten.

"You—" The expressions of the people in the same group couldn't bear to look directly at you, "You are a beta, and if you work harder, you have an innate physical advantage, besides, I think you have thin hands and feet, and your right arm is just replaced by a bionic arm. Well, you don't even warm up to the Titans when you go up."

Aoke still looked indifferent, so angry that the well-meaning "predecessors" around him ignored him, and waited to see his jokes with their arms folded.

Of course, the movement here affected the silent black-haired young man not far away. The young man turned around and saw a head of brilliant orange hair in the distance, with a strand stubbornly curled up, forming a textbook-like pile of dull hair.

Lin Jing also frowned, feeling that the tuft of hair needed to be pressed down.

Usually someone is responsible for pressing him down.

Such a thought appeared in Lin Jingye's mind.

It's not right.

He frowned and looked at his right hand.

His right hand is not a bionic prosthesis, it is purely mechanical.

Because his broken arm has a connection buckle that has been installed for many years, the nerve link inside the mechanical arm perfectly matches the one on his body, and his fingertips can even feel the touch of a strand of hair falling on it.

The earth prefers bionics. The concept of bionics on the earth is not only in terms of shape and function, but also in terms of materials-the surface of the connected bionic prosthesis is a real flesh and blood body, which is cloned from autologous cell culture.

Machines are considered inanimate and cold tools. Unless you are too poor to buy bionic technology products, you will install a low-end and stiff inorganic prosthesis, and you may be laughed at by your neighbors.

So Lin Jing also judged almost immediately that his right arm was definitely not a product of the earth.

He is about to celebrate his 29th birthday. According to the file, he should be 30 years old. His mother who died early likes to give him one year old according to the old oriental tradition.


He vaguely remembered a cake that was big enough to stuff him in. A woman with long light brown hair was pulling her hair up neatly. On the table was a cake that had been cut for a while and was about to be eaten. There were three small figures Roll up your arms and sleeves around the remaining Big Macs.

Then... Lin Jing also remembered a piece of cake that was stuck on his face, and the whole living room turned into a wild cake fight, accompanied by an angry roar:

"You're making a fucking mess of the living room... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The yell ended with a sticky smacking of cake.

His mother should have left when he was very young.

Lin Jing also lowered his eyelashes, remaining calm.

He has memory problems.

He raised his head to look at the assessment site, the orange-haired youth was already standing face to face with the big titan.

The orange-haired youth said arrogantly: "If you want to fight, you have to win. What do you mean is that you are qualified. For me, if you don't win, you are not qualified."

Lin Jing also felt that this scene seemed familiar, but it was different.

Because—it seems that last time, he didn't watch from this position.

The man code-named Titan was laughed outright.

He is a senior soldier of the Xinmeng, and he knows that the kid in front of him has a lot of background, but he is the same as the other high-level officials of the Xinmeng who are watching the ceremony. How strong can a disabled beta be?

"Boy, don't talk big." Tai Tan was also a little angry, "It's just you with thin arms and legs, don't cry when you break in a while."

Aoke didn't answer, "Just you"?

This time, the Titan on the opposite side was really agitated by him, a violent alpha pheromone exploded, and the field was filled with the smell of crater rocks, not only the smell, but also the burning sensation, so close Candidates backed away one after another, with panicked expressions, but Aoke in the venue sniffed his nose indifferently and put on an unpleasant expression.


Many people began to stare at the orange-haired young man in front of them. They often joked that betas smelled pheromones just like smelling perfume. It is true that they would not understand the "information" carried in pheromones, but could only smell the surface layer. It's just a smell, but it doesn't mean that beta is immune to the mental crushing caused by alpha pheromones. Titans are not using pheromones to convey a message like "Let's make friends". This is pure and violent coercion, but the opposite This beta is really like a perfume that smells bad!

Resisting mental pressure requires training. Even if they are all A, how to avoid being crushed by the opponent in this coercive confrontation is also achieved by hard work and improving endurance, and this beta... he can't use information Su crushed back, other performances are as if he has long been used to resisting in his daily life!

He even sighed: "Tsk, alpha."

The next moment, this kid actually took the initiative to attack!

He was as fast as a flash of lightning, and Tai Tan was startled. He never knew that someone could be so fast without wearing an exoskeleton. The young man rushed forward, and the shot was sharp and precise, directly aiming at the vital point of the throat. Tai Tan crossed his arms to block it, and the young man He stopped the attack in an instant, and dodged as soon as he said he would dodge, which made Tai Tan's prepared counterattack come to nothing.

"His strength, physical fitness, and muscle strength are far inferior to Titans." On the high platform, a general of the Xinmeng said to the principal of the Athens Military Academy next to him, "But he is too calm, he does not like fighting, he does not greedy for advantages, and clearly Know your own disadvantages, and don't be fooled anyway, and always maintain absolute strengths and avoid weaknesses."

"Does General Charles think the Titans can win?"

"If they all wear exoskeletons." The general said that, the principal thought he was going to say that the Titans would win if they wore the exoskeletons, but the general said, "If they were wearing armor, the Titans should be dead by now."

The principal was surprised, but on the other side, the blond woman in a white uniform looked calm.

"Is Dr. Samantha not surprised at all?"

The woman smiled: "Isn't the result of my scan already shared to the terminal? From the moment I saw them, I knew that these four were by no means ordinary people. The emotions they showed were all fake, and none of them was really afraid. Physiological hormone levels don't lie."

Charles: "This kind of mentality requires rigorous training. This person must be from the special forces. Star Bandits don't have this quality."

The following competition continued for a while.


Amidst the exclamation, Aoke on the stage borrowed his strength, and he stepped on the back of the over-charging Titan and kicked him off the stage!

The orange-haired youth landed on the ground, put his hands on his knees, and took a deep breath, then raised his head in a horrified gaze, with a bright smile: "I admit it."

"You cheat!" Tai Tan got up, his face sullen, "If it was a real battlefield, there would be no rule that you lose if you fall off the stage, you boy would have been hammered to death by me!"

"That's hard to say." Ao Ke squatted on the ground, the hair on the top of his head curled up, "Who will fight you one-on-one in the real battlefield?"



A deep and majestic but quite magnetic voice sounded, and everyone was shocked again, only Oke raised his head for no reason, and saw a tall man slowly walking onto the stage at some point.

"General Charles!"

Many people were excited, but the whispering stopped abruptly when Charles glanced over, restoring a serious military school atmosphere.

Lin Jing also looked down at his brain terminal.

Charles, the youngest five-star general in the history of the New World Covenant, is only 35 years old this year. He is the supreme commander of the Lunar Ring defense system, an S-level alpha.

In the public information, there are even details, including measurements and weight, and the length of the legs is emphasized?

The profile photo should be updated in real time. The real person at the scene is not too different from the hairstyle in the photo. The blonde hair is tied into a soft and docile ponytail, a pair of green and deep eyes, and the figure is straight and fair. It is often said that he is simply a "paladin" in fantasy stories.

Unfortunately, Lin Jing also raised his eyebrows, this "Paladin" is lemon flavored.

The sourest kind of lime.

It's not sour, Lin Jing also licked his lips, it's so delicious.

Preferably white chocolate, nice and creamy.

The general has always been kind and approachable, so the people present were excited and respected, but not afraid. They looked at Charles who suddenly appeared with burning eyes.

General Charles nodded friendly to Aoke: "At your age, reaching such a level as a beta is indeed very remarkable. You have qualified, but if you want, you can compete with me again."

Aoke raised his eyebrows, before he could say anything, a clear male voice suddenly sounded from the field:

"He's tired, why don't we try."

There was another burst of air-conditioning at the scene, as if they had been trained, or everyone turned into an air-conditioner collectively.

A tall and slender figure walked out, and the crowd automatically dispersed to avoid it, as if Moses divided the sea. The young man who came out of the crowd was far calmer and gentler than Oke. He had a gentle and handsome face and black hair. Tie it casually, and finally added a little unruly to this overly soft and dignified young man.

But there is a quality in him that people dare not approach easily, and no one even dares to laugh at him like he mocks Oko.

Because of those eyes.

They were a pair of strange eyes of different colors, black on the left and blue on the right. The black eyes were cold, as if they could reflect the stars all over the sky, while the blue eyes were almost pure blue even the pupils, which were so clear that they could see the bottom. There is also a chill in it, vaguely reminiscent of the burning warp drive of the starship.

Charles turned his head to look, Oke on the ground was in a daze, and before he recovered, his body had already signaled to obey that person, and he jumped off the ring to make way for him.

The black-haired young man seemed to be used to it, and jumped onto the examination platform, standing opposite Charles.

Like a long knife that has been unsheathed, it is sharp and elegant, but it is also used to drinking blood.

The blond general turned around, a trace of undisguised amazement flashed in his blue pupils.

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