House of the wolf

chapter 7

After putting together all the runes that are scattered across the crypt. As I thought it was an oath. Promising to protect the realms from the creatures north of the wall, never let them pass it, and protect the tombs and the Godswood in Winterfell.


Even though I don´t have much interest in oaths made thousands of years ago it fired up Robb and Jon after they heard about it. Ned´s face is still stoic, but I can sense something stirring in him since he has been privately training with Ser Rodrik.  


Surprisingly the stone tomes that I have translated so far contain recipes and training manuals but it´s not simply cooking recipes and helping you train the sword some of the recipes claim to make the body stronger and faster one even claims to make the body more virile. 


I will be testing these recipes myself to make sure it does nothing harmful the ingredients seem harmless enough and the tomes promise of no side effects while some of the things in the list are potent it does not seem like there is anything poisonous except for the surplus of animal balls.


The hardest things on the recipes to acquire are thankfully available in the Stark treasury like Mammoth tusks and bones a few rare creatures and thankfully their bones don´t expire. 


The rest I can but with the money I have saved up throughout my life and that´s what I have been doing these few days.


As the end of the month is approaching people are streaming into town even a few of our neighboring vassals and their heirs are coming to visit Winterfell to attend the competition and small banquet afterward.


Outside the castle near the village, a crowd gathers up in a circle where the duels will take place. 


Ser Rodrik announces the rules and regulations for the competition as he showcases the mighty axe the winner gets to keep if he joins the Stark house guards  


“Since the axe is so sharp and heavy the challenger will wield it with a guard on otherwise it can accidentally chew through the armor and result in injury or death to your opponent but if you get a clean hit off on your opponent unguarded that means it´s your win”


The crowd murmurs and cheers optimistic as the first challenger steps up a tall robust youth with a cocky grin looks at his opponent Hallis Mollen who is representing the guards. He stands confidently waiting for the challenger to make a move. 


The young one barely manages to lift the axe for an overhead swing Mollen easily dodges and lands a blow knocking the challenger out.


I laugh nervously with the crowd worried that maybe this would not work out what if there is no one among such a small pool capable of wielding this weapon as one challenger after the other is defeated.


Then I see another challenger approach tall but not the tallest among them but the most robust built like a dwarf from fantasy whose greatest asset is their center of gravity and he fits the bill with a bushy beard and eyebrows.


He picks up the axe and swings it a couple of times to get used to it Mollen sees the ease in which he swings it and his face gets serious. 


The challenger rushes at him and Mollen does not dare take risks and evades the first few blows using well-aimed counter attacks to keep him busy and more focused on defending so he can´t swing that dangerous axe.


This match goes on for a minute an intense exchange until Mollen uses his experience and technique to edge out his victory.


The challenger sighs in disappointment and the day seems to be over as he is the last one to challenge as he turns to leave.


“Wait, what´s your name?” I call out “My name is York, little lord” 


My eyebrow twitches from being called little “Where are you from, how old are you and what´s you´re occupation” 


“I live in the Wolfswood I am a woodcutter and I´m 16 years old” 


I hear gasps around me and my eyebrow twitches even more 16 years old? 16! “Your beard is bushier than my father´s” I hear someone yell at him “No way you can be 16” the crowd chuckles at the statement. 


“I am too he childishly replies” and I hear Ned muttering to himself that he must be one of Greatjon´s bastards. 


Ned starts talking “Was this your first time swinging an axe at a person” which silences the crowd as they await the answer 


“Yes m´lord I´ve only swung an axe at trees before this day” 


“Why did you come to compete for the axe or the pay?”


“No m´lord I can cut enough timber to make a living I wanted to serve as a guard for house Stark” 


Ned looks at him for a moment then asks “Why?” 


“A scoundrel raped and murdered my mother it was your guards that caught him and you who beheaded him, lord Stark. Since my grandma passed recently I have no one to take care of and wanted to repay the favor”  


“You owe me nothing I only did as I should rapists and killers take the black or the sword that is our law. But if you´re certain I am willing to employ you in our guard and I will give you this axe if you serve us admirably” 


“Thank you m´lord I won´t fail you” he bows Ned waves his hand and tells Mollen to take care of the new recruit as the crowd cheers for York.


Time passed just like that training in the yard with my brothers they both decided to try the strength and speed potions They looked at me with honorable disdain when I mentioned the virility potions and my sisters blanched in horror. More for me then! Don´t come crying to me later when you´re 50 and can´t get it up! Hmph hmph I said to them in my mind. 


Arya begged me for the strength potions but Catelyn forbade it I managed to convince her that the speed potions would not affect the womanly figure at least I hope so. I love my dear sister but she will need all the help she can get for more feminine features I pray the potion I give her does not take what little she has from her.


I could not make that many potions since the main ingredients were bones of rare species but enough for us to drink it 3 times a year the effects are not strong or immediate but you feel the difference if you pay attention to your progress. 


And since I was the only one drinking the virility one I drank it monthly I thought about giving half to Ned but then thought about my poor mother if Father gets even more of a boost he´s already impregnated her 5 times! I gave him one and said it was all I could make and hid the rest in my room a noble sacrifice but one I must make. 


I also occasionally went to see the hunter to consolidate what he taught me, I often took Bran with me to see him as he he was being too loud running around and being a nuisance climbing walls it will help our sleep if he learns to sneak around be quiet for a change. 


The last tomes talk about magic skinchanging and Greenseers since the potions worked Jon and Robb also read those but did not have any real interest but Bran while he pretended to be indifferent he was the only other Stark who also learned the old tongue and read the originals instead of only the translation. 


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