House of the wolf

chapter 61

I stalk towards their campfire and as a hunter myself I easily sidestep the traps they put around their camp to notify them of enemies stepping close.


Still out of sight from the stragglers, I take a closer look at the group, five men, two of them seriously wounded from the battle, of the three men that are in good condition one of them is a large old man the other two are young boys.


The large old man has many visible old scars on his face and forearms, he is dangerous, I will have to take him out first.


I circle around so that I am behind the old man and before they can react I leap from the shadows into the light of their campfire and my jaws clench around the thick neck of the old man.


But the jaw strength of a Direwolf treats the thick neck like a twig and with a snap!, the neck of the old man breaks and his body falls onto the fire scattering the flames, the young men sitting beside him screaming in horror as they look at me.


With a swipe from my claw, I cut into the jugular of the young man who froze in horror to his right. 


The one on the left fell back on his ass and crawled away making to run for it.


The wounded men however pick up their weapons and yell out as they charge for me. I dodge their blows and just run away from their bold charge and focus on the young boy running away from the camp instead.


He is not even looking behind him as he runs making it easy for me to run him down, pounce and maul him to death.


After he is no longer moving I look back toward the camp with the taste of blood in my mouth. The taste is so divine and refreshing that my eyes gleam in excitement as I look at the wounded men still alive.   


Now they have gathered themselves standing side by side, they know they can´t run so they intend to face me but it will do them no good.


I feel dark glee as the now scattered fire slowly dies out, in the dark my eyes will see much better than them and their weapons won´t be able to touch what they can´t see.


In complete darkness, my jaws find the leg of one of them and drag him away from his companion, both of them scream for each other but I pounce on the one I dragged away and tear out his jugular with one bite now only one voice left.


Soon enough the last man standing meets the same fate... Looking at the bloodied bodies and feeling the taste of blood in my mouth. I can feel my companion's desire to eat the bodies but I resist the temptation and decide to let the snow bury them.


I remind Hunter to not let any stragglers he sees reach Bolton and I howl to the moon declaring my successful hunt.


Suddenly I am back in my body lying in my bed and my blood is boiling like never before. My head aches as I groan, but receive a soothing touch as a response.


I feel that my head is lying on something soft and a hand is brushing my hair softly.


A woman has my head in her lap. I can feel the softness of her thighs as I start to take in my surroundings.


My blurry vision sees only the hand and big soft breast covered in a robe blocking me from seeing who it is. But the sight makes my blood which was already boiling burst, taking over my actions.


I grab her breasts through the robe squeezing them tightly and roughly exposing them, the pale milky breasts, big and perky. 


Making my disorientated mind unable to resist.


I push her onto her back and go on top of her like a rabid animal sucking at her breast but getting no milk making my mind scream in rage, the rage makes my body bite her hard enough it nearly makes her bleed. 


It is as if my feral mind is saying that blood would be an equal exchange for the milk it wanted. 


But before I lose myself to my emotions I feel a slap on my cheek that wakes me from my stupor.




I blink my eyes rapidly to clear my head and also get rid of the blurriness and open my eyes to see.


Beneath me is a beautiful woman with red hair scattered on the bed, her breathing is erratic and her exposed chest is rising and falling as she takes deep breaths to calm her state.


Her pale breasts are full of bite marks and her pink nipples are red and raw from my treatment.


My mind goes blank when I realize who she is.


“M- Catelyn!” I exclaim in shock stopping myself from saying mom because I feel it would somehow make this awkward situation even more awkward.


I hastily roll off her and onto my back, as I rub my head to try and get rid of the headache, I don´t know if it is from my dream or a hangover.


“Wha- when… how did you get here” I ask confused with a bit of apprehension, my mind racing with a thousand thoughts running through it all at once.


Catelyn calmly puts the robe back on covering her body while mumbling to herself.


“Damn it Cat, how could you forget how riled up a man gets the night after a battle, did you learn nothing from your marriage,” She says to herself as she now fixes up her hair.


She chides herself murmuring casually while my brain is still short-circuiting but even in that state. My brain manages to instantly delete from my mind what she said about her and father getting freaky after battles.


“Are you not being too calm about this?” I ask bewildered, just yesterday she was a mess, both physically and mentally she fainted just after capturing a glimpse of me.


Now after I nearly joined our bodies together in unholy matrimony she seems almost entirely unphased.


Her eyes are calm and firm even though her breathing is still a little heavy, still physically recovering from my actions yet she is unshaken mentally. 


She registers my words and looks me then at the bite marks still visible from her cleavage and she scoffs. 


“Please, this is nothing worse than when I breastfed you when you were little” She responds casually, making me look away from her a bit abashed.


Remembering when I was a baby with nothing to do but eat and sleep, I might have been a bit overzealous when she fed me. And when I grew my baby teeth I became a true menace to her teets, discovering that she was a bit of a masochist. 


In my mind, I excused my actions by taking credit for my sister's being born. Because Catelyn always had to find Ned to take care of her needs shortly after feeding me.


I calm down after I realize that even though I am naked under the sheets Catelyn is dressed and the room does not smell like sex. So she must have come in after I fell asleep. Still, it surprises me that she takes what just happened so lightly.


“Thank the Seven I had the sense to stop feeding you once you turned three... I understand you a bit better now sister” She continued off with a complicated look in her own world mumbling to herself. 


She had a strange look in her eyes as she mumbled something about her sister and the Vale. 


But I can´t focus on her words as I am still struggling to contain my boiling blood. 

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