House of the wolf

chapter 55

As I slowly walk over to go see the prisoners I feel something I have not felt in a while. A shadow towering over me, and before I can react I have been captured in an iron grip and lifted off my feet into a crushing embrace.


“Let me go, you big oaf!” 


“Hodor!” The simple giant says as usual as he squeezes me so tight I feel like my ribs might crack.


Before everything fades to black I hear a smack “You numbnuts let him go before you get executed for trying to kill the little lord” 


I hear the familiar Old Nan say that, then her great-grandson Hodor lets me down.


Catching my breath I look at the woman in shock “Old Nan, you´re still alive!”


“Still alive? How dare you, I changed your grandfather's diapers! You know I know a story of a little lord who…” She rambles off into another one of her stories, her mind not quite here as I just look at her and Hodor for a second.


There are a lot of loyal subjects to House Stark but not many are as beloved as Old Nan and Hodor. 


I still remember the thrashing Theon got when he accidentally knocked Old Nan over when he jumped down a flight of stairs, I don´t think I´ve ever seen Father as angry.


Even though her mind is deteriorating it warms my heart to see she is still alive. To be honest, no matter how much she forgets I think nothing will change for her. Even when we were children she got mixed up with what kids she was looking after but no matter her state of mind she was always familiar. 


She always got confused about which Brandon she was looking after. After all, she raised three different generations of Starks named Brandon. But even when it was a different era in her mind, her personality remained the same, as did her actions.


I just tap Hodor on the shoulder “Good to see you too Hodor, now take Old Nan to get some rest” 


“Hodor” He nods and the giant as gently as possible takes Old Nan who´s rambling away.


I also walk away the tink sound from the cane following me. I reach where the prisoners are and ask the guard to lead me to where the Lannisters are being kept.


I heard we have three Lannisters captives. Martyn and Willem Lannister, both sons of Kevan Lannister, a couple of fortnights ago. They would have been valuable hostages as all Lannisters are. But now things have changed their value has increased much more than before. 


And the third hostage Jamie Lannister there was never a question of his value. The Kingslayer himself, son of Tywin Lannister and the brother of Cercei the Queen regent and father of the King as well it seems.


If I had not read the letters I would have killed them all and be done with it. Tywin would never move when forced and Joffrey being on the Iron Throne ensured that there couldn´t be negotiations. 


But Joffrey is dead poisoned by his dwarf uncle Tyrion Lannister. Who was arrested and put on trial by combat which he lost. 


But before he could be executed he escaped his cell and killed his Father Tywin Lannister. Now Tyrion is a fugitive and Tommen, Joffrey´s younger brother is set to inherit the crown.


Not only that since Tywin is now dead, that means Kevan Lannister is now leading their house and I´ve got two of his heirs in my possession.


He will gladly pay a pound of flesh for each of his sons and the value of that flesh just multiplied.


As I walk in contemplation “Oh, look who it is! The undying Wolf has graced us with his presence” I hear the Kingslayer mock from his cage as I approach.


“Undying Wolf?” I raise my eyebrow.


“It´s what the people are calling you. If you ask me I´d say the name is a bit too… tacky” The blonde man goes on seeming like nothing could bother him or make him take his situation seriously.


“You should know better than anyone else that you can´t choose what others decide to call you, right Kingslayer” There is no change in his face but his eyes linger on me for that one.


“To what do I owe the pleasure? Surely you must be busy now that you just got back, the King in the North must have a lot on his shoulders after all”


“Oh, there is no weight on my shoulders at all! After all, I am just following the path you lofty Lannisters set us on. If only you spilled your seed on your sister´s lips instead of her womb you could have saved us all a lot of trouble”


He has no snarky response to that.


“Did you come here to lament about the past young pup, or is there a reason for your visit?”  


“Can you read Kingslayer?” His eye twitches at the question.


“Of course, I can read. Why? Did you bring your favorite children's book? I´m touched, you really did not have to go to these lengths” His snarkiness is coming in full force now.


“Oh, it is definitely my favorite read in a while. I can only hope you enjoy it as much as I have” I throw one of two letters to Jaime the first letter containing details of Cercei sleeping with her cousin Lancel Lannister and watch his face while he reads the details.


As he reads I can see the tension in his body as he restrained himself and showed nothing on his face.


“You expect me to believe this?” He asks pretending not to be affected.


“You believe what you want, I just thought it was funny. Here is what I really wanted you to read” I say as I throw the larger letter containing Tywin´s and Joffrey´s deaths at the hands of his brother Tyrion Lannister.


I take a seat on a stool to enjoy the show as he looks at the letter on the ground with apprehension but eventually, he can´t help himself and he starts to read it.

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