House of the wolf

chapter 52

Outside the door, Brienne and Bran are waiting “Bran you go get something for Grey Wind to eat and Brienne you get a bath ready” Bran seems to want to say something but I take Catylin to her room, and call for Maester Luwin who arrives promptly.


After checking her out Maester Luwin says “She is fine, these are only symptoms of exhaustion and dehydration she was already eating little after the death of your father after Robb… she just shut down” 


Even though I am very dissatisfied that they let Catylin reach this state I don´t voice my judgments on them for how they handled something I was not even here for, so I changed the subject.


“Later tonight I want a report on all the comings and goings in Winterfell. Our provisions, letters, manpower I want to know everything” As I am speaking I am pacing about the room.


“Well there are some things more pressing than others, we have plenty of food for the time being. But there is a snowstorm coming this way we must be prepared, Winter Town will need lumber to keep warm for now the experienced Rodrick has a handle on these things but the prisoners are inviting unrest”


“Prisoners? What prisoners?” Again I am getting agitated.


Luwin looks at me “Why don´t you take a seat” 


“Wha-” He points to my thigh and I look down to see blood seeping through the cloth on my thigh.


“Goddamn give me a break” I almost punch a wall before I take a seat exasperated about to vent, then I hear the door bust open. 


“The bath is ready m´lord” Brienne bumbles in with a servant that I recognize as Rordrick´s daughter, Beth holding a new change of clothes and a cloth.


I look up at the roof “What a mess-” I hear slow steps approaching me and feel a hand on my shoulder, the sudden show of calming support from the old Maester making me lose control of my emotions and I start to sniffle. Everything I´ve been bottling up pouring out all of a sudden.


I put my hand on top of his  “You know old man when I heard of the siege of Winterfell. No matter how confident I was in you all. When I heard the bombardments during the march... I was half expecting to return to my home set ablaze. I imagined it arriving just in time to see my Mother and little brother and sister be killed like Ned and Robb or become prisoners of war like poor little Arya” 


I feel his hand tremble slightly then squeeze my shoulder at the mention of my little sister, as my guilt for leaving her at King´s Landing gnaws at my insides so intensely it burns.


He reassures me “You did well to make it home, you siblings you all have been through very tough times but they need you to be strong right now and guide them through these trying times” I nod my head at his words as I wipe my tears.


I take a moment to collect myself and tap his hand “Yes I know… sorry about that, get me a change of clothes and a cane. While I won´t just lie in bed I must at least clean up my wounds and keep pressure off of my leg” He nods and walks out. 


I look to Brienne and Beth and see they are both wiping their own tears making me feel a bit less embarrassed at my display. Beth steps forward "D-don´t worry about A-Arya milord I´m sure she will be fine" Beth barely sniffles out


I smile at them “Thank you, Beth, and sorry about that ladies let's get her to the bath” They both shake and nod their heads still a mess jumbled up from emotiones.

I understand why Beth would cry, she grew up with us siblings and is right about Arya´s age but Brienne being moved to tears surprised me, granted I don´t know what she went through with my mother but they can´t have known each other for more than a couple years.


Does Brienne just have a heart of gold? I think to myself. 


I pick up Catylin and move to the bath where they have two tubs. They follow me in Brienne hesitates and then starts to speak.


“Lord Stark, I don´t think it would be quite proper, that ehrm you here... for Lady Starks modesty I thi-”


“Lord Stark heh,” I said interrupting her.


“You can tell “Lady Stark” when she wakes up if she does not take care of herself in the future she can kiss her precious modesty goodbye” Beth giggles at that.


“Help me with her clothes,” I say as I start to undress her, Now I see what she has been putting her body through, her once-healthy body now looking much worse for wear though not even starvation can take away her curves. She is diminished and her skin looks unhealthy as her ribs are sticking out but this is not something that can´t be undone.


I put her in the bath and they took over from me and started cleaning her up in the bath running cloths along her skin I let them do their thing as I went to the other tub and took off my clothes before going in.


I feel a stinging pain in my thigh my sides and my back. Guess I have some new wounds I just now noticed.


“Beth, you used to always hang out with Sansa when she had her sewing lessons come here and sow the wounds on my back together and tell me how is she holding up” 


She turns around to look at me and turns a deep shade of red when she realizes I´m in the bath, almost as red as the giant woman next to her. But she walks over and answers.


“Sansa, she is doing fine… at first I was worried about her but recently she has been doing better”


I sit up straighter “Why were you worried at first?”

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