House of the wolf

chapter 49

Blood sprays in the air as we cut through them killing every man we pass. Greatjon and I are leading the way, the Greatjon is killing as many as me but with his sword that is even bigger than Ice, every time he swings his sword it is like an event, showcasing limbs flying off of bodies and men being thrown back by the force. 


All his moves have spectacle to them, no doubt inspiring the men behind us more than my efficient slicing at necks and gaps in armor.


But making up for that is my steed, the fearsome creature making me look even bigger than the giant next to me hacking away. 


After breaking through the first lines of the Bolton troops they are now being slaughtered. So I start pulling back from the thick of the fight and let Greajon do most of the damage. I just take command and bark orders making sure no foolishness prevails.


The Bolton troops are the most well-organized in the North you can´t be too careful. You must not underestimate their military strength. This cavalry charge is only so successful because most of the soldiers following me could be considered elites.


And on the tip of that force is me on a giant unicorn and the Greatjon. Without a solid line of pikemen, you would have no chance of stopping us. 


Hitting them in the rear during a siege had them go into a panic, without their leaders Roose Bolton or Ramsey Snow, they could not organize as quickly as they should. 


While some units and acting commanders wised up and started forming pike formations I just ignored them and went to a different target going mainly for archers. 


Archers which were more than half their army since it was a siege.


So we must make sure we whittle their army down to at least equal numbers before they can reorganize we must use the most of the time now that they are exposed.


I keep chasing the exposed enemies down while ignoring the troops that have managed to form pike formations.


My goal is to kill as many as we can before they order the retreat and make sure there are so few men that are left alive that they are incapable of strengthening the Frey´s since the Twins will be their only way of escape. 


Looking around the battlefield I can see that the flanks are doing even better, it´s where the enemy is the most scattered and the Manderleys are picking them off but they still outnumber us.


If they call a retreat right now they will maintain most of their forces but thanks to us hitting the hardest in the center where their acting commanders most likely are they have got no orders to retreat yet.


The downside to a force like the Bolton´s is that the footsoldiers won´t dare go against orders even if it's the right course of action or even if it is to survive. 


The punishment for disobedience has too much potential for cruelty to not just yourself but your loved ones. 


I say downside because even though it keeps them obedient and organized, they are too rigid. Especially in this situation where they have no clear chain of command.


But even with all those things going against them they are still slowly pulling themselves together into proper formations to combat us, it can´t be helped at least I´m not capable enough as commander to do anything about it.


What I can do however is take their food and supplies from them, to do that we will still have to cut through a number of them. It will be a dogfight but if we succeed even if they could fend us off for weeks they would have no choice but to retreat.


“All men on me” I yell to my men to start riding towards the supplies instead of the commander's tents. 


Greatjon pulls up to me “What´s the plan?” 


“We will go for their supplies their defense there is almost as strong as with the commanders but we must still break through and victory will be ours!” I declare.


“Well young King, looks like somebody else had a similar idea” The Greatjon points towards the supplies where a force is attacking them from behind the sight shocking me and everyone else.


Leading the force is Rodrick with a cavalry holding Stark banners, they rode out of the gate or most likely a secret passage and they landed a successful surprise attack on their supplies.


“Charge!” I yell out to capitalize on the chaos and take this important chokehold without losing too many men. 


As I watch us pincer the enemy troops protecting the supplies, me standing away from the action. 


I hold back from personally taking part in the chaos because I feel my blood is boiling so much that I know I would get lost in it if I did. 


I must remain as lucid as possible until… there it is. The Bolton´s have called a retreat, they know the fight for the supplies is lost and they can´t get them back.  


Even if they could stop us from taking them they can´t stop us from burning the food supplies if they try. 


A familiar figure slowly approaches me on horseback his white whiskers have turned even whiter and the man himself looks even harsher than before, his new haggard look reminding me of old man Logan from my past life.


“Winterfell thanks you for riding to our aid in our time of need! Excuse me for not recognizing your name sir?”  


The dutiful man speaking while not recognizing who I am makes me smile, his voice making the memories of the good old days come flooding back.


I start speaking as I take off my helmet.


 “I´ve been away for a while, but that´s no excuse not to recognize your lord, is it Rodrick?” I ask with a smile my helmet now completely off revealing my face.


The shocked face of Rodrick looking at me with tears forming in his eyes makes me look away so the loyal old man won´t make me break character in the open. 


Instead, I just say into the air looking at the castle walls “I´m back you did well protecting my family… it's good that you're still alive old man.”

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