House of the wolf

chapter 47

As we travel I spend most of my time talking with Wylla to strengthen the bonds between Starks and Manderly since if Wyndil dies her sister will be the leader of the Manderly House and Wylla will be the first in line after her sister.


Plus there is the fact that she is good company, a willful girl that reminds me of an older version of Arya but unlike Arya, Wylla seems more sure of herself, more mature. Listening to her talk was refreshing every word she spoke was the first thing that came to her mind she spoke from the heart and I listened.



Of late I get why there are so many stories and tales that speak of loyalty and virtue, in such a cruel world, the craving for it is intense. Real virtue! Not the virtuous master or virtuous king.


It was also like this in the past world, but there it got so bad that virtue became a business. This practice is also in place in this world but not as convoluted. I get the feeling nothing would be as terrifying as a virtuous ruler.


But Wylla´s virtue is different, she would never call herself a virtuous person, she would even scoff at the thought. But she truly believes the Manderlys owe Starks their allegiance, to follow us in victory or defeat is their due as we took them in when they were hounded out of their homeland about a thousand years ago.


They should forever be “Stark men” is how she worded it. I did not believe her at first but after getting to know her more this seems to be how she truly feels.


About halfway through the journey, I asked 500 Manderly´s to ride off to Moat Catlin and see if Ramsey was still there If so to bring him and Arya back to Winterfell alive if they are able. Wylla offered to go and went to lead the attack herself.

I also started feeling dreams again, my connection to Hunter is still there which means he is still alive. 


He felt much more aggressive and more unruly since I last was there with him but that´s to be expected from what I´ve heard he has helped fight in a siege at Winterfell and according to my dreams is now roaming in the Wolfswood.


He is harassing and hiding army from an army marching away from Winterfell it must be Roose Bolton´s army, it has started its march towards Stannis near Deepwood Motte I use my connection to Hunter to tell him to stay away from the marching army and only watch from afar.


As we start to close in on Winterfell my scouts return and tell me Bolton still has about three thousand men keeping Winterfell under siege. Even though he must have brought troops of equal or bigger size than Stannis to face him. It must be thanks to the Freys supplying Bolton with troops that he has the manpower to do both at once.


I tell the army to pick up the marching speed, even though we have already been marching fast so that we will be upon the enemies at sunrise the next day. Meanwhile, I am thinking of the war to come, we will set upon the back of an army in the middle of a siege even though they outnumber us we will have the advantage as almost all my men are on horseback. If everything goes as it should it will be a slaughter.


The only thing that could jeopardize the advantage is the Manderly army. What they had to do to bring together such a force after answering the call to take part in the fight with Robb´s army as his bannermen. 


It was to fill the new army mostly with new blood, the only requirement was knowing how to ride horseback, even though there are some veterans most of the men in the army have not trained with a sword or seen bloodshed.


So to avoid any mishap I will lead the charge with my men and Robb´s remnants and the Manderlys will take care of the flanks.


After this fight even if Roose gets word of what happened before he fights Stannis he will be helpless, he and his army will be stuck between a rock and a hard place


I´m told there is a blizzard in Deepwood Motte that is also approaching Winterfell so no matter what kind of scheme he makes up no amount of brainpower can get an army out of a blizzard and any peace talks with Stannis.


They can not be had since Bolton is the Lannister´s dog Stannis will not tolerate him and even if he did he would lose his army of northerners for entering peace talks with a man who betrayed the Starks with the Freys, participating in breaking the guest rights, an old and sacred tradition in the North.


Most likely they will fight, Bolton should have more men than Stannis but Stannis is said to be a brilliant battle commander. 


If Bolton wins what I should do is clear, wait for the blizzard to clear out then cut off all retreats from the Wolfswood and capture or kill the bastard ending the Boltons and their rebellions once and for all.


But if Stannis prevails the aftermath will be a bit more tricky to handle. Stannis has some support from the North and he marched to aid Winterfell in our time of need even though he clearly did it to gain support for his own cause, but the reason does not matter, no matter why he did it his actions must be repaid.


But this is why it is tricky, the stubborn bastard refused to ally with the North when he had the chance because Robb would be king and therefore would not bow to him. I will not be any different there has been too much lost for the North to bow its head to the Iron Throne again.


Will Stannis accept that or will he refuse to bend even if it means losing his only potential ally in his stubborn fight for the throne.

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