House of the wolf

chapter 38

The wolf pack gave instant support for me in the hall after they believed that I was truly Edwyn Stark it makes sense even though Cregan Stark died generations ago he was the longest-ruling Stark in living memory and the wolf pack is made of the descendants of his most loyal soldiers who followed him. And recently the Wolf pack has been in so much decline that they had to join the Company of Rose to keep from becoming obsolete. So a Stark coming to Essos and meeting them they took it as a sign.

It turns out their leader Beron is the bald old man with the grey beard he used to be the captain of the wolf pack whose origins are tied closely to House Stark so most of the 500 are those of the Wolf Pack, but there are also over a hundred from Company of the Rose lead by a beautiful woman with blonde hair named Arsa.


“Well that went better than expected,” I say as myself and my guards watch 500 sellswords load up cargo on the North´s Pride the leaders of the 500 sellswords are also with me. 

“Hmph If you had just said your name and paid the regular cost you would have had the same results boy, most of the ones going are fools who never spent a day in the cold but dream of returning to their homeland” 


I see the old guy sneering at me as he rains on my parade. As if seeing through my thoughts and keeping me from thinking that my speech convinced these people to risk life and limb for the cause.


“And you? Are you a fool dreaming of home? Why did you decide to follow me”


“...What you said about the coin being our master was not too far from the truth boy. While the lords in Essos are happy to pay for our services they are not so happy to have us living in their castles or cities unless we act as bodyguards or assassins” He says with a frown no doubt reminiscing on all the times some fat merchant treated them like slaves whose only thing they're good for is to do his bidding. But he called me boy so there must be retribution! I don´t care about your flashbacks old man.


“The only boy you see is when you take a piss in the morning baldie... what about you gorgeous why did you decide to go with me?” I ask the tall curvaceous blonde.


“I am looking for a husband none of the sellswords appeal to me nor do the men of Essos,” She says boldly not shy about her goals.


“None of the men in your company and no man in Essos appealed to you? I must confess I am curious about what you look for in a man or if you´re looking for a man at all”


“Don´t question my preferences just because I have standards Stark!” Ooh touche I think to myself 


“No need to get angry it was an honest question, come on tell and I´ll help you look” She looks at me skeptically like I have some ulterior motives but answers anyway.


“He must be kind, gentle, and loyal but strong and fierce when he must,” She says with a dreamy expression.

You know for a mercenary chick I expected her to be a lot more…butch but she is almost a boldly feminine woman. In a field that would strongly encourage against being so authentic as only truly strong people can show such signs of weakness, I can tell she is not a woman who has been taken advantage of, very interesting.


“Oh, no wonder you had trouble finding those in the cities and lands that only value you for the coin they can get from you. But you know just as it happens I know a person like that,” I say as she rolls her eyes.


“Yeah is it perhaps a Stark in Essos?” She puts her hands on her generous hips and I´m liking her more and more as we speak but she seems to be a good woman seeking a husband, not something I can give her nor should I. But there are few men who have shown their loyalty to me on this journey and each of them deserves someone like her.


“I´m glad you have such a high opinion of me but no. I am not a very gentle man why don´t you spend some time with any of my guards start with York here while we are on the voyage in my opinion any one of them should clear your requirements” I say as York almost trips and starts fumbling his words.


“Hmm I will be the judge of that” She bores her gaze into York who shifts uncomfortably.


“What do you intend to do on this journey?” Beron asks curious about my plans.


“For now all you need to know is we will sail to call the Stark Bannermen in Skagos to action”


“Skagos! You think those savages will listen to your orders” He exclaims.


“Their way is the old way if a Stark comes personally for their aid they will answer,” I say convincing myself as much as I´m trying to convince them.


“But at least they will not take up arms against us without good cause, finish loading the ship up and tell your men to prepare their backs as we will be using the giant oars to speed up our journey”

I walk off away from the port to meet and say my goodbyes to a certain "captain" the one who sailed me out of King´s Landing to the port of Pentos.


As I walk into a luxurious room with couches and paintings and one desk with two chairs facing each other and sitting on the main chair is the exotic beautiful busty tailor wearing a stunning red dress hugging her curves

“Ah the Daring Wolf finally graces me with his presence,” She says as she sits behind her desk and I take a seat in front of the desk. 

“You taunt me with my nickname but won´t tell me yours is that how a person behaves” I scolded immediately, no fun at my expense will go unanswered!

“...My name is Sienna please forgive me it's not like I was hiding it from you. You just never come to spend time with little old me” She says pressing her hands together deepening her cleavage.

Not showing any reaction to the erotic display I ask “You are not just a simple tailor I can tell that much but your background does not interest me your capabilities do”


“Would it be possible for you to establish trade between Pentos and the North?”

“What does the North have to offer?” She responds now her demeanor serious.


“For now I just offer gold in return for services but once war and rebellions are quelled you will find that there is no land richer in resources than the North then your successor will be forever grateful to you for establishing this bond” She scoffs at that but gives no reply for a few moments.

“The services you pay for, what is it?” 

“I will give you 5000 thousand gold dragons you are to buy as much clear glass as you can find for glass gardens and use the rest of the money to fill up ships with wine, spices and grain that last and seeds that can grow in tough environments. When the ships are filled sail to white harbor go to House Manderly and tell them this is to be delivered to Winterfell”

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