House of the wolf

chapter 10

As we see guards on horses trot into the castle knights clad in red armor carrying Lannister flags and the Kinsgsguard as well then I see a giant of a man wearing a helmet in the shape of a wolf or is it a dog behind him is a golden-haired brat strutting in with a smug smile I hate him already and the googly Sansa´s giving him have nothing to do with it.


Then a great big fat man approaches slowly on a horse and Ned begins to kneel and we all follow him to our knees. I´m mildly shocked the king is so fat but then again even Father was starting to get a bit pudgy the potions and his training helped transfer most of it to muscle but there is still a bit of pudginess.


As the king gets off his horse and approaches Ned one step at a time he signal Ned to get up we all follow “You´ve gotten fat!” he deadpans and I almost do a spit-take but Ned only raises his eyebrows at him and gives him a look as the king bursts into laughter and hugs him greets Catelyn says a few words to Robb and shakes his hand “And who´s this pretty boy”


“Edwyin my king” I reply eyebrows twitching as I hear Jon snicker behind me.


He greets the rest of my siblings except for Jon we see the queen walking out of her carriage and wow she is beautiful. Blonde hair, plumb lips symmetrical face and a curvacious body though most of it is hidden in her clothes dressed for the cold yet still regal 


Ned kisses her hand as she keeps her expression cold while I hear Arya asking where the imp is the queen gives her a gaze and walks back to her carriage and we see her children lined up Joffrey 13, Myrcella 12 and Tommen 9 years old. 


“Ned where are the crypts I want to see her” 


“Surely the dead can wait my love”


“Now!”He huffs 


As Ned leaves awkwardly Catelyn takes over and invites our guests in she asks me to lead Myrcella in because we are the same age I do as commanded and walk up to her and offer her my hand she blushes and accepts as we walk behind Robb who leads us in.


Walking with Myrcella I look at her and realize she takes very much after her mother she will grow up to be quite the beauty but seems to lack the venom hidden in Crersei´s gaze.


“Would you like a tour, my lady?” she smiles and accepts shying away from too much eye contact.


While Winterfell is not as luxurious as Kings Landing she showed much interest when I showed her the hot springs, she went green with envy as I told her I bathe there every day she remarked that must be why my skin is so soft and after the comment, the king made about me being a pretty boy the words stung so I quickly showed her the calluses on my to show I´m a man's man but she was more interested in the skin on my face asking me for advice I wanted to tan her hide right then and there.


She especially liked the glass gardens I showed her a couple of days later and could not stop blushing while walking with me since indeed Robert wanted to join our houses and the gossiping staff around us had her eyes stuck to the floor almost the whole time until she saw the gardens.


She told me she had her own garden in Kings Landing but nothing as grand as this and while the glass gardens may seem grand, to me it could never be big enough when considering this is meant to keep the whole castle fed when winter comes. 


Days later we are all sparring in the yard while Joffrey just sits and watches occasionally throwing verbal digs when Robb gets hit by his sparring partner like it's all just a show to him as I spar with Jon. Robb walks over to Joffrey “You want to spar?” 


“With wooden swords” Joffrey scoffs like he´s above such child´s games 


“You scared?” 


“Of course after all you are so much older” he smirks as the Lannister guards laugh like trained puppies at the dig despite being younger he is a little taller than Robb but it's an empty boast as Joffrey has no meat on his bones and he walks away.


“You exited for the feast tonight” I ask Jon while we´re sparring


“You know I hate those things” 


“Most people do, but I hear the king loves a party Father has bought a lot of wine and ale for the celebration of the king”


“You should be careful in the party, would do you no good if you drink too much and make a fool of yourself in front of Myrcella and ruin her knightly impression of you” 


Jon tries to tease me to goad me into swinging at him but I don´t fall for it and reply.


“Oh yeah, and what about you saving yourself for the wall? I heard you paid for a room with Ros” 


“I strike a nerve as he overeaches and I get a clean hit” I feel a bit bad for all the times I have been picking at the sore spots in Jon´s life but I always knew Jon would need thicker skin both being a bastard and planning to go to the wall it won´t be easy but Jon is as observant as he is temperamental so he knows I mean well or will one day. 


Petty tricks like these reason I got the few victories I have against Jon otherwise he is still the best of us brothers in a duel. As we start cleaning up after ourselves I see Jon approach the staples and the imp is there as well. 


Walking back from the courtyard going to my room I gather a change of clothes and go to take a bath letting the hot water stream into the tub I once again give my thanks to the gods for letting me be born in what is probably the only castle in the realm with a water heating and plumbing system and ironically it is the oldest.


After removing my clothes I look down at my body my muscles that are starting to get some definition now that puberty is kicking in. There are some scars on my arms some from hunting accidents and sparring wounds but most of them will disappear over time some will stick though especially a couple of long deep scars on my forearms and biceps.


Then looking further down at my stomach and feel pride at the 6 pack starting to form. Though it will be hard to maintain I can tell this body will be much more practical than it is for show a lot like the strongmen from the Norse countries in my previous world the only reason my muscles have definition is because of my diet of a lot of eggs and lean meats almost every day since I turned 3.


Then I see my pride and joy between my legs even though he has been a bit too active recently. Already much thicker than average and just a little bit longer than average but growing every day I am already happy with it I just hope it won´t end like Hodor´s piece. Like a baby´s arm holding an apple. We all saw it in the courtyard when the simpleton decided to run around naked everybody got a surprise that day, bless him. 


Then I look at my rather long legs strong yet nimble looking at my scarsI wish I could say they are from wrestling with great big bears but no the nastiest scars I got were from chasing white rabbits and deer in the wolfswood you can´t underestimate how dangerous it is to run full speed in the forest.


All sorts of sharp branches that poke at you from every angle and potholes you can break your foot on if you step in. That´s the hardest thing the hunter taught me is to run without losing sight of your target but still take into account everything you see as you run.

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