Honkai Survival Guide

Page 92

"Is there anything inappropriate?" Teresa asked strangely.

Ji Zi thought for a while, and then said tactfully, "St. Freya Academy is a school for cultivating Valkyries..."

The red-haired elder sister stretched out her hand and gestured in the air a few times: "It's the kind of school where all the beautiful girls are in their youth."

"Oh... I understand." Hearing what Ji Zi said, Teresa understood.

"Indeed, Jizi, your worry is not unreasonable. As a boy, it is indeed inappropriate for Lord to enroll in St. Freya Academy, which is a girls' school. After all, men and women are different, and everyone just happens to be young. It’s not good if he deceives other girls because of his age, they don’t have much resistance to someone like Lord..."

"...Hey! I'm still here!" Lord protested angrily, "Also, when have I ever lied to a girl! Don't slander me!"

Teresa silently swept over Kiana, Bronya and Mei who were next to Lord.Although she didn't speak, the meaning she wanted to express was self-evident.

You still said that you never lied to other girls?

Lord slowly made a...

Let's be reasonable!Can I be called cheating?

Teresa ignored the depressed Lord, and continued to talk to Jizi: "I remember that the old school building has not been completely demolished, right? Leave a separate building for refurbishment, and let Lord live in it. Then follow-up on the curriculum Make arrangements. I will always keep an eye on him, and I will never give him a chance to harm others!"

Ji Zi looked at Teresa who seemed to have arranged everything properly, and was momentarily at a loss for words.

What she actually wanted to say was——

Are you sure it's our girl who will be harmed by then?Wasn't it true that this kid was being chased by girls of the same age and the opposite sex who hadn't seen much?

"That... auntie, I have a question." Qiyana raised her hand suddenly.

"Huh? What's the matter, Kiyana?"

"It's...that..." Qiyana withdrew her hand and squeezed her fingers, feeling a little embarrassed.

She peeked at Lord on the side, her pretty face was a little red, and she asked in a low voice: "Can I... can I live with Lord?"

Teresa: "... Huh?"

Before Teresa could react, Bronya also spoke.

"Principal Teresa, to be honest, when Bronya was in the orphanage, she slept with Brother Lord every day. During the time when she was separated from Brother Lord, Bronya slept with Brother Lord every night. You will suffer from insomnia, and you will not be able to sleep well at all.”

Bronya seems to want to make a sad expression, but she is really not good at controlling overly violent facial expressions. In addition, after reuniting with Lord after a long absence, she also made a promise to drink soup, and she is happy in her heart , There is really no sadness in my heart, so the expression on Bronya's little face looks very strange.

"Now that Brother Lord is back, Bronya can finally have a good night's sleep after a long absence. Therefore, I hope the headmaster will let Bronya live with Brother Lord. Bronya doesn't need extra The room and the bed are fine with Brother Lord."

Mei looked left and right, and seemed to want to say something, but the thin-skinned girl blushed and didn't say anything, so she simply closed her eyes and raised her hands like a broken can.

"Me, me, me, too——!"

[-] Headquarters Comes

"No! Absolutely not!"

Teresa put her arms like a fork on her chest, and her head shook like a rattle.

"Don't be shy!"

"All of you, live in your own dormitory obediently. You are not allowed to stay in Lord's dormitory for too long, let alone spend the night in his dormitory! Do you understand?"

"...No." Teresa felt that verbal restraint was probably useless to these girls, so she turned her head to look at Ji Zi.

"Jizi, let Qiyana and the others live with you. When the time comes, clean up your room after you go back. You have to keep an eye on them in the future, and don't let them little girls run out to find Luo. Virtue."

"Ah... do you want to live with me?" Ji Zi recalled the appearance of his dormitory, and couldn't help but cover his face: "I personally think that I may not be able to live with others for a while..."

As an older single woman who lives alone, she is usually busy with work, and she is also an alcoholic. She has no time to clean up the room (in fact, she is lazy), so Jizi’s room does not look like a place for people to live in. The scene can be compared to hell The picture scrolls competed.

Teresa looked at her suspiciously: "How long has it been since you cleaned the dormitory?"

Ji Zi laughed, eyes fluttering: "One month... or two months? Ah ha ha... I'm too busy with work, so I forgot..."

"You forgot a ghost!"

Teresa slapped Judas beside her angrily. If Jizi wasn't here now, Teresa really wanted to jump up and hit her on the head.

"What work is too busy? Apart from attending classes, writing reports, and watching them conduct routine training as an instructor of the Valkyrie Troop, what other things do you do! You are obviously lazy to clean up!"

Ji Zi scratched his head in embarrassment: "Actually, I'm not that lazy. I'll tidy up a bit..."

"When you say tidy up a little, do you mean the kind of tidying up that puts everything in the cabinet?"

Ji Zi stopped talking.

"Anyway, that's it for now."

Teresa showed her majesty as the headmaster, and she settled the matter without any objection.

Kiyana, who failed to achieve her goal, lowered her head in depression, sighed, and regained her composure.

Just kidding, if you don't let me go, I won't go?It's just a red-haired aunt, how can she stop Miss Ben?

impossible!Totally impossible!

And when Kiyana was thinking about how to run to Lord's dormitory, Bronya, who was sitting by the bed, quietly stretched out her little hand and got into the quilt covering Lord's body.

Lord was startled, and turned his head slightly, but found that the girl didn't look sideways, her face didn't change, as if she didn't do anything.

He looked around calmly, and found that no one seemed to notice their small movements, so he withdrew his gaze and leaned gently towards Bronya.

The girl's slender fingers that got into the quilt lightly tapped Lord's arm silently. The slight movement like a superficial touch made Lord feel a little itchy. Although it was not an extreme action, it was a subtle stimulation. feel.

Bronya's little hand has been sliding down his forearm into the warm and generous palm. He just grabbed the naughty little hand as soon as he held it, and then kneaded the girl's fingers, scratching her gently. palm of the hand.

The girl was not to be outdone, her fingers twirled between Lord's fingers, not wanting Lord to catch her so easily, like a fish swimming among seaweeds, agile and lively.

The two of them had a great time playing under the quilt like this, but on the surface it was peaceful.

After Teresa and Jizi finished talking about how to deal with them, Lord pinched the girl's fingertips and let go.

Bronya withdrew her hand indifferently, and sat upright on the edge of the bed as if nothing had happened. Only the faint blush on her cheek showed what she seemed to have experienced just now.

The sharp-eyed Kiyana asked suspiciously as if she had discovered something.

"Bronya, why are your hands so red?"

"It's nothing." Bronya shook her head lightly, and said nonsense in a serious manner: "It's just that Bronya was a little excited to be able to enter the St. Freya Academy, and she was a little bit hard when she held her hand."

"Ha, what's so exciting about this?" Kiyana curled her lips in disdain: "To be so excited about such a trivial matter as being able to enter school, Bronya is really just a child."

However, Bronya did not refute as Kiyana thought, but just glanced at her silently with a mentally retarded look, as if she still had some strange sense of superiority, as if she was ahead One step at a time, which made Qiyana a little confused.

"What kind of strange eyes do you have...? Why do you look like the lady has lost to you?" Kiyana muttered softly.

"Bronya doesn't want to talk to stupid Kiana."

"Hey! Who are you calling stupid!"

"Whoever reacts the most is an idiot."


Mei looked quietly at the two quarreling, then looked thoughtfully at Lord who was sitting on the side, and then looked at Bronya's red hands, her heart moved slightly, as if she understood something What.

But her eyes flickered, but she didn't say anything, she just pretended not to notice anything and continued to remain silent.

Ji Zi on the other side was startled suddenly, and then his expression became serious.

"Jizi, what's wrong?" Teresa asked.

"The support from the headquarters has arrived," Ji Zi said.


A small floating ship with a silver-white painting is sending secret words through an encrypted communication channel to Hubrian, who can already see the huge ship from a distance.

Soon, Alvette spoke up.

"Vice-captain, the password verification has passed, and the other party said that they can dock and board the ship at any time."

"Thanks for your hard work, Yarvette." A beautiful and soft voice came: "It's not too late, let's start the matchmaking now."

"Yes... yes! Vice-Captain!" Yalvette was shocked when she heard the voice, and the voice in response unconsciously raised a few points, and then she seemed to realize her impoliteness, and she lowered her voice again, Nervously continue reporting.

"For Hubrian, Captain Wuliangta Himeko is the supreme commander on the scene, and he is fully responsible for the collapse of Changkong City. However, the supreme commander of the Far East branch, Lord Teresa Apocalypse, has also It rushed to the scene not long ago, and it is now on the Huberian."

"Well, Ms. Wuliangta Jizi is a powerful fighter, and she is also an excellent commander. She is indeed trustworthy as the highest commander on the scene." The voice continued: "Master Teresa is also at the scene That's right...that's right, a Honkai event of this scale, it is impossible not to have a Herrscher, and as the only combat power in the Far Eastern Branch that can suppress the Herrscher, Lady Teresa should indeed be there..."

"It seems to have matured a lot, Lord Teresa." The person smiled softly: "It's been a long time since I saw you, and I don't know how Lord Teresa is doing..."

"Ah, the on-site survey information has been transmitted... Let me see..."

Alvette looked at it, her expression became horrified and surprised, and she involuntarily exclaimed.

"Traces of Herrscher's destruction were indeed found at the scene, but the Herrscher's body is missing??!"

"A total of four survivors have been discovered so far, all of whom have excellent Houkai resistance and adaptability, and one of them is... a male!!?"

one thirty nine boarding

"The Herrscher is gone? Are there any male survivors with both Houkai resistance and Houkai adaptability?"

Hearing these two pieces of news, even the experienced and well-informed Rita couldn't help being taken aback.

From the day she became a Valkyrie, she has grown step by step to become one of the only three S-rank Valkyrie in Destiny today.In the past few years, she has carried out countless missions, went to multiple frontal battlefields, and faced all kinds of dangers.

In most cases, she can say a word with pride.

What scene has my Tazi sister never seen?

But this time, she had never seen such a scene.

As the S-rank Valkyrie of Destiny, her strength is naturally beyond doubt.It is no exaggeration to say that the S-class Valkyrie is the strongest individual combat unit on the human side in the world today. Their strength has even reached a level that can ignore the deterrence of human civilization, and they can be called walking human-shaped nuclear bombs.

If there is no individual with the same combat power to fight against it, then the S-rank Valkyrie can come and go freely in any city or fortress in this world.Any means of defense are useless in front of them, and modern technological means basically have no effect on them.

Their own physical strength is already terrifying enough, even Qiyana, who has not been rated yet, can easily punch a big hole in the asphalt ground with her bare hands, let alone an S-rank Valkyrie.

If the Honkai power, Valkyrie armor, and stigmata are included, it may take less than 10 minutes for an S-rank Valkyrie to demolish a modern metropolis.

But Rita is, after all, a new generation of S-rank Valkyrie. Although she has rich experience and strength, she has never faced Herrscher directly.

Because the last time humans faced Herrscher directly was in 2000, when Rita was only a five-year-old girl.

And it is even more impossible for Herrscher's body to completely disappear.

Rita's first reaction when she heard this report was whether the Far East branch was joking, or maybe Alvette mispronounced it.

But who would joke about such a big thing?

The male survivor seemed less shocking by comparison.

After all, although male survivors are rare and pitiful, they are by no means completely invisible.

Although she felt completely surprised in her heart, Rita didn't show any strangeness.She still has that beautiful and elegant posture, just standing there is a beautiful scenery.

She continued to ask: "Is there anything more to say from Huberian?"

"Ah... Hubrian also said that because the Honkai broke out not long ago, most of the dead soldiers did not evolve, nor did a large number of huge Honkai beasts be born, and the devolved Valkyrie troops advanced quite smoothly."

"If there is no accident, most of the dead men and Houkai beasts in Changkong City can be cleaned up within a month. If possible, I hope we can also provide some help and speed up the progress."

"It's just that Changkong City will become a restricted area for ordinary humans for a long time in the future. Even if ordinary people are only active in the peripheral areas, they will be eroded by the Houkai energy after a long time, and will be transformed into bloodless and tearless Dead soldiers. Not to mention the continuous birth of Houkai beasts under the environment of high concentration of Houkai energy. And now, we do not have the ability to dispel such large-scale and high-concentration Houkai energy residues."

"In the future, the Far East branch will send Valkyrie troops to station here, and regularly clean up the newly born Houkai beasts in rotation, so as not to form a group of Houkai beasts and rush out of Changkong City to cause damage to other areas..."

"Ah, new news... Huberian Fang said that they have made new discoveries about Herrscher. Please ask the vice-captain to discuss the details after boarding the ship."

"And, after talking with Lord Theresa, the four survivors who have been rescued have now all agreed to enroll in St. Freya Academy. Lord Theresa said that with the talents of these four new students, they will be admitted in the future. To be able to grow into an excellent Valkyrie..."

Arvette was stunned as she read it, and subconsciously said: "All of them are enrolled in St. Freya Academy? Wait, isn't there a male among the survivors? St. Freya...isn't the Valkyrie School ?"

Not only Alvette, but also other Immortal Blade members in the floating ship also looked at each other in blank dismay.

Even Rita was a little taken aback, but soon she regained her composure.

"Since it was Lady Teresa's decision, there must be a reason for her, so there's no need to be too surprised."

"But..." Arvette asked weakly: "Even if this male survivor has excellent Houkai adaptability and Houkai resistance, it is not just casual to want to become a Valkyrie." Something that can be done, right? Uh... no, it should be... a Valkyrie?"

"Also, aren't St. Freya Academy full of young and beautiful girls? Isn't it a bit inappropriate to let a man enter the school? What if he has evil intentions and plots against you..." Alvette whispered Said his concerns.

"Your worries are not unreasonable, Alvette." Rita nodded slightly and said with a smile, "But the students in St. Freya Academy are not ordinary girls."

"Even if it's just preparing for the Valkyries, not including close combat training, long-range shooting training and other combat training items, their daily basic physical training is to carry [-] kilograms of weight and cross-country for [-] kilometers. If a man really wants to fight If they're plotting something wrong, it's the men who should be more worried, right?"

"It seems... also..." Arvette scratched her head, as if recalling the difficult days of training as a reserve Valkyrie back then, she couldn't help shivering.

"But I'm also a little curious, what kind of person is this man who can enter St. Freya's Academy... I will ask Lord Teresa to take me to see him after the business is done. I believe that after meeting once, you will be able to get the answer."

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