Honkai Survival Guide

Page 79

The girl in front of her was pacing slowly, her slender legs were wrapped in slightly torn black pantyhose, she had the same figure, but showed a completely different sense of coquettishness.

"It's just that it's my half body that has been with you before."

"You say I'll never be like her? Of course I won't!"

She smiled contemptuously.

"She is just a cowardly and cowardly creature who can only escape reality and deceive herself by relying on illusory beauty."

"but me--"

'Mei' raised his hand lightly, and a blue-purple thunderball with a diameter of four to five meters appeared in mid-air above their heads and exploded.

Even with a distance of tens of meters, Qiyana can still feel the terrifying power contained in it.

"Absolutely powerful!"

"I won't be like her, easily believe the lies of others, immerse myself in the game of friendship and cannot extricate myself, and I will not be moved when the reptiles criticize me."

"Obviously it has great power, and it can directly make those humble reptiles unable to open their mouths forever, why not do it!?"

"If it were me, those who hurt me, cheated me, and betrayed me, I would definitely make them pay the price and make them regret coming to this world!"

"Ha, I admit, you are indeed powerful. You are so powerful that I can't help but retreat."

"But now I can confirm that even if you wear Mei's appearance and use her voice, and call yourself Mei, you are definitely not Mei."

Kiyana clenched the baseball bat in her hand, her expression was solemn, her blue eyes were full of seriousness, she stared at 'Mei' and shouted.

"Mei is the strongest, gentlest, kindest girl I've ever known."

"That's right, she does have all kinds of shortcomings. She also makes mistakes and has a temper. She is not a perfect person at all, but this kind of Mei is the best Mei in my heart."

"And you, you are just a counterfeit who has occupied the magpie's nest, why do you judge her so recklessly?"

"Get out of Mei's body!"

"You... how dare you say that?"

'Mei' couldn't keep her smile at last, and her face was gloomy, as if she was going to choose someone to eat at the next moment.

"Qiana...I will kill you."

"I will use this body, this face, and these hands to crush you!"

"The moment my hand crushes your heart, and I hand over the control of my body to that coward, do you want to guess what expression she will show?"

"It's really... people look forward to it~"

Just as she finished speaking, she saw Kiyana smiling.

"what are you laughing at?"

"Just wanted to say thank you."

"What's the meaning……?"

"Thank you for telling me Mei is fine."

"What... were you trying to trick me just now?"

"Is it? How about you guess?"

While speaking, Kiyana's voice had turned into an afterimage, and it shot out like an arrow from the string. The baseball bat in his hand drew an arc in the air, with the sound of tearing the air, straight Hit the back of Mei's neck.

Since Mei's mind has not been distorted by the Honkai, the guy in front of him is obviously a new personality born of the Honkai, with powerful power and a tyrannical personality.

According to her, Mei's personality is still complete and can appear independently.But judging by this guy's attitude, it is obvious that he hates Mei to the extreme, so how could he tolerate sharing the same body with her?

The reason why Mei's personality was not completely erased was that she could not be erased for some reason, or that Mei's will was extremely tenacious and she was still resisting.

Either way, it's good news for Qiyana.

As long as there is hope, Kiyana will never give up the hope of being able to save others.

However, Kiyana's long-planned sneak attack did not work, but stopped a few centimeters from the back of 'Mei''s neck, and was hindered by an invisible force, unable to take another half step.

Kiyana missed a hit, and immediately pulled out, pretending to back away, but actually took the opportunity to bully her, and swung the baseball bat in her hand to create an afterimage, and with howling wind, it swept towards her like a storm .

Seeing this, 'Mei' was furious immediately, just about to explode his strength, but his movements suddenly froze, his whole body seemed to be in slow motion, the thunder ball floating in the air suddenly dissipated, and the electromagnetic barrier surrounding his body also failed. In the blink of an eye, Bangbang was hit twice.

Kaslana's family's ancestral power is no joke. Even though she was strengthened by the Houkai, after these two blows, her eyes were staring and her head was dizzy.

She gritted her teeth and scolded angrily.

"Damn coward! Don't come in my way!"

[I've said it before, I won't let you hurt Qiyana!Absolutely not! 】

Mei fought hard for the control of her body, not to mention that 'Mei' couldn't drive, and even her movements became crooked, so she could only be beaten passively.

Naturally, Kiyana would not let go of this opportunity, clinging to 'Mei' tightly, not letting her have the slightest chance to breathe, and shouted at the same time.

"Come on, Mei! Let's drive this guy out of your body together!"

"Damn! I will definitely kill you, Kiyana!"

"Try it if you can! Counterfeit!"

[-] East Branch

The communicator next to the pillow rang harshly, waking Jizi up from the hangover.

With messy red hair, she got out of the quilt, touched the communicator, and sat up holding her painful head.

The thin air conditioner slipped off Jizi's body, revealing her mature body with thrilling curves.

The towering arc of the chest bound by the white vest is by no means comparable to that of a girl. The downward line shrinks to outline the delicate and slender waist without fat. The wrapped buttocks are very warped.

Sunlight poured in through the gaps in the curtains, and flowed a golden river on her dazzling white skin.

Ji Zi scratched her hair, yawned, and connected the communication.

"What's the matter, Teresa, what's the matter with calling early in the morning?"

Perhaps because of the hangover, Ji Zi's voice sounded a little hoarse, with a lazy tone and an inexplicable charm.

"What a ghost in the early morning! It's already twelve o'clock at noon, you alcoholic! You bastard, how much did you drink last night!"

There was an angry shout like a little girl from the other end of the communicator.

But soon, the voice on the other side quieted down. It was obviously a childish voice, but at this moment it made people feel very mature and serious.

"Just now, Changkong City was completely disconnected from the outside world. We received an urgent notice from the headquarters that a large-scale collapse occurred in Changkong City, and its intensity was almost the same as the second collapse that broke out in 2000. .”

"The third Honkai broke out."

"The third time...Honkai...?"

Ji Zi woke up immediately. She was well aware of the seriousness of the matter, and immediately jumped up from the bed, turned on the communicator for hands-free, and put it on the bedside table.On the other hand, he found his uniform from the clothes scattered all over the floor, and quickly put it on.

Teresa's steady voice continued to come out of the communicator.

"Jizi, I want you to immediately lead all the Valkyrie combat teams, logistics teams, medical teams, etc. except the ones left behind, board the Hyperion as quickly as possible, and rush to Changkong City immediately."

"The access permit for the floating battleship has been settled, you just need to drive in."

Ji Zi was taken aback when he heard this, and asked in disbelief.

"Since when did people from the Far East become so agile? I thought they would have to wait until night before they could be approved."

There was also a hint of a smile in Teresa's tone.

"It is true that people in the Far East are extremely inefficient. This country has many stink problems, and bureaucracy is a devil, which will infinitely waste the action it should have. And the officials at all levels in it are most afraid of taking responsibility. No one dares to make a decision on their own, so you push me and you push you, passing it down layer by layer, each layer consumes time and patience, and when things are approved, it will be too late."

"When they find out that things are getting worse and they really can't hide it anymore, they will pretend to be very sad and sorry, bow solemnly and shout 'red bean paste Smi Masai', as if they really regret it But if something happens in the future, I will continue to shirk responsibility and continue to apologize. Apart from making people laugh, it will not have any practical effect."

"But they are not really idiots in the final analysis. No one can shirk responsibility in the face of Honkai. If Honkai of this scale is not handled properly, let alone Changkong City, the entire Far East will be doomed. "

"By that time, they probably won't even have the chance to bow and apologize."

"So when their prime minister received my request for access to the overseas armed forces of Bengkai, he immediately approved it as if he had seen the savior."

Ji Zi sneered: "It's true that you're not stupid. I'm afraid you're just pretending to be confused on weekdays, aren't you?"

While speaking, she was fully dressed and walked out of the room quickly, her high-heeled combat boots stomping on the ground, making a powerful echo.

"Stop talking about that."

Teresa brought the topic back on track and continued.

"Our battle plan is simple."

"After arriving in Changkong City, immediately release the Valkyrie combat team and small armed drones, coordinate with the air and ground, start to clean up the dead and Houkai beasts from the outskirts of the city, and look for possible survivors, and gradually advance inward."

"The logistics team and the medical team followed up to ensure that the combat team's rear supply is normal."

"The Hyperion continues to drive inward, to find out the current situation in Changkong City."

"Of course, there is a great possibility that a Herrscher will be born in such a large-scale collapse. If you really meet with a Herrscher, you don't need to apply for permission, and you can directly lift all firepower restrictions and cover it with saturated firepower. When necessary , I allow you to enable the Nexus system to fight against the Rebels."

"I will get rid of those stubborn old guys in the parliament as soon as possible, and then rush to Changkong City as quickly as possible, and the support sent by the headquarters will also arrive later."

"But you have to remember, Jizi, the Nexus system is powerful, but it is only theoretically able to fight Herrschers, and your physical condition cannot drive the Nexus system for a long time for high-intensity combat. So your mission goal is just Contain the Herrscher, try not to fight it head-on."

"do you understand?"


While maintaining the call, Ji Zi was also precisely issuing orders one after another.

The beautiful girls filed out of their dormitories and rushed into the Ganaku.

A moment later, the heavily armed Valkyries boarded the Huberian neatly according to the squad formation.

The medical team followed closely behind with a variety of medical equipment and special medical modules driven by Honkai energy.

The logistics team drove the transport ship, transporting the luggage to Hyperion in batches, and the engine of the transport ship hummed lowly in mid-air.

After repeated adjustments by professionals, the armed drones were placed in the drop bins on the side of the ship...

The Far East Branch, which had been quiet for a long time, started to operate slowly like a sophisticated and huge machine.

"...Then, I'll leave it to you, Jizi."

Teresa's words paused, and then subconsciously slowed down her voice.

"Be sure to come back safely."

"Of course." Ji Zi showed an arrogant smile, "I won't die until I find a peerless good man."

"If you really want to find a good man, you won't be so drunk every day! How can a man like a drunkard!"

"You don't understand, Teresa." Ji Zi smiled and said, "If you can't even tolerate such trivial things as drinking, how can you be considered a peerless good man?"

"...So it's not without reason that no man is willing to approach you since you're single!"

"Well... I won't bother you about this, my dear Principal Teresa."

The elevator running upwards trembled to a stop, slid away with the sound of mechanism, and issued a mechanically synthesized prompt sound.

【Captain on the bridge】

Himeko stepped onto the bridge.

"Okay, I'm almost ready here, and I can start at any time."

"Then, let's start the mission, Captain Himeko."

[-] is not impossible

Some time ago, after Asakura Miyuki was distorted by the collapse of his mind, he committed an extremely cruel murder case, among which the death of the students of Qianyu Academy was particularly tragic.So panicked, many students from well-to-do families began to go through the transfer procedures.

Tachibana Chiyo is one of them.

As the eldest daughter of the Orange Family Consortium in Changkong City, she is also a genuine young lady.

It's just that unlike Mei, her ladylike appearance is completely faked.Her greatest interest is actually relying on the power of the Ju Family to bully others.

But her interest completely dissipated after besieging Kiyana to no avail, and after Kiyana overthrew a dozen bodyguards by herself. Coupled with the subsequent murder, Tachibana Chiyo rarely stayed at home honestly. Stayed for several days.

Playing games and chasing dramas every day, doing whatever you want, making day and night upside down.

On this day, she finished chasing a TV series all night as usual, and fell asleep with a clear idea, but was suddenly awakened by a loud noise.

While drowsy and drowsy, she couldn't hear what was going on outside, but she could hear the voice of the maid at home, so she reprimanded a few times in dissatisfaction.

Tachibana Chiyo, who was in a daze, didn't realize that the sound insulation of his room was excellent, and once the door was closed, it was actually difficult for outside sounds to come in.

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