Honkai Survival Guide

Page 73

"nailed it."

"Then let's go."

Without any hesitation, the two walked directly towards the Mikoyan Science and Technology Building, and pasted the authority card on the electronic access control of the building with a natural expression, and then heard a crisp beep sound, and the access control was released.The two entered the building very easily.

"It's so easy to come in..." Lord raised his eyebrows in surprise, and at the same time looked at the surrounding environment calmly.

"Of course it's simple. This identity information is not forged casually. And Mikoyan's system firewall is not smart, so it's not difficult to bypass their identification system." Siegfried briefly explained in a low voice.

After passing the gate and entering the interior, the space in front of him suddenly opened up, and what came into his eyes was a wide circular hall.The tiles laid on the floor were polished brightly, and Lord suspected that girls wearing skirts walking on the floor would most likely be exposed.

On the left and right sides of the hall, there are round tables and seats that can be used for rest, and there are several vending machines next to it, which is very convenient.

Facing the gate is the reception desk.Standing behind the counter were a few beautiful girls at the front desk. When they saw Lord and Siegfried walking in, their eyes lit up, and they all showed sweet smiles, winking at them.

But in this regard, the reactions of Lord and Siegfried were surprisingly consistent.

Both of them nodded towards the young lady at the front desk, and then outlined a polite smile, which made the girls blush a little and their hearts beat.

"Good boy, you are very skilled."

"Don't dare, you are more skilled."

The two of them stood at the elevator entrance without looking sideways, communicating like ordinary colleagues, but the content was really not friendly to Mikoyan Technology.

"Well, did your little ones find anything?"

"The floors above are basically ordinary office areas, nothing special."

The elevator door slid open to both sides with a ding, and Lord and Ziegfei walked into the elevator and pressed the button for the third floor underground.

"Let's go downstairs first. There is a special door on the third basement floor. The material is very special, and it is extremely sealed. My detection methods can't penetrate it."

Siegfried nodded when he heard the words: "It seems that this company does have some problems."

"By the way, there is a completely unexplored area behind that door, and it is basically impossible for outsiders to know its existence. Can your authority card play a role?"

"Don't worry, whether it works or not, we can get in."

Lord: "?"

"You don't want to be a demolition team, do you?"

Siegfried glanced at Lord unexpectedly.

"You kid, you understand me very well."

"...I would rather not understand." Lord sighed helplessly: "If it is demolished by force, what is the point of our sneaking in?"

"Then expect this permission card to be more useful than we thought."

Siegfried had a face full of indifference. For him, infiltrating was just to avoid trouble, and if infiltrating could not achieve his purpose, then he would seamlessly switch to the reckless mode and forcibly demolish all the way in.

Soon, the elevator descended to the third basement floor.

The elevator doors slid open to both sides, and it was dark in the eyes.

The third basement level is a large parking lot.

The two walked out of the elevator, shuttled among various parked vehicles, and finally came to a seemingly inconspicuous door.

It looked like an ordinary wooden door, covered in dust and even some chipped paint.

Siegfried looked at it for a long time, and his heart was full of doubts. The image of this thing did not match his imagination at all.

Shouldn't a secret passage like this be an alloy door that looks very secure?Ten centimeters thick.There are also a series of measures to open the door, such as fingerprint inspection, iris detection, password input, permission confirmation, etc. If there is one less item, the large-caliber machine gun that pops up from the ceiling will be smashed into a honeycomb, or the mech bangbang that suddenly pops out will be punched twice. Hammered to death... or something.

At least, in his impression, Destiny is the style of painting, and anti-entropy is no different, but the door in front of him is a bit too simple?

"Are you sure you got it right?"

Siegfried gestured towards Lord. He was quite skeptical about the door in front of him. He even stepped forward to knock twice. The texture and the sound of knocking were basically the same as ordinary wooden doors.

Lord looked at the door in front of him, and was a little dazed. The painting style of this thing did not match the collapsed world he knew.

He reconfirmed that he was indeed right, it was here.

"You may not believe it, but it's right here."

Siegfried pondered for two seconds, decided to trust Lord's judgment, then pulled out the authority card, and tentatively stuck it on the doorknob of this door.

Immediately, a green light flashed in the middle of this seemingly simple wooden door, and there was a dull mechanical sound, as if some large-scale mechanical organization was activated behind the door, and a somewhat noisy composite sound sounded. Voice.

The two took a few steps back vigilantly, hid behind a car to prevent possible attacks, and were mentally prepared to demolish it.

"Privilege level...unidentifiable...error..."

"...&%#re&% drafted...permission level: α."

The noisy synthetic sound gradually stabilized.

"Verification passed, welcome to visit."

As a result, the entire wall in front of me trembled, and a large amount of dust fell. The reinforced concrete wall was slowly opened under the mechanical manipulation hidden behind, revealing the complex mechanical structure inside. There is a bright passage in the middle, through which To an unknown place.

"It seems that this permission card is really not simple."

Siegfried put the permission card back in place.

"Also, this Mikoyan Technology is indeed not an ordinary company."

The two of them looked at the passage together, and their expressions became serious.

A large number of strange energy fluctuations are continuously coming out of it-it is the Houkai energy.

Lord waved his hand, and several crystal butterflies flapped their wings and flew into the passage, looking for possible dangers.After a while, he said.

"This passage is fine, let's go and see what's inside."

So, the two stepped into the passage carefully.

There was a heavy thump as the wall closed again behind the two of them.

Lord paused, frowned and looked back.

The connection between him and the rock elemental creations left outside was broken.

"What's wrong?" Siegfried asked.

"The closed situation here is stronger than I imagined, and even cut off my perception of the outside world..."

Moreover, before completely cutting off, Lord seemed to sense a familiar aura, but before he had time to confirm it, the connection was completely disconnected.

This made Lord a little concerned.


At the same time, Bronya also came to the building of Mikoyan Technology.

29 Bronya, [-] years old, is an investor

Bronya's method of entering Mikoyan technology is extremely unique, and ordinary people can't learn it at all.

She was invited into the company respectfully by the reception staff as an investor.

Of course, the identities of the investors are forged.And considering that Mikoyan Technology does not even seize the market, then this company's attitude towards ordinary investment is probably not very enthusiastic.

So Bronya not only applied for a sum of money from Anti-Entropy, but also added the virtual accounts she forged to make up a sky-high figure.

And she also got some genius ideas from Dr. Tesla who looked awesome and seemed to work (Dr. Tesla himself claimed).

Sure enough, when Bronya said that she wanted to invest, Mikoyan's reaction was flat, as if he didn't answer.

And when she said that technical cooperation is still possible, and sent over Dr. Tesla's theories that I don't know if it can be done, the other party's attitude changed 180% immediately, and she immediately expressed her warm welcome to Briony Ya invests.

Bronya took advantage of the opportunity and asked if she was currently in Changkong City in the Far East, could she go to the company for an on-site inspection and then discuss the investment in detail? The other party readily agreed and agreed on a meeting time.

When Bronya came to Mikoyan Technology according to the agreed time, her petite body and very immature cheeks really shocked Mikoyan's reception staff.

Especially since she came here alone, she really looked like a child pretending to be an adult.

Although the anti-entropy support personnel have already arrived in the extreme east, Bronya can find a few people to serve as entourage to cooperate with her investigation of Mikoyan technology.

But Bronya thought about it, and if she investigated in her own way, it would be more convenient to be alone, so she chose to come alone.

In a spacious living room, Bronya and a docking officer sat face to face on both sides of the table.

The reception staff looked at the 29-year-old written on Bronya's identity information, and then looked up at Bronya again, with doubts written all over her face.

Bronya did not wear her signature spiral double ponytail today, but let her silver-gray hair loose, with a beautiful Roman roll at the end, and a small braid behind her head, fixed with a hairpin .

She also changed into a white shirt and a small slim suit, her lower body was a dark skirt and black pantyhose, and she stepped on a pair of coffee-colored high heels on her little feet.

This kind of dress does make her look a lot more mature, but her appearance is there, no matter how mature she is, she will not be so mature.

"...Miss Zajcek, please forgive me for being rude, but your age looks..." The receptionist hesitated to speak.

"I understand." Bronya nodded expressionlessly, but her milky voice seemed very calm.

"My appearance does seem to be seriously inconsistent with my actual age, which often causes misunderstandings. But please rest assured that my information is absolutely true and credible."

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm not doubting the authenticity of your information, but your appearance is too deceptive, I'm sorry to trouble you."

"It's okay, this is your duty, I can understand."

"It would be nice if you could understand."

The reception staff breathed a sigh of relief, then pulled themselves together, and said seriously: "Then, let's discuss the investment in detail."

"Of course, that's why I'm here."

So after talking for a period of time, both parties were very satisfied with the conditions proposed by each other, and the progress was quite smooth.

At least, it seems so on the surface.

"Next, can I visit your company?" Bronya asked.

"Yes, yes, but Miss Zajcek, do you want to visit alone?"

"Yes. Of course, if there is a rule not to visit casually, then forget it."

"No, no, of course." The receptionist took out a permission card with blue stripes on a white background and handed it to Bronya.

"This is the authority card used by our company to pass through various areas. With this card, most areas can be freely entered and exited, but some areas involve company secrets and cannot be entered and exited at will. Please forgive me."

"Well, I understand that. Don't worry, I will only visit in the passable area."

"Thank you for your understanding."

Saying goodbye to the reception staff, Bronya walked alone in the long corridor, with office areas separated by glass curtain walls on both sides, desks and chairs with computers arranged neatly, Mikoyan's company members or Shuttle between desks and chairs, or type complex codes in front of the computer, it seems to have great enthusiasm for work.

Bronya walked through the area unhurriedly, and she didn't stop until she was out of sight of the Mikoyan members.

"Reinstall Bunny, electromagnetic interference."

A slight buzzing sound came from the air behind Bronya, and an invisible wave of energy spread rapidly.

At the same time, the screen in the monitoring room flickered undetectably.


Lord and Siegfried poked their heads out from a corner, observing the situation ahead.Before that, they had escaped several daily inspection teams without any risk.

Although it is just a patrol team, they are all fully armed, and the guns they hold are not conventional weapons, but anti-Honkai weapons powered by Honkai.

Siegfried had seen the Houkai-powered weapons cobbled together by some small organizations with very crappy technology in pursuit of greater destructive power.This weapon is full of traces of splicing, which makes people doubt its safety.

But the inspection team here is different. The weapons and equipment they use are very sophisticated, and they obviously have a mature technology chain and a complete production line.

In today's world, there are only two organizations known to have such a scale and level - Mandate of Heaven and Anti-Entropy.

And now, there is a third one.

And this organization has been hidden in the shadows, quietly developing its power.

But this organization that has been hiding behind the scenes is obviously the behind-the-scenes attack on ME this time.

Whatever its purpose, it's not good news.

Siegfried believes that it is necessary to ascertain the true identity of this force.

Instead of always being on guard against it suddenly appearing to cause trouble, it is better to find it out directly.

An attack on the surface is always easier to deal with than an attack in the dark.

So the two continued to go deeper. In order to facilitate their actions, they also took off their suits and threw them in a corner.

With the strength of the two of them, they can easily eliminate these inspection teams, but there must be regular contact between the various inspection teams. In order to avoid alarming the enemy, they did not attack any team.

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