Honkai Survival Guide

Page 64

So the two took advantage of the darkness and soon came downstairs to the apartment where the homicide happened.

There was still a cordon in front of the apartment, and a few police officers were guarding it, but they also looked drowsy.

In their state of guard, Lord simply gave up the idea of ​​climbing the stairs from the outside, and went in through the main entrance carefully.

The lights upstairs were dim, and most of the residents had already fallen asleep.

Lord looked up, and found that there was still a bright house with lights on.After counting, it happened to be the thirteenth floor.

Kiana also noticed the lights on the thirteenth floor.

She poked Lord and muttered, "Could it be that the police are still investigating clues inside?"

"It's very possible... It seems that there are still quite responsible people among the police in the Far East."

Lord scratched his head and said, "But we still have to go up. If it doesn't work, let's knock the people inside out."


The two sneaked around the cordon, and then rushed into the building while the guarding police were not paying attention.

"To be on the safe side, let's go up the stairs. Someone took the elevator up in the middle of the night, and it happened to be the thirteenth floor where the murder happened. Any fool knows there is something wrong."

Naturally, Qiyana didn't have any objections. With the physical strength of the two of them, it was natural for them to go up to the thirteenth floor without blushing or panting.

Lord carefully pushed open the door of the stairwell, and looked around the aisle in the apartment, but there was no one there.

But one of the households pulled the cordon and warning sign, which was obviously the one where the murder occurred.

But now, the anti-theft door at the scene of the crime was open, and the orange lights in the house were sprinkled on the floor of the aisle, and there were still sounds of people walking back and forth inside.

Lord and Kiyana looked at each other, then leaned over lightly, and glanced cautiously into the room.

I saw a middle-aged man with a beard and a beige windbreaker pacing in the living room.

He held a small book full of words in his hand, and was frowning at the contents at the moment.

Lord lip-smacked Kiana - knocking him out.

Qiyana nodded in understanding, and then took advantage of the moment the middle-aged man in the room turned around, he shot out like an arrow from the string, so fast that only a black shadow flashed past.

As the knocking sound sounded, the middle-aged man fell down without any reaction.

Kiyana supported him, let him lie flat on the ground, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huh... Fortunately, there is only one person."

Lord also walked in from the outside and looked around.

"In this place in the far east, it's pretty good to have a responsible policeman investigating on the spot at such a late hour."

"makes sense."

"Sure enough, the Houkai energy left here is much stronger than that on the corpse."

Lord sniffed lightly, and there was still an unconcealable pungent bloody smell in the air: "It's not too late, let's get started."

"Well, the place where the Houkai can remain the strongest is in this room."

"It looks like it should be the girl's room, let's go in and have a look."

So the two walked into the room where the Honkai was the strongest, and frowned at the same time.

This is a rather beautifully furnished boudoir.

The room was large, and the walls were painted a girlish pale pink.In the center is a richly decorated princess bed filled with assorted plush toys.

On the right is the window of the room, and the desk and bookshelf are also placed by the window.There are many beautiful decorations on the table.

On the left is a large wardrobe with the door half-opened, revealing a wide variety of clothes inside.

It was a pretty room indeed, if one ignored the copious amounts of blood that had dried on the walls, the floor, the bed, and the stuffed animals.

"Something's wrong... How can a person's bleeding volume be so large?"

Kiyana muttered, took two steps forward, and began to examine the room carefully.

Lord also looked around the room.

The wall they were facing was completely covered with dried blood, and most of the floor in the room was also covered in blood, as if a layer of dark red carpet had been laid.

The sheets on the bed, including the mattress underneath, and the stuffed animals on the bed were also completely soaked in blood.

This amount of bleeding is definitely not normal.


The bleeding volume of ordinary people reaches about 30% of the total blood volume, which may be life-threatening.

But the deceased was a slender girl, probably weighing less than fifty kilograms, so the blood volume would naturally be even less.

And the amount of blood in front of him is definitely more than four kilograms.

"So, maybe the murderer has the ability to manipulate blood?" Lord speculated.

"It's very possible." Kiyana looked at the closet on the side, and found that there seemed to be a familiar piece of clothing inside, so she put on her gloves and rummaged through the piece of clothing.

It was a cleanly washed Chiba Academy school uniform.

"She... is a student of Chiba Academy."

Kiyana frowned, put the clothes back in place, and restored the mess.

And Lord, who was checking the desk, also found a card with a hot gold pattern, which was the student ID card of Qianyu Academy.

"Kiana, this second-year student named Junko Ueno, do you have any impression of her?"

"Let me see……"

Qiyana leaned over and looked at the photo above carefully.

"It looks familiar, I seem to have seen her somewhere..."

So the girl tried hard to recall.

Lord didn't bother her either, suddenly his heart moved.

What do you seem to have overlooked?

Lord slowly raised his head, looked at the ceiling, and couldn't help being stunned.

"I remembered..." Kiyana hammered her palm: "She seems to be the one who bullied Miyuki in the alley before, or the one with the wooden stick...Lord, what did you see?"

Kiyana followed Lord's gaze and was also stunned.

On the ceiling of the room, there are words written in blood, and the distorted strokes look a little hideous.

The blood didn't dry up, but exuded a moist luster, as if it had just been written with fresh blood.

And the meaning expressed in this sentence written in blood is also very simple——

This is, revenge!

89 Coincidence?

"No way……"

Kiyana looked at the ceiling and muttered to herself.

"But...it shouldn't be..."

She already had some guesses in her heart, but she couldn't believe it.

Lord noticed Kiyana's strangeness, and took her little hand with some concern.

"What's wrong, Qiyana? Did you find something?"

Qiyana came back to her senses, bit her lips lightly, her face was a little ugly.

"I did find something, but..."

Qiyana, who was still full of energy just now, looked a little tired at the moment.

She looked up at Lord and squeezed his hand tightly.

"Let's... go back first, shall we?"

Although Lord was also curious about what Kiyana was thinking, it was obviously not the time to ask this, so he didn't ask any more questions, just nodded slightly.

"it is good."

The two returned home quickly.Along the way, Qiyana was a little absent-minded.

As soon as she entered the door, Kiyana opened her arms towards Lord.

Seeing this, Lord also stretched out his hand and hugged Kiyana in his arms, holding up her upturned buttocks, making her hang in the air, and Kiyana also raised her slender and slender legs to wrap around Luo Germany's waist.

Lord hugged Kiana like this, and sat on the sofa.

After a long time, Qiyana opened her mouth sullenly.

"Lord... I seem to know who the murderer is. But..."

"But the identity of the murderer you inferred is somewhat unacceptable, isn't it?"

Lord took her words lightly.

Kiyana was silent for a few seconds before sighing: "Yes."

"The deceased was one of the group of people who bullied Miyuki back then, and he was also the one who was holding a wooden stick to hurt Miyuki."

"Reminiscent of Lord's description of the horrors of the corpses of the dead, and the bloody letters of revenge on the ceiling..."

"It seems a bit too coincidental to connect all of these together, and even a coincidence is not like a coincidence."

Lord silently listened to Kiyana's words, pondered for a few seconds, and suddenly got up in his heart.

"Hey, Lord, what's wrong with you?"

Kiyana, who was still hanging on his body, was taken aback by his movement, and hurriedly squeezed his waist tightly with her legs to prevent herself from falling.

"Qiana, let's assume that Asakura is really the murderer as you said, and the purpose is to avenge the group of people who bullied her, then..."

"This family is definitely not the only one she wants to kill! Her goal is everyone who bullied her!"

Qiyana also reacted.

Then she jumped off Lord and ran outside in a hurry.

"If the murderer is really Miyuki, there were quite a few people who bullied her back then, and we can't confirm who her target will be."

"But Miyuki told me where her home is, so let's go directly to her home!"

Lord also followed her: "Don't worry, don't worry, put your shoes on first!"

So the two rushed into the vast night again.

Relying on the address in memory, Qiyana brought Lord to a residential building that looked a bit old.

"Do you know where it is?" Lord asked.

Qiyana shook her head: "The home address is personal privacy after all, I didn't ask much."

"Then use a stupid method and look at the door numbers one by one. Let's look separately."

"it is good!"

The two went upstairs from the stairs on both sides, and looked for them one by one.

At such a time, I am very fortunate that people from the Far East have the habit of putting their surnames outside as house numbers, at least it is much more convenient when looking for someone.

After a while, Qiyana said in a low voice: "Lord, I found it! Asakura's house is here!"

Lord heard the sound and came to Kiana.

The door plate in front of her did indeed have the word Asakura written on it.

"Is this the only Asakura household?"

"Yes, the surname Asakura is quite rare."

"Then let's go around to the back and enter from the balcony."

"it is good."

Asakura's house is on the fourth floor.

This height is nothing to Kiana and Lord.The two easily climbed to the balcony of Asakura's house with the help of the decorative protrusions and pipes outside the wall.

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