Honghuang: The Comprehension Is Beyond Heaven, And The Mythical Daluo Method Is Deduced

Chapter 97: Nezha With Three Heads And Eight Arms, King Zhou Wants To Summon Daji To The Palace

Li Jing had been worshipping Master Du'e for many years before he was given a low-grade flying sword. He cherished this low-grade flying sword very much and would not use it easily.

But Nezha was given five medium-grade spiritual treasures as soon as he worshipped Zhang Tianchen as his master. How could he not envy him?

"Nezha, you have five magic weapons at once. One pair of hands is not enough to use them. Master will give you another magical power." Zhang Tianchen said lightly.

"Master, what is the magical power?" Nezha asked excitedly.

"Three heads and eight arms magical power."

After Zhang Tianchen finished speaking, he pinched the magic formula with his hands, and fat.

Two heads grew on Nezha's neck and six hands grew under his armpits.

Li Jing was shocked when he saw Nezha with three heads and eight arms.

Nezha moved the two newly grown heads and six hands, and soon he could control them freely.

"Don't be happy yet, it's not over yet." Zhang Tianchen smiled and began to perform a ritual, chanting: "Shangqing magic, Nezha Nezha, two eyes of divine light, see through thousands of miles. Nezha's original two eyes burst into golden light, and the scenery within thousands of miles was all in his sight. Zhang Tianchen continued to perform a ritual, chanting: "Shangqing magic, Nezha Nezha, two eyes on the left head, see through the heaven." The two eyes on Nezha's left head turned up, and he could see the scene in the heaven. Zhang Tianchen continued to perform a ritual, chanting: "Shangqing magic, Nezha Nezha, two eyes on the right head, see through the underworld." The two eyes on Nezha's right head turned down, and he could see the scene in the underworld. "Nezha, your original eyes have been transformed into divine eyes by me, not only can you see thousands of miles away, but you can also see everything clearly in the dark night without fear of strong light under the scorching sun. "Two pairs of eyes on the left and right can protect people from being hurt by magic weapons, and can protect people from sneak attacks from the ground-walking technique." Zhang Tianchen briefly introduced the abilities of his three pairs of eyes to Nezha. "Thank you, Master!" Nezha thanked him. He was very happy to have such a powerful magical power. "Nezha, you are the eighth disciple of my sect. There are six senior brothers and one senior sister in front of you. If there is a chance, I will introduce them to you." Zhang Chen said. "Master, how are my senior brothers and sisters?" Nezha asked. "Except for your seventh senior brother who entered the sect later, you can't beat any of the others." Zhang Tianchen said lightly. "I will work hard to practice and strive to surpass several senior brothers and sisters as soon as possible. Nezha said unconvinced. "Master, wait and see. "Zhang Tianchen said with a smile.

After Yin Shou came back from the Nuwa Palace, he thought about Nuwa day and night. Compared with Nuwa, the concubines in his three palaces and six courtyards were like dirt and dust. He could not get interested in them at all.

Fei Zhong and You Hun, two sycophants, saw that Yin Shou was sleepless and unhappy, so they asked: "My king, I wonder what is bothering you?"

"I saw Nuwa's peerless beauty and thought about her day and night. No one in the three palaces and six courtyards could compare to her. Do you have any way to solve my worries?" Yin Shou said.

"Your Majesty is the ruler of the Shang Dynasty, rich in all the seas, and as virtuous as Yao and Shun. Everything in the world belongs to Your Majesty."

Fei Zhong flattered him for a while, and then said: "Your Majesty only needs to send an order to the 800 lords of the world, asking each lord to select 100 beauties and send them to Chaoge for Your Majesty to choose. You will definitely be able to choose one that satisfies Your Majesty."

"This is a good idea, and it suits my opinion very much."

After listening to what Fei Zhong said, Yin Shou was overjoyed and applauded repeatedly.

The next morning, Yin Shou told the civil and military officials about letting the lords of the world select beauties and send them to Chaoge, and was immediately opposed by the civil and military officials.

"Your Majesty, you can't do that. You already have no less than a thousand concubines in your harem. Now you are asking the lords of the world to select beauties and send them to Chaoge. I'm afraid it will cause public resentment. "Bigan stood up and objected.

"I have heard that: 'Those who rejoice in the joy of the people will also be rejoiced by the people; those who worry about the worries of the people will also be worried by the people;' At this time, floods and droughts are frequent in the world, but the king is only thinking about women, which is really not desirable. Shang Rong advised.

Yin Shou saw that all the civil and military officials stood up to oppose, and his face was a little ugly. He directly threw his sleeves and announced to withdraw from the court.

In a blink of an eye, it was April of the following year, and it was the day for the eight hundred towns in the world to pay tribute.

Among the eight hundred towns, the four major princes in the east, west, south and north were the strongest, namely: Dongbo Hou Jiang Huanchu, Nanbo Hou E Chongyu, Xibo Hou Ji Chang, and Beibo Hou Chonghouhu.

Although the eight hundred towns were not in Chaoge, they were very clear about what was happening in Chaoge. They all knew that Fei Zhong and You Hun were popular people in front of Yin Shou, and they all sent gifts to the two first.

As the saying goes: Before going to the emperor, come to visit the prime minister first.

But there are exceptions to everything. Su Hu, the Marquis of Jizhou, was fiery and upright. He looked down on sycophants like Fei Zhong and You Hun, so he did not send gifts to them.

When Fei Zhong and You Hun learned that Su Hu did not send them gifts, they hated him in their hearts. [013606421 Feilu144190310]

Yin Shou had never forgotten to ask the princes of the world to select beauties and send them to Chaoge. However, because of the opposition of the civil and military officials, he had to put it aside temporarily. But now that the princes of the world have come to Chaoge, he has started to think about it again.

"The beauty pageant was opposed by the civil and military officials at the beginning. Now that the princes of the world are in Chaoge, I will tell them about it directly. What do you think?" Yin Shou said to Fei Zhong and You Hun.

When Fei Zhong and You Hun heard what Yin Shou said, they exchanged glances and immediately thought of a way to retaliate against Su Hu.

"Your Majesty, you ignored the opposition of the civil and military officials and directly told the princes of the world about the beauty pageant. This may be inappropriate." Fei Zhong said with a bow.

Seeing that Fei Zhong did not agree with his idea, Yin Shou's face suddenly darkened and said: "Then what do you think should be done?"

"I heard that Jizhou Hou Su Hu has a daughter named Su Daji, who is beautiful and quiet. Your Majesty can ask Su Hu to send her to the palace to accompany you. With only one person, the civil and military officials will definitely not object." You Hun said.

"Is this Su Daji really as beautiful as you say?" Yin Shou said with some doubt.

"I dare to guarantee that Your Majesty will like her after seeing her." You Hun said.

"Okay, then do as you say." Yin Shou said happily.

The next day, Yin Shou summoned Su Hu alone.

Among the princes of the eight hundred towns, Su Hu's strength can only be considered medium. Generally speaking, he is not qualified to be summoned by Yin Shou alone.

When Su Hu learned that Yin Shou wanted to summon him alone, he felt a little strange, but he didn't think much about it. After arriving at the palace, he saw Fei Zhong and You Hun were there, and immediately realized that they were behind the scenes.

"Greetings, Your Majesty!" Su Hu bowed to Yin Shou.

"My dear, please stand up!" Yin Shou extended his hand to support him, and then said: "I heard that you have a daughter who is beautiful and intelligent. I want to summon her to the palace to accompany me. I wonder if you are willing?"

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