Hong Kong Movies: Dongxing Dandy, Xia He, the Scraping Knife at the Beginning

Chapter 72

The next day, the underworld was shaken!

Jiang Tiansheng resigned as the leader and Liang Kun took over; the former head of Causeway Bay fit boss B became unconscious and became demented; the new thug Chen Haonan died....

What's going on?

Could it be that Hongxing is going to change overnight?

Among all the societies, the happiest one is the mortal enemy - Dongxing!

As soon as he received the confirmation from Xiqiaoxi, Luotuo immediately called Benleihu Lei Yaoyang, He Qinlonghu, and Situ Haonan who were on a mission abroad:


"There is something going on in Hong Kong, hurry back."

Although he didn't know the details, he knew: this is definitely the best opportunity to surpass Hongxing!

Unlike Jiang Tiansheng, Liang Kun was born as a fish ball seller.

To have achieved what he has now, three points rely on hard work and seven points rely on luck!

Maybe being a hall master is more than enough, but if you want to drive the giant ship of Hongxing, it must be difficult!

While Luo Tuo was thinking about how to occupy more territory, his nephew Luo Tianming had already taken half of the territory of Causeway Bay! Wan Chai

District, Hongxing Headquarters -

Liang Kun sat on a rosewood chair, his joy was beyond words:

"Brother Tianming, thank you very much this time"

"In the future, you and I should cooperate more."

"Fuck Dongxing and Hongxing, making money should be the first priority!"

It turns out!

In addition to taking the lead, Qiankun International Film Production Company and Rising Sun Pictures' first erotic film"The Mirror of Bliss" was officially released two days ago.

As expected, the results are very impressive.

The box office on the first day was 600,000!

According to this trend, even if Liang Kun only takes 40% of the profit, it is still far more than most of the previous films.

And later on, it can be engraved into a disc and make another fortune!

What's even more rare and precious is!

As an erotic film,"The Mirror of Bliss" has caused unprecedented heated discussions:

"Oh my goodness, is Qiankun International showing off? The filming is so beautiful!"

"Yes! The plot is full of ups and downs, isn't it better than Straight to the Dragon?"

"Hmm, especially the design of the grafted penis and the peerless building, it’s really amazing!"


Of course, some careful viewers also noticed some clues:

"No, no, no, didn't you notice? This time, there is an additional production company called Rising Sun Pictures. I think the high quality should be related to this."

"Rising Sun Pictures? Why does it feel so familiar?"

"I remembered Mr. Zombie》!《"Mr. Zombie" is from their company!"

"Holy shit! That makes sense, he's a master of everything!"


When Liang Kun learned that"The Book of Affair" was a big hit, he was naturally overjoyed.

What's more!

After Luo Tuo retires, the probability of Luo Tianming taking over as the leader of Dongxing is as high as 90%!

Therefore, I have to establish a good relationship with him as soon as possible.

The two powerful forces will join forces to dominate Hong Kong together!

As for the rest of the story, hehe, it will definitely depend on the situation at that time........

Little did he know!

Cough cough cough.

Putting aside all the thoughts in his mind, Liang Kun cleared his throat and said with a smile:

"Tianming Brothers"

"I have fulfilled all the promises I should have fulfilled. You see, why don't we strike while the iron is hot and cooperate on a few more films?"

Luo Tianming did not refuse this.

After all, no one would complain about too much money.

Buzz - after only a moment, he took out several new scripts from the collection of classic movies:

《You are a beautiful woman》、《Jade Maiden Heart Sutra》、《Summer Passion》、《Shock》.......

Liang Kun was overjoyed.


After receiving it, he quickly flipped through it and immediately became furious!

But just when he was about to ask his lover Bella to come and relieve his anger, the leader Sha Qiang rushed in first:

"This is not going to be a good thing, Brother Kun!"

But when he saw Luo Tianming, he immediately swallowed the rest of his words.


Liang Kun frowned slightly, and after a brief thought, he pretended to be angry and said:

"What are you doing?"

"Brother Tianming is one of us, if you have anything to say, please speak up."

Sha Qiang nodded immediately:


"I just received a letter from the Japanese society - the Yamada Group. The specific content is: invite the leader of the Hongxing Society to meet on the high seas to discuss the redivision of smuggling channels!"

"and...And especially emphasized that if you refuse to attend the appointment,...You will bear the consequences at your own risk!"


After hearing this, Liang Kun's head was full of question marks.

The Yamada Group is the largest club in Japan, with a total of 20,000 members and hundreds of subordinate groups at all levels!

Especially under the leadership of the current leader, Kazuo Kusakari, the influence is distributed in Western Europe, North America, Southeast Asia and other places!


Suddenly, Liang Kun seemed to have thought of something, and he flew into a rage and overturned the coffee table in front of him:

"Cover the house with a shovel!"

"How dare Jiang Tiansheng and the others play tricks on me!"

"No wonder Chen Yao was the first to raise his hand. After all this time, he was trying to push me out to take over this mess!"


"Insidious, so damn insidious!"

Then, he grabbed Sha Qiang's collar tightly and asked:

"Where are Jiang Tiansheng and Chen Yao?"

Sha Qiang said tremblingly:

"I heard that with...I took my family to Taiguo for vacation!"

Liang Kun staggered.

He thought he could become the leader by relying on his strength. But what happened?

It turned out to be a big net woven by Jiang Tiansheng and Chen Yao in advance!

On the other hand, Luo Tianming was much calmer.

Because the development of the matter was already within his expectations!


At this time, the system prompt sound came as expected:

【It was detected that the Yamada Group was looking for Li Qiankun, the third leader of Hongxing, and successfully triggered a god-level mission!】

【Specific content: Help Liang Kun, solve the trouble, and promote the prestige of the Hong Kong society! 】

Luo Tianming nodded secretly:

There is no reason to refuse, both in public and in private.

After all, no matter how much the major societies in Hong Kong fight each other, it is an internal conflict.

But what about the Yamada Group?

As a Japanese gang, they dared to be arrogant and openly reach out to Daxia!

Haha, it was 50 years ago!

And for now, Liang Kun is still worth using.

First of all. If Rising

Sun Pictures wants to get on the right track, it still needs a lot of resources to support it.


According to reliable information, Lei Yaoyang, the Thunder Tiger, and Situ Haonan, the Dragon Tiger, from the original Five Tigers of East Star, are about to return.

Although with Luo Tianming's current strength, it is as easy as crushing two ants to kill them.

But in the final analysis, the other party is a veteran hall master after all! He has made great contributions to the expansion of territory and economic development of East Star.

He has a high prestige!

In addition, the two of them are notorious and have long been on the key care list of O Ji.

So Luo Tianming had made up his mind long ago.

If Lei Yaoyang and Situ Haonan really want to die, then I will use Hongxing to get rid of them!

After a moment of contemplation, he looked at Liang Kun and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, I'll go with you."

"Just a few little devils, just send them away casually." He said it lightly, but with full of dominance.

Hearing this, Liang Kun was stunned at first, then said excitedly:


"Then I would like to thank Brother Tianming in advance."

"Don't worry!"

"From now on, if I can help, I will do it as soon as possible!"

On the other hand, Shan Ji, the former pioneer of Causeway Bay, finally arrived in Taiwan as he wished.

He was wearing a suit and wooden clogs, following his cousin Ke Zhihua, limping and inspecting the Sanlian Gang's place.

After about forty minutes, Shan Ji finally couldn't stand it anymore and asked:

"Cousin, do all the societies in Taiwan wear this kind of shoes?"

Ke Zhihua answered while chewing betel nut:


"Mainly because Japanese gangs now like to wear clogs"

"And most of the Taiwanese communities are controlled by Japanese people, you know?"

Shanji curled his lips:

"But it was very uncomfortable to be swaying.

Ke Zhihua spit out the betel nut, but he enjoyed it:


"It makes a crunching sound when it walks, which is pretty cool!"

Shanji had no choice but to skip this topic:

"never mind"

"I'm new here, why don't you get me a gun to defend myself."

Although Luo Tianming still remembered the scene of his body resisting bullets, he believed that such horrible things were rare.

Otherwise, the world would have been in chaos! (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Ke Zhihua laughed and scolded:


"Just use the whole mortar!"

Shanji was surprised:


"Don’t Taiwanese gangs carry guns? A spray gun will do too!"

Ke Zhihua took out an exquisite samurai sword from his waist:

"Here, take it for self-defense."

Shanji's mouth twitched:

"Cousin, what exactly are you doing to help Mr. Lei?"

"How come I can’t even get a gun?"

Ke Zhihua answered truthfully:

"The driver."


Shan Ji was stunned:

"No way, so lame?"

Hearing this, Ke Zhihua was immediately unhappy:

"Shit, you're such a fool!"

"Being a driver is not bad, especially the leader driver"

"I know everything about the Sanlian Gang, big or small."

""The closest person, do you understand?"

To some extent, it does make sense.

But Shan Ji already knew in his heart:

��If you want to make a name for yourself in Taiwan, you have to rely on yourself!

In a blink of an eye, four days passed quickly. At eight o'clock that evening, Luo Tianming took Xia He, Li Wang, and followed Liang Kun to the high seas to negotiate with the Yamada Group.

Judging from the list, in addition to the hall master Takeshi Takeshi, there is also the famous Asian gold medal fighter-Ghost Tsubasa.

It is reported that he was born in a martial arts family and is proficient in boxing, karate, judo, wrestling, Sanda, and Muay Thai.

In addition, he is nearly two meters tall and has rarely had opponents.

Liang Kun looked at the surging sea and could not hide his nervousness.

In fact, at this time, he had already made the worst plan.

If it doesn't work, then I will suffer a little loss and make concessions!

At about twelve o'clock in the morning, Luo Tianming, Liang Kun and his party boarded the private cruise ship of the Yamada Group.

In the reception room, Takeshi Takeshi sat cross-legged on the ground, with several burly men standing behind him, looking aggressive.

Seeing Liang Kun, he spoke first:


"You are the leader of the Hongxing Society, Mr. Li?"

Because he has been in Taiwan for a long time, he speaks fluent Chinese.

Liang Kun forced a smile, then took two boxes of precious tea from Sha Qiang and handed them over:


""It's just a small gift, not a sign of respect."

Seeing this, Takeshi Takeshi immediately showed contempt.

In his opinion, the other party must have been frightened, so he wanted to please him by giving gifts.

Little did he know that this was the basic interest of a great country.

As a tiny country, it was normal for Japan not to understand.

After a simple greeting, the two sides started a heated discussion on the reallocation of smuggling channels.

According to Takeshi Takeshi's meaning!

From now on, as long as you pass through the Pacific Ocean, you must pay an additional transit fee to the Yamada Group, the amount is 10% of the total value of the goods!

If the destination is Japan, it will be increased to 20%!

After this, Liang Kun was shocked:


Although he had prepared to be cheated, he never expected that the devils would be so greedy.

You know, if it is ordinary goods, the net profit is generally around 2 million to 3 million.

And if calculated by value, 10%, about 500,000.

In other words!

The Yamada Group does nothing, but wants to extract a quarter of the net profit!

I have seen lions open their mouths, but I have never seen such a big mouth!

Liang Kun clenched his fists and was about to refuse righteously, when he heard Luo Tianming next to him take over the conversation:

"No problem."

Hearing this, Liang Kun almost popped his eyes out:


Takeshi Takeshi was also unable to hide his surprise, and then burst into laughter:



"There is an old saying in Daxia: Once a word is spoken, it cannot be taken back."

"Now that we have reached a common agreement, let's not waste time and sign the contract quickly."

It turned out that the goal set by the leader of the Yamada Group, Kazuo Kusakari, was to charge 3 to 5 of the value of the goods.

And Takenaka Takeshi quoted 10, just to get the upper hand and make it easier to bargain.

But who would have thought that the other party would agree immediately.

This time, he got a huge bargain!

But before he could be happy for too long, he heard Luo Tianming continue:


"From now on, the goods smuggled into Hong Kong by your Yamada Group must be paid 30 yuan in fees to Dongxing and Hongxing respectively."

"Reciprocity is reasonable, isn't it?"


After saying this, Zhu Wu's smile froze on his face.

After a long while, he slammed his fist on the table and said angrily:


"You actually played a trick on me, I'm dead!"

Seeing that his boss was about to lose his temper, the accompanying think tank immediately spoke to comfort him and then suggested:

"Since we can't reach an agreement through negotiation, let's follow the rules of the underworld and use force to resolve the issue."

"Each side will send one person to fight to determine the winner."

Takeshi Takeshi is full of confidence:

"Yo, I agree greatly"

"But I'm afraid that people in some cowardly countries won't dare to respond."

After saying that, Onitsuka walked forward slowly.

Then, he flexed his chest muscles provocatively, as greasy as he could be.

However, Luo Tianming ignored him.

After all, he preferred to reason with his fists rather than with his tongue.


Luo Tianming lit up a cigarette slowly:

"Xia He, I leave it to you."

Hearing this, Xia He twisted her waist and laughed like a silver bell:


"No problem, Brother Ming, leave it to me."

Although he wore a mask, he still couldn't hide the unique charm of the scraper.

Among the people present, except Luo Tianming and Li Wang, all the other men had their eyes wide open and their mouths dry.

Especially Guizuka!

He swallowed deeply and said in a very manly voice:

"Eeyah, eyah (no no no)!"

"As a warrior of the Great Neon Empire, I will never attack the flower girl, oh no, the beautiful lady!"

"Please change another player."

Takeshi Takeshi was speechless.

Onitsuka was usually a filthy person with a lot of foul language, but at this moment he was polite.

But to be honest, the girl on the other side was indeed charming.

Although she didn't show her face, any man would find it hard to resist her!

What's even more terrible is that just when Onitsuka was distracted, Xia He asked tenderly with her eyes rolling:

"Not taking action?"

"Really or fake?"

Onitsuka nodded without any hesitation, his mouth stretched to the back of his head.

"Really, really, of course it’s true!"

Xia He said with a smile:

"Well, remember to keep your word."

She rushed to Onitsuka like a flash of lightning at a speed that was difficult for the naked eye to catch: whoosh - then, she clenched her fist and smashed it into the latter's abdomen.


Before Onitsuka even had time to react, he flew backwards several meters like a kite with a broken string and fell heavily to the ground.

Then, his abdomen surged and a mouthful of blood spurted out: puff - from beginning to end, he was in a state of confusion!

On the other hand, Takeshi Takeshi, Liangkun and others were stunned on the spot, dumbfounded:

"Varied...What the hell?"

They couldn't figure it out no matter how hard they tried!

Xia He was skinny, how could his strength be so terrifying?...It's just not common sense.......

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