Homestar Saga

Chapter 139: The Silence of the Xill

"The Stingers are almost in position," Captain Mims reported. "They'll be able to sweep for YEET rounds in the next few hours."

"That's good to hear." Lissa ran a hand across the back of her helmet. She and Scarrend were still on Starfang, the homeworld of the Vrrl. The gravity was too high for her to survive without a voidsuit. Her image in the holodisplay looked tiny with Scarrend looming next to her.

"It's an obvious solution," Scarrend remarked. The Vrrl was wearing the casual clothes of his people. A black leather vest and a skirt, with a cape made of the scalps of people he'd eaten. "I'm surprised you didn't come up with it yourself. Or the Peacekeepers, for that matter."

"This unit was aware of the solution," said Kilroy, "This unit decided it was suboptimal. This unit had hoped the Pixen Research and Development Department would have a different answer that did not move so many of our forces out of position. It was also decided a visit to the Research station was necessary for..." His eyes flashed a series of colors in quick succession, "Other reasons."

"They were kind of a mess over there," Mims admitted. He leaned back in his chair and swigged his beer, oblivious to Lissa's envious glare. Yvian tried not to smirk. The human was usually quick on the uptake, but he still couldn't read Lissa's body language the way Yvian could. Lissa had been stuck in her armor for two days, eating protein paste and drinking reprocessed water. Yvian waggled her own bottle, earning an exasperated look of her own.

"In other news,' the Captain continued, "the Peacekeepers finished their sweep of the Nexus, and checked everywhere we could think of for spying devices and sensor arrays. We still don't know how Reba knew the North Gate didn't have an anti-tech field anymore."

"So you think she really just... predicted it?" Lissa sounded worried.

"Maybe," said Mims. "Or maybe she's got some way to spy on us we haven't figured out." He grimaced. "We've got no way to know."

"For now, we're acting like she's spying," said Yvian. "Direct Node to Node communication only, and nothing sensitive gets transmitted wirelessly." The Random Encounter had it's own Node now, one of the small low powered versions they'd scavenged from the Federation's invasion fleet. Yvian was glad she'd asked the Peacekeepers to hardwire a connection to the kitchen so they didn't have to have these meetings on the bridge. Mims wouldn't let her drink beer on the bridge.

"But enough about us," Mims changed the subject. "How'd your meeting with the Emperor go?"

"It was..." Yvian couldn't see her frown, but she knew it was there. "Strange. I thought he'd be a lot more reserved. Or at least formal."

"Emperor Feln Tybert is the eldest of our kind," said Scarrend. "It has made him... eccentric."

"He's sharp, though." Lissa crossed her arms. "Scary sharp. He kind of reminds me of Tallest."

"That's good," said Yvian. "I like King Tallest."

"Maybe you can come meet him next time." Lissa paused. "Not Mark, though. The Emperor doesn't want him on Starfang."

"What?" Mims paused in the act of getting another beer. "Why?"

"You're a celebrity." Lissa shrugged. "Half the Vrrl want to be your apprentice."

"The other half want to kill and eat you," said Scarrend. "The Way of the Scargiver has given you a certain... status among my people." He gave Mims an apologetic look. "Most of my people would give their Hsst for a chance to add your scalp to their sketho."

"Way of the Scargiver?" Yvian asked.

"It's what they're calling Mark's training," said Lissa. "Scarrend recorded it, and now Emperor Tybert's requiring all Vrrl to learn it."

"He's good friends with Warmaster Scathach," said Scarrend. "They share similar views." He folded his arms behind his back. "The reading list alone is a vast increase to the Mafdet, but the fighting skills will raise our hunters far above anything the humans can muster." He frowned. "The physical fitness training is worthless, though."

"Worthless?" Yvian had been in charge of Scarrend's fitness.

"The Vrrl are incapable of physical adaptation," Lissa explained. "The Imperial Maf confirmed it."

"Softpaw bodies require stress and damage to increase your potential," Scarrend expained further. "Vrrl bodies do not adapt that way. We are already as strong and fast as we are capable of being." He shook his head. "A shame, really. With enough time and training, a human can increase their strength nearly ten fold. If I could do that..." He shrugged. "Ah, well."

"Moving on," Mims changed the subject. "What's the word on the Confederation?"

"The invasion has been confirmed," Kilroy reported. "Confederation Military fleets are converging on the Vrrl Starfang Empire. This unit estimates a force of three billion ships will enter Vrrl space in eighty seven days."

"Someone tipped them off," Mims guessed.

"They wouldn't dare attack unless they thought us vulnerable," said Scarrend. He growled. "Fools."

"I don't know," said Yvian. "Three billion is a lot of ships." Confederation vessels were slower and weaker than anything the Vrrl or the humans had. They made up for it with numbers. The Confed was the biggest nation this side of the Xill. Three billion was a massive fleet to Yvian, but to the Confed it was a drop in the bucket. If the Vrrl destroyed it, they would just send another. And another. It was how they'd conquered Yvian's people in the first place.

"A lot of ships with a long way to travel," Mims remarked. "The Confed still hasn't bothered outfitting their Military with jumpdrives."

"We will be waiting for them," said Scarrend. He licked his chops. "We usually have to hunt for our meals. It's always nice when the food comes to us."

"It'll be better to whittle them down before they get to you," Mims argued. "They're slow and they don't have jumpdrives. I'm betting we can kill them all before they get to Vrrl space."

"I don't know," Yvian repeated. "Three billion is a lot of ships."

"Hit and run tactics?" Scarrend scratched his mane. "We won't get as much meat that way."

"But you'll keep more of your ships," said the Captain. "You've lost enough people already."

Scarrend grimaced. "That's true. I'll bring it up with the Warmaster."

"Good." The Captain finished his beer. "And that brings us to our last and worst piece of news. Kilroy?"

The Peacekeeper unit placed his hand over his console. A strand of metal wire slid out of it and made a connection. "Exodus the Genocide has still not answered our comms. Peacekeeper units have attempted contact with the Xill, but they have remained silent. For this reason, Peacekeeper unit Admiral Ender Zhukov dispatched Peacekeeper unit 6735982 to visit the Hub in a gladiator class fighter ship. This is what Peacekeeper unit 6735982 discovered."

The display showed a sensor reading of the Xill's Hub sector. Four Jumpgates, in a solar system with several asteroid belts and a class five habitable planet. The Hub itself was the largest space station Yvian had ever seen, but that wasn't what Kilroy was trying to show them. Yvian focused in on the ships guarding the Gates. "Are those?"

"Federation vessels," Kilroy confirmed. "They contain no life signs. However." The display zoomed in on the Hub. Specifically, on the Federation frigate docked at the Hub. "Unit 6735982 managed to confirm life signs on this vessel. Lucendian life signs were also confirmed."

"Anti-tech weapon." Lissa swore. "That's why Exodus isn't answering. Reba's got the whole Xill Consensus locked down."

"Looks that way," said Mims.

"The Federation vessels attacked unit 6735982 on sight, along with the Xill." Kilroy's eyes turned red. "Peacekeeper unit 6735982 launched its entire arsenal of missiles and MAC rounds at the frigate with the Lucendian weapon before it was destroyed. This unit believes the attack will prove unsuccessful. Reba has most likely dominated the Xill ships in the sector, and they will sacrifice themselves to prevent the frigate's destruction."

"Crunch." No wonder they hadn't heard from Exodus. "We've got to do something."

"We can't," said the Captain. "Not yet." He glowered at the screen. "Reba sent the YEETs knowing we'd find a way to save New Pixa. She's got a plan, and the other shoe hasn't dropped yet."

"We must save the creator," Kilroy insisted.

"I know," said Mims.

"I find it hard to believe Reba plans to just keep the Xill in stasis," said Scarrend. "The longer we wait, the more time she has to accomplish whatever she's trying to do."

"I know," Mims repeated. "If nothing happens before the Stingers finish their work, we can talk about planning a rescue." He leaned back in his chair and folded his arms. "In the meantime, we're going to see if Yvian can pry Skygem away from her mother. I'll feel a lot better once the anti-tech field's back up."

"We might not have to pry her away," Yvian pointed out. "I can probably talk the Last Hope into coming out. She should be able to set up a field without too much trouble."

"Sounds like a plan," said Lissa. "Scarrend and I have one more meeting, then we're heading back. We should see you tomorrow."

"Both of you?" Yvian frowned. "I thought you were going on leave, Scarrend. Does Satha not want to reproduce anymore?"

"Satha..." The Vrrl shook his head. "There is no need to take leave. The Sharpclaw was destroyed during the defense of Blood Forge Sector. There were no survivors."

"Oh. Oh no." Scarrend had been talking with Satha Skithith since the day the Sharpclaw saved them from the Enterprise. They'd only known each other a few weeks, but the way he spoke of her reminded Yvian of a teenager on his first crush. It had been very cute. But now... "Bright Lady. I'm so sorry, Scarrend..."

"As am I." The Vrrl clenched four fists and lowered his head. His species did not have tear ducts, but Yvian suspected he would be crying if he could. He let out a low, pained growl. "She died for the Empire."

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