Holy Right : A Multiverse Occultist

Ch-141: Then—Bon Appétit!

The atmosphere gradually became a little melancholic, Roy followed Scarha’s waist, and closed his eyes, as if to lodge down this feeling in his heart.

“Now you suddenly make me feel uncomfortable like this.”

Roy muttered.

“What did you see again?”

Scathach's [Wisdom of Dún Scáith] is the intellect of the abyss, acquired as a consequence of surpassing humanity, killing gods and being left behind in the outside of the world.

Roy only has some small titbits learned every now and then on Scathach's ability. 

Since it's the wisdom she has gained from the abyss, it is an absolute to be something out bounding of normal understanding. 

It's not only an borderline all-knowing search engine but also a mirror to the past, future and present. 

Scathach stroked Roy’s hair and warmly shared: “…I can already feel that our fate is gradually disappearing.”

Roy was about to say something, but Scathach interjected him first and continued: “Not like it's the complete disappearance of Fate, but, just a temporary parting."

As for what he wanted to say—Roy's mouth stilled. 

He doesn't know for how long has he been accompanying Scathach in this shadowy terra firma, even though the eternity element has inerted his body's aging, his mind has still walked along and experienced that period of time. 

Every time Madame Aisha’s authority gets triggered, she will spend several years in the past. 

Although this time it was because of the mysterious thing in his right hand that Madame Aisha’s power went berserk, since his call is coming, it means that atleast in past where Madame Aisha is now, several years have passed, and so has he experienced those years here. 

Since there is a meeting, then there's meant to be a parting, it's what we live everyday—life. 

“Looks like my call is coming, huh.”

Roy whispered, his tone a little dismally blue.

He has been taught by Scathach for so many years, although Scathach's teaching method without holding back—can screw up a sane person to one's kingdom come.

It is this kind of teaching method that has allowed Roy to gain such incredible control and skill in just a few years. To let him overcome all the sufferings and become a warrior that he wanted to become. 

Being loyal to one's direct desires and ambitions, instead of flinching from them, but to go forward courageously while also possessing a tenacious will and courage to face a stronger enemy in all damned situations. 

“Don’t be downhearted, I have already taught you everything I had to teach. Now all that will happen, is upto you."

Scathach ruffled with his bangs curiously, while a disgruntled Roy backed his head out of her reach. 

“…Although I have taught many warriors, you and him are the only ones who can be called my official disciples.”

“The other one is Cu Chulainn?”

Roy probed bluntly.

“Yeah, it's the rabid dog that was chained down. Except for the two of you, no one has been able to graduate from my hands."

"I used to expect him to fulfill my wishes, but the destiny still chained him down in the end, he too succumbed to his fate, to become a heroic spirit."

"Now I'm not left with any false hopes from him. The Son of Light, Cú Chulainn, wasn't even able to defy his own destiny, much less to kill the Queen of Shadows.”

Scathach signed and simpered a forlorn chuckle, it was a pity that Cú Chulainn has long abandoned her expectations.

Right next, she lightly caressed Roy’s cheeks, and twinkled warmly: 

“But now, I have new expectations, Roy—Roy Crowley. You have the talent, same as mine, a human who killed Gods, you are a cursed person like me—just like me who is beyond your own destiny, now, only you can satisfy my wish, don’t let a master's and a craftsmen’s expectations go down in drain."

"For me, you are my magnum opus!"

Roy brows scrunched up together as he tightened his hold on Scathach's slender wrist and questioned addedly: 

“Master, are you really looking forward to your death? I don't mean to question or demean your desire, but, is this really your true wish?”

“Ah…now even my disciple is questioning my wish, well~well~."

Scathach tilted her head, and suddenly smiled delinquently: 

"When you can stand in front of me with integrity and give me my defeat, you can question me to your desire, till then, don't die. A master and a craftsman's heavy expectations are on your shoulders."

“Oh now! Suddenly, I was given such a great responsibility by my master and craftsman. Looks like I will under a bit of pressure now.”

Roy took a deep breath and smiled.

“Pressure~? Do you need my help to relax your pressure?”

“Forget it, take a look at this atmosphere. I'm not in a mood to continue fighting even now at this time.”

With that said, Roy arched his back and fell back on the rock, with his hands on his head he made a makeshift pillow to take a comfortable posture. 



“I remember in the legend, you were married and had children?”

He looked at her as she sat down beside him. 

“I don’t know where you read that legend, but though, Scathach of many worlds in this multiverse married and gave birth to children, but atleast in my world, the things didn't go that way."

"There were two Scathachs I found interesting, I was keeping a look on those two, I thought they had the chance to come in contact with the abyss just like me but unfortunately, they both died prematurely."

"Pretty lucky from a fellow warrior's point of view, atleast they gained their deaths while gloriously fighting on the battlefield...”

"And there are some Scathachs too who took a noble woman's way—married, had lots of childrens and led a normal life. Moreover—"

“Master, according to the myth I have heard, as long as a warrior is recognized by you, one can enter your boudoir?”

Roy didn’t know what kind of sentiment he had to take out those words, but he just did——just because he wanted to. 

Scathach raised her eyebrows and teased with a smile on her lips: 

“Have you finally expressed your desires? Well I'm a part to take the blame too, I did asked you express yourself freely, didn't I?"

“So before, someone has entered your boudoir, Master?”

Roy asked curiously, Scathach likes direct talks instead of circling around to bring up a matter from underneath—so he did, clear and direct. 

“No, because the only warrior I remotely recognised before was that Child of Light, but the rabid dog was scared away by me in the end, and ran out of the Land of Shadows like a bereaved dog.…”

How could Scathach couldn’t gauze Roy’s mind, all she thought was that Roy was really a sweet child, so she answered him with a smile.

Roy could expressed his understanding and empathy for Cú Chulainn's scared run out of the Kingdom of Shadows.

During the middle part of his stay, when Roy was absurdly and deliriously trained by Scathach, he actually wanted to run away too.

But, unlike then, now the Kingdom of Shadows was outside of the world! 

Roy couldn’t run out, neither did the sudden dang made by his pride let him to find for some other alternatives, so he could only forcefully grit his teeths and endure it here with his lonesome self—endure it now, have your payback date later.

It's never too late for a gentleman to 'return' the 'favour'—he literally pushed himself with that. 

“Then master, am I a warrior recognized by you?”

Roy asked, those words still left his lips—as if parting by from some force of the nature. 

“As I have said it before—for me, you are my magnum opus.”

As soon as Scathach's voice fell, Roy just turned over, pressing her by the shoulder on the ground, staring straight into her burgundy red eyes without fear, telling his own desire straight out—

"Then, bon appétit!"

He could smell the sensuous fragrance from the figure that laid beneath him, readying to entrap it's victims. 

Scathach suddenly smiled wittyly, her eyes flashed sly, and with a teasing smile—a knee bump thwack Roy’s abdomen! 

That was a severe instilling blow of pain deep into bone marrows, but this level could no longer make Roy lose his thoughts, but because the pain came suddenly, which made him roll sideways to take a defensive stance!

Scathach kicked on the ground, and flicked back on her leps with a full circle towards his rolling dodge! 

The force on her left hand flowed with a moving blow right towards his nape-! 

Even though like before his consciousness couldn't keep up wholly accurate, he just timely raised his hands to deflect Scathach's palm strike! 

The shortly intervaled battle unfolded again—punches, kicks, jabs, throws, elbow strike, knee strike, trip takedown, all variegated to come one after another! 

Roy grabbed Scathach's ankle and wanted to flip up while pinning her down! Her leg looped down and as he intended to jerk her movement, the things got screwed and he was pulled right in between her legs! 

And he saw it! 

The sexy red purple lace underwear—all because the Queen had interchanged into an open dress when the atmosphere relaxed! 

'Well...bon appétit.'

....that was a true treat from coincidence. 

Though Scathach face was slightly flushed, she remained unmoved, she stared at Roy imperiously, like a general queen, and flured her head:

“You are still far away, Roy. If you want to enter the master’s boudoir, build your stamina first, or the 'fight' that ends too early and stiffly doesn't interest me."

“…This will be my last lesson to you, and a tip of advice too.”

She raised her slender and sharp eyebrows again, her eyes filled with a puckish smile.

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