Holy Right : A Multiverse Occultist

Ch-126: The Kingdom of Shadows

Cold silence permeated the surroundings. 

This was no longer the world of 'Campione' he was familiar with. 

When traveling through the corridor of space and time, he found that the mysterious "thing" housing in his right hand played a move, opening a direct channel to another realm.

Mrs. Aisha's authority [Fairy's Corridor] can be wielded to time travel into the past, it even has the ability to travel to the parallel worlds of the 'Campione' multiverse, if taken to its maximum efficiency.

The mysterious "thing" is a downright miracle that even the Magic Gods can't create. It can't be accomplished by the power of a mere Godslayer.

The mysterious space in Roy's right hand, the ship, took him through the winds and waves, across the sea of ​​the world, from the island called 'Campione' to a new uncharted island.

And this island, he was both familiar and unfamiliar with—the world of Romani, the 'Type-moon' world he had a big impression of. 

But the world of Nasuverse is so vast that he can't be sure where he was for the time being, and most importantly, which era he was in.

"This lone, pallid atmosphere and the nefarious breath of death and darkness... is this the Land of Hades...? Netherworld? Hell?"

Roy looked around vigilantly. 

The sight beyond the horizon still wadded of endless barren land and scattered withered rocks. The sky was obscured by a thick curtain of ghastly dark clouds. 

There was no sun, no moon, no stars, which made it difficult to make an inkling of the current time. 

Looking into the distance, he also sighted some ancient stone buildings standing on the edge of the cliffs. 

This scene was almost the same as the land of ghosts and dead he often saw in movies, the torpid lifelessness in the air gave him the feeling of a ruined, destroyed world. 

In this dark monotonous world, the only vibrant color was the cardinal robe on him. But, the bright red color looked like a bizzare reprehension of mismatch in this world of black and white. 

This discontinuous sense of abruptness further stilled the already dead atmosphere. 

"Death is not something highly relevant to me either."

Roy whispered, and then he started looking for Athena.

He and Athena have a mutual contract, as long as they are in the same era, or even in the same world though separated by different timelines, they can interact with each other.

But now, in the present moment, he can't sense even a fleck of Athena's breath, which also proved that his previous guess was correct, he and Athena are separated now, not just by time and distance, but by worlds! 

"Fortunately, I had the foresight to return the Gorgon Stone to her. With the power of Tri-state Athena, there will be no danger no matter where she lands. Now you are the only one left with me... Aiwass."

Roy looked behind him, feeling relieved as he saw the "Holy Guardian Angel" twinkling with faint radiance, wearing a long, white linen dress and a pair of bare feet bathed in radiance, hanging in the air.

Others may or may not be by his side, but this Angel of the higher dimension who coexists with him can accompany him in his travels across multiple worlds without being scattered.

"If you leave my sight, it will be almost impossible for me to find you again. This is absolutely not allowed by me. Even if it is exhausting, I will always follow you, Roy."

The Angel that symbolizes 'physics' said with a smile that held emotions too hard to predict with human standards, it was not purity, holiness or kindness with which Angels were portrayed with. 

On the contrary, their tone was very similar to that of common people but the emotions were 'Angelic'. 

Afterwards, the always–curious Angel looked around, as if assessing the environment.

"This new world is the same world where King Solomon lives, but even so, Roy, where you are now... is a very special and unique phrase... even from the perspective of my old world."

Aiwass's tone was dripping with eagerness and curiosity about unknown things laid in front of her. 

For an existence like her, this curiosity alone was enough to make her devote her all and everything to pursue it and leech even the specks of the dust of new knowledge.

Although each world has many similarities in general, the differences are equally great. 

This difference will also configure a dissimilarity in the power system. This difference is not to be underestimated. 

It is precisely the variability and contradictory laws in each world that attracts existences like Aiwass to pursue it with craze and can make Magic Gods mad with need, just like a severe drug addict. 

"What is special here?"

It has always been one of his good habit to simply ask if he did't understand something. As for whether the other person will answer, whether he can understand, what is answered, that is not of his consideration. 

"To put it simply, this space has no connection with the real material world. There is no cause and effect left attached, no cause…. no effect... hmmm.....&#$*%"

"But it will be very wrong to say that there is no connection at all, but the connection is very weak... almost negligible."

"If I use Kabbalah Fourfold World Theory to illustrate, then... where we are now is a plane above the material world, and it has a small effect on the formation of the material world...."

"Though there may be some differences from what I explained.... considering this is a whole another world."

Aiwass discoursed in a simple language that he could understand, otherwise the higher dimension language will only ring in his ears like scratching noises mixed with pandemonium. 

"By Buddhist Mythology term, we can take it as one of the six world cycles of Samsara, ah? Though the Deva, Asura, Ghost, Beast and God realms have no direct connection with Human realm, they still affect it?"

Roy took a deep look at the surrounding environment, then he took a deep breath and savoured the smell of death. 

"That is what I mean... So you have to be careful. Since this place has been separated from the material world..."

"It also means that there is an existence that lives here, who has surpassed the limitations of material world. Just like a real god, a being of the denunciation of '7=4'. For you, it can be extremely dangerous."

Aiwass warned in a rare solemn tone, she didn't want Roy's life to be in danger.

"Yeah, most of it is correct. Like that strange living body beside you said, this is the "Outside of the World", the kingdom of the dead, the kingdom of darkness, and my kingdom—The Land of Shadows, that one shouldn't enter, and from where one cannot leave without my consent."

"Alien, no, it should be an entity from a foreign land, why did you showed up my country, and... why did you came to this world?"

Truk-! Truk-! 

The owner of the voice was closing the distance between them. 

"Hmm, let's see."

Before he could response, Roy felt his scalp going numb from behind his head, and the deadly cold murderous intent permeated from the back of his head. 

He was pretty sure if he didn't do anything at the next instant, the other second his head will be squashed like a watermelon-! 

A Godslayer's innate instinct warned him, timely. 


He instantly turned his head to the sideways at the second of death, from the corner of his eyes, he saw a red pike that seemed to be advancing while piercing across the space, that crimson red projectile nearly rubbed by his side. 

Roy clearly saw what the red pike was. It was a spear, a fatal weapon of death, that exuded a aura of killing!

In this dim and dead world, this dark red spear flowed with a gorgeous and charming flow leaving a aurora of murderous splendor. 

A single look and it looked as if his soul was being torn apart.

He touched the side his face, where a scar was left, blood of the same color of the deadly yet beautiful spear was flowing slowly through the small gash left on his cheeks.

His head turned around while maintaining the inertia. 

On a tall rock behind him, the queen of death, donning the purple splendor of slaughter was excluding a cold and regal aura. 

The look in those beautiful red eyes screamed murder! 


Greed is one of the Seven Deadly Sins, but it is also the motivating force for mankind, which includes me. 

So, if you want and desire, support me at Patreon with advance chapters~


Special thanks to *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi*, *GooseElite* and *Skoll*


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