Holy Right : A Multiverse Occultist

Ch-124: Wait, WHATDAFUCK!!!

[Artemis Arrows], this is the Divine Authority that belongs to Annie Charlton, and it is also her most militaristic power. 

Like many of Roy's Authorities, [Artemis Arrows] also has restrictions on its uses. Generally, it can only be used five or six times over the coarse of a lunar cycle.

Coming with a solid limitation, it also brings along a package of absolute lethality—the earth-shattering explosion boom with the power of shaking the earth upside down.

If it weren't for Annie Charlton to purposely shoot the arrow above the sea, just the aftershocks of these arrows are enough to blow Manhattan into rubbles.

"Good. It's finally over."

The tattered armored Godslayer let out a sigh of relief while caressing the criss-cross scars on her body while floating above the sea level.

Recovering the body of the dragon and snake in co-ordination with the unique skills of a divine ancestor pushed Asherah back to her heyday, when she was still a Goddess. 

In addition, she already had the will to die, so she fought ramping crazily without caring about her own being. In this case, to keep her at hold, Annie Charlton also had to fought fiercely. 

So, in the process, both the sides fought without a pinch of care, making the fight absolute bloody. 

In the end, when Asherah prepared to carry out a self-destructive suicidal attack with the determination of mutual death, Annie Charlton finally seized the brief opportunity and shoot her down with her 'arrow'.

"Damn it! Damn it! I will chew you, and crush you, Godslayer, aaaaaah——!"

The former goddess with a beautiful upper humanoid body and lower platinum scaled snake tail, lying in blood, roared and cursed at the armored Godslayer. 

"Yes, I am the Demon King, I am the God Killer, Lord of the Flies, Asherah... you had been quite a pain in the ass for a long, long time, now is the time for a permanent farewell."

Annie Charlton's demeanour flowed with serene equanimity. She ignored Asherah's vociferations and drew out a revolver from around her waist.

A large caliber revolver gun with a unique archaic touch, forged by a dark elven metalworker living in the Astral Realm.

It is specifically made only for Annie to use, no one else can use it. But it is a gun that doesn't shoot bullets, existing only to shoot the arrows. 

If she is not present to power it up with her mana, it is just a useless piece of scrap metal. 

Though she has never tried it before, according to the dark elven metalsmith, it is even capable of sniping a target from across the planet such as in Europe from North America.

Faced with her end, Asherah was not a bit afraid. If she was really afraid of death, she would have never taken these risks. 

Her only regret was that she was unable to do any worthwhile destruction before her death. 

If only... 

"Please lower your gun, Miss Annie."

An authoritative request made the Godslayer stop in her tracks, because the person who made the request was someone she couldn't and wouldn't ignore.

Putting down the revolver, she looked back, the most powerful King of the era, who was famous for his moodiness all around the work, was heading towards her, with Athena and Alice following him.

"Mr. Roy, what happened in the city before? I sensed the appearance of a Heretic God."

While she was busy with Asherah, Charlton, from her Godslayer's senses felt a tingling sensation, she smelled the presence of another Heretic God. 

If Roy wasn't there to handle the situation, she would have probably been pressed by two sides. 

At that time, she wouldn't be able to guarantee whether she would be able to stop Asherah from destroying Manhattan together with that unknown Heretic God. 

Now that Manhattan was still looking just fine, she palpably thought that it was him who drove away the unknown Heretic God, for which, she was truly grateful from her heart. 

"It's the Queen of Divine Ancestors and her Guardian Lancelot, oh, yes, the Black Prince Alexander Gascoigne, he was here too."

Roy answered casually.

"Oh, the Campione of England, I have heard of his name for a long time but never really got the chance to meet him, is he still here now?"

Annie asked curiously, but at the same time, her heart was already shouting danger while her head already felt the minute pain creeping in stealthily.

Just, bullocks! 

Three Godslayers, two Heretic Gods, a queen of divine ancestor whose intentions were still unknown and not to forget—the cherry on the top, a vengeful former goddess who wished nothing more than to chew humans alive for bloody revenge. 

The America.... was truly blooming. As for, if the direction was right or not, she couldn't say. 

"Ah, that's a bit regretful. But, it seems Miss Annie may never get the chance to see him in this life, because, um, that bastard was buzzing right in my ears, so, you know, I accidentally slapped him to death."

Roy's understatement made Annie Charlton feel her scalp going numb in real time, she also had cold sweat coating her back, unknowingly.

Wait, W-What?! Buzzing in the ears..? Slapped him accidentally...? To death...? W, What?! 

W, What the hell is going on?! Even Campiones are getting slapped to death accidentally!? What's wrong with the world!?! 


Calm down, Annie. Relax. 

No doubt——Breathe in. Breathe out. 

The momentarily flustered Campione slowly sorted out her waving emotions. 

Her relation with the new king was not bad, as long as she doesn't annoy him or let anyone else annoy him, she and her region were out of danger.

"Oh, I see, looks like Black Prince is already dead."

Annie laughed dryly under the mask to ease the atmosphere, as a godslayer, she never felt so terrified in her whole life. 

"Mr. Roy, what do you want me to do with Asherah?"

The beautiful Campione quickly changed the subject and asked.

Roy did not answer the red-headed beauty directly, but looked at Asherah. 

Asherah was in her mature form as the effect of the dragon and snake body had still not wore off, her bountiful snowy breasts were only covered by thin bandages, meaning to pop out any second. 

"Miss Annie, do you know of the Heretic God that Lord Luo Hao is looking for?"

Roy retracted his gaze from the beautiful lamia and looked at Annie again.

Because there were only insiders here, he wasn't calling her by her pseudonym.

The female Campione's brow under the metalled mask met together, after running her coherent train of thought for a while, she shook her head and answered, "No. I don't."

"The Heretic God that the leader has been looking for is the Monkey King Sun Wukong, of course there is a more famous name—The Great Sage Equalling To Heaven."

"Years ago, he appeared in Japan. So, a powerful priest, with the aide of Susanoo developed a spell known as [Keeper of the Horses], possibly the most powerful binding spell to ever be cast by a mortal."

"Which allowed the binder to bind the Heretic God Sun Wukong within the Netherworld by sealing his divinity, and harness his powers as a guardian by controlling him through the seal and then once again sealing him back, like a reuseable security dog."

"And... you know our Chinese Campione."

"It is really insulting for her to think that the god of her xianxia myth was sealed in a foreign island country, so she wants to unlock this seal and personally kill the mark of shame, the heretical Monkey God."

"Of course, the prison was not meant to be inescapable. It's just that this seal can't be solved even with leader's expertise."

"It required three things leaving the decoding circle for the [Keeper of the Horses]; a Hime-Miko with the power of Disaster Purification, the treasure sword—Zanryuuto, and a snake or dragon Heretic God's blood."

Roy roughly explained the in and outs of the matter. 

Annie Charlton queried suddenly as if she understood his intentions: "So Mr. Roy, you want to give Asherah to the leader?"

"Yes, the leader has a way to unlock the seal, and now with Asherah, all the conditions are in place. Like the leader, I am also interested in the Monkey God, or I am the one who is more interested in it."

"I took out the dragon and snake, and the leader showed the ways to solve the curse. Then we can play a fair competition to see who can kill the Monkey God."

Roy's eyes flashed, his body's physique defense was too fragile now, and it is easy to be a fatal danger point.

In this world of Gods and their slayers, the fastest way to become stronger is slaying a God, so he just fell in love with the famous mythical iron bones and steel body of the Great Sage who once shook the heavens.

"Keep dreaming Godslayer! Even if I have to commit suicide, I won't let you succeed!"

Asherah screamed in mournfulness, she was about to induce her little bit of leftover divine power to commit suicide by exploding her body, when... 

"Stop, Asherah."

The Goddess of War and Wisdom suddenly ordered in a low tone. The cold and familiar voice made Asherah's body tremble, as she looked up, the beautiful lamia couldn't help but yelp in surprise. 

"L, Lord Athena?"

"Even if you are going to die, you have to wait until you help Roy finish his thing before you enter your cycle of reincarnation."

Athena's tone was indifferent and merciless, like a queen high above the mortals and even the Gods.

"Yes… I… I get it. Lord Athena."

Asherah faced Athena who still had the godhead of the Queen of Earth Mother Goddess, and readily obeyed her commands.

Although she didn't know why the queen she served would help a Campione, the mortal enemy of all Gods, she didn't dare to ask more.

The sudden outburst by the former Snake Goddess of Abyss also attracted attention form Roy and Annie. Seeing Athena easily solve the matter, Roy gratefully smiled at her.

The Queen Goddess with the disposition of a Loli just snorted, and turned her eyes aside to ignore him, but the corners of her mouth still ticked slightly.

"Snakes like cold environment, so I will troubling Miss Annie with the arrangements. I heard you have a famous ice enchanter here, well, just give the work to her."

"Mr. Roy, you said so, what else can I say."

Annie Charlton nodded with a wry smile, although this vengeful divine ancestor was a ticking bomb, Roy has already told her of the cause and effect of his actions.

If she still doesn't know what is good or bad, then that will not only offend Roy, the strongest king accepted by all, but also, it is very likely that even the Lord of the East will be offended. 

"Thank you Miss Annie, for your generosity."

Roy maintained a certain level of respect for her, though troublesome, she as a godslayer still abides by her taken duties, guards the people, and has a sense of responsibility.

Moreover, she was helping him too. 

"Master, master, it's not good!!!"

Suddenly, the panicked maid's squeals came from behind.


Roy looked back and asked with some confusion.

"My power is, is, it is going to fulminate! L, Like it will explode. Just like 'boom, boom, whoosh'!"

Mrs. Aisha's shook her hands in panic while cutely shaking her head to and fro.

"Fulminate? It's no big deal, come, I will help you solve it~"

Hearing such ruckus for a small matter, Roy waved his hand indifferently.

"But this time it is not the [Queen's Curse]'s 'Charm or Curse', it's [Fairy's Corridor]'s 'Interdimensional Wormhole'!"

Mrs. Aisha almost cried out sadly in despair.

At this time, not only Roy, but also Annie Charlton and Princess Alice's expression took a serious turn expressing to believe—'wait, whatdafuck!'


Greed is one of the Seven Deadly Sins, but it is also the motivating force for mankind, which includes me. 

So, if you want and desire, support me at Patreon with advance chapters~


Special thanks to *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi*, *GooseElite* and *Skoll*


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