Holy Right : A Multiverse Occultist

Ch-108: The Mysterious Queen of Caves

"Hmu~? Eh, eh, hyaaaah! M, my wallet disappeared!?"

On the streets of Athens, a girl who looked around 17 or 18 years old was being watched and pointed with weird looks.

"Wuuu, I obviously brought it..."

However, the girl wasn't concerned about the odd looks the people gave her, she just turned left and right, rummaging through her clothes. After searching all over her body, she finally came to admit the sad truth that her wallet was gone! 

In this modern society that revolves on paper bills, it is hard to move without money.

"Think! Think! Think Aisha, think! Where did you lose your wallet during the trip? Uwuu, even if I could remember where I lost my wallet, I can't go back!"

The girl showed an agitated look, biting on her fingers, and let out a distressed mewl as if in any moment she will cry one's eyes out.

The reason why the people on the streets of Athens would look at her, except for the girl's outrageous behavior and beautiful figure, was mainly because of her attire.

The young girl had lucent olive-brown skin with a lively face with lustrous black hair, and 'boinged' around with her large, well formed chest.

She was dressed is neither ordinary modern clothes nor in any Greek or Roman styled dress. Her clothes seemed to be made of real animal leather in a style appearing straight out of the medieval ages. 

If it was just wearing weird clothes in this modern age rampant with cosplay and weird fetishes, such a huge crowd would not have congregated. 

The main thing was that the young girls' clothes looked too tattered, and there were even blood stains on them, giving off the rancid smell of real blood, as if she had just experienced a life-and-death situation, but she was still lively jumping around like a worried little elf.

There were still some good people who called the ambulance and some vigilant people who secretly called to the police station. 

If one sees such a blood stained figure with obvious signs of stoush in modern age, either this girl is the perpetrator or the victim, she should be handed over to the police.

The face of the boss at the booth in front of the girl was desolate. Although this foreigner girl is more beautiful than even all the A-list actresses he has ever seen in his life, he also understood a little bit, that is, she has no money!

Looking at the totally emptied plates to the point of being licked clean and finished stock in his stall, the boss almost cried and wailed: 

"We are only a small business. If you don't pay for your meals, me and my wife will not even have the money to restore our stocks, sniff."

It was because the boss was scared of the girl covered in blood stains that had still not dried up completely, that he didn't dare to even scold her. He was so cautious because of fear. 

When this lively child first arrived the blood didn't smell so he thought it was fake blood, but now he regrets deep with his guts. 

If any other ordinary travelers dared to think about dinning and dashing, he would have probably broke their bones.

"S, Sorry, sorry! I'm truly sorry, boss! I-I lost my wallet! But don't worry, I will pay the money, please wait for two days, I will go to work and earn enough money, and then pay it back!"

The girl folded her hands together and said with her head down.

This girl is naturally the Third Campione— Madame Aisha a.k.a the troublemaker. 

She has an extremely tricky power called <Fairy's Corridor>, obtained from the Queen of Tir-na-nOg Niamh, it allows Aisha to open portals to the Netherworld and connect them to past ages. The Sage Council of Witenagamot calls it <Beyond the Timeless Horizon>.

This is an authority that can open a time portal to the past. Through this power, Madame Aisha like a time traveler can easily travel back in time.

This power hardly has any combat power to speak of, but being able to go back in the past, this power is incredible in its own rights. The only sad thing is that Mrs. Aisha cannot completely control this power.

Due to its uncontrollable nature, <Fairy's Corridor> frequently invokes on its own. The destination is random, she can't choose where or when she wants to go on an adventure.

Even if the destination is set, the arrival time varies. It can be a day faster or a month later than the intended schedule. 

Maybe when Madame Aisha is sleeping or strolling around, this power will be randomly activated, swallowing her and the nearby people into the time portal, and then traversing to the past.

The rumors of her being a recluse is false, believed mostly by those who don't know about her troublesome power, as she in fact is not often seen due to her Authority <Fairy's Corridor>, to spend most of her time in the past and hardly any in the present world. 

This time when Aisha came back from her exhausting time travel journey, the place she returned to was Athens, Greece. Because she had experienced a big chase before, she wasn't able to eat anything for days. 

Additionally, the food available in the ancient time period is unpalatable, so our hungry Mrs. Aisha randomly choose a food stall to fill her whining tummy. 

Given so, when the time came to pay for her meal, she got an 'aha' moment that she had lost her wallet during the chase, so the above scene happened.

Unlike other Campiones who are the Kings of the region they call home, Madame Aisha is the least conscious of the humongous privileges given to the Godslayers. 

If other godslayers encounter this same problem, Salvatore is expected to have left whatever his hands found, even if those are the clothes he was wearing, the Leader of the East may punish the people instead, and Annie Charlton, who is relatively conscientious will call the local mage association to help her pay.

But Mrs. Aisha is different, she will neither run away nor will she order mage associations to solve her problems as a king, she has her own type of unshakable sense of kindness, different from the ones made by the society—

Part-time work to pay back….

The boss's nostrils flared in anger, Madame Aisha's apology and her 'idea' flipped his switch, he was determined that this beautiful girl was playing with him. The boss even suspected that this foreigner girl may be an immigrant who had crossed the border without a visa.

Thinking about this, the boss decisively took out his mobile phone and dialed the police's number.

"Ahhhh! Boss, d-don't call the police, please! I will really hard work and pay back! Definitely!"

The girl's pitiful request with her hands put together, made the boss hesitate, but suddenly his expressions stiffened and began frenzied. 

At the same time, the crowd who watching on the sidelines heard the girl's request and became as frenzied as the stall boss.

"Queen! My lord!! I will pay for you!"

"My Lady Queen, aah!! How dare this person ask you for money! Courting Death! You fatty punk! My fellow men let's kill this heresy!"

"My Queen, ah, you are so beautiful, like a noble goddess of Greek mythology! Pleaseee, trampleee on meeeee!"

"My Lady Queen, please look at me, please look at me! I-I will make all my seven wives become your maidservants!"

"No, no! How can I dare to ask the Queen for money! I have sinned Queen! I have sinned! I am willing to dedicate all of my property to you!"

The boss and the onlookers around shouted enthusiastically like frenzied believers.

"Aaaah! Wuuu—No, no, how it becomes so messy, ah."

Madame Aisha squealed as she rubbed both her hands on her head in desperation.

To her desperation, the <Charm or Curse> evoked uncontrollably, yet again. It is the Divine Authority of Madame Aisha usurped from the goddess Ishtar of the Sumerian Mythos. 

As long as she uses this authority, her words will have the magic power to charm others, making everyone around become her fanatics and zealots that would gladly lay down their lives for her, but Madame Aisha clearly dislikes the idea of this and she has never used it on her own initiative. 

However, this power is almost useless for the Godslayers and the Heretic Gods. From the point of an ardent foodie, it can be described as super tasteless, though it is a big killer against ordinary people and ordinary transcendents.

These two powers are the reason of the horror of everyone to avoid this lively cheerful Campione. 

Speaking of "Inanna", this goddess is also miserable. She was killed by Marquis Voban once, and her power as the goddess of the underworld, Ereshkigal, was usurped by the Marquis; then she was killed by Madame Aisha again. The power of Ishtar, as the goddess of heaven, was also usurped.

Just as the situation was gradually collapsing out of control, forming the signs of riots throughout this big square, a man's voice came from a corner of the block: "…all the lambs look here!"

There was a strong spiritual magnetism in the voice. Although not comparable to the power of flustered Madame Aisha, as it was just a kind of magic, but it took away the attention of everyone present. 

Everyone on the block looked at the source of the voice, and saw a handsome man wearing a cardinal robe that looked more like a knight's garment standing in the middle of the street. 

His face rippled with gentle holy light. 

"Lord, your devout believers can see your coming here, this is the heaven on earth!"

"Lord, you gave us your child. This is the son of God. Your lamb...!"

"Praise my lord!"

"Our Father in heaven, holy be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done! Amen."

Under Mrs. Aisha's stunned big 'o'-shaped mouth opening, the people who were enthusiastically calling her queen before became devout believers of the Religion of Cross.

"The Mysterious Queen of Caves, welcome to the modern times", the saint like man attracted her attention. 

* * *

I have my surprise mock tests this week, so I may not be able to release 2~3 chapters in the same time period (7 days). To be more clear, it looks like I may only release 5 chapters in these 7 days. 


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Greed is one of the Seven Deadly Sins, but it is also the motivating force for mankind, which includes me. 

So, if you want and desire, support me at Patreꝍn with advance chapters~


Special thanks to *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* and *GooseElite*


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