Hollywood What If

HWI 270

Hollywood What If Chapter 270

Kazir was born on September 9, 1968. He was named Kazir by his mother, something he knew. Although he and his mother were never close, he was indeed grateful that she gave birth to him. 

Otherwise, Kazir would never have known this happiness. Sure, part of his life was filled with tragedy, but that was part of life. He knew that he would experience hardships along the way, but he was truly happy that he had experienced life. 

His birthday party was fun and a lot of people from the industry attended. His family realized that Kazir's status in Hollywood was quite high. Aaron and Victor were happy to get autographs from Liam Neeson and others. 

Kazir asked his family if they would like to stay at his house and spend some time with him. He already talked to them a few months ago and they agreed. 

In fact, if they didn't agree, Kazir would do anything to make them agree. He has to beg them if he has to. 

Aaron's apartment and most of their possessions were in Brooklyn, but it was better to be safe than sorry. What if Aaron decided to move his family to Manhattan on that particular day? Kazir would never forgive himself if he didn't stop that.

Kazir understood that he was only human. Just as he could not stop what happened to Princess Diana, he could not stop 9/11. This was a terrorist group we were talking about.

September 11, 2001.

Kazir invited his father and brother to play golf while Aaron's wife was with Angelina, spoiling baby Alissa, Kazir's niece. 

Kazir admitted that he was not much of a golfer, unlike Victor and Aaron. The two loved to spend their weekends golfing or fishing. They even knew so many types of golf clubs that Kazir had never heard of in his entire life. 

'I did the right thing by choosing golf to get their attention. Apparently, they want to play golf with me. A week's vacation is a good excuse.'

Kazir let the time pass. But he knew that tragedy had struck when Kazir saw Aaron's wife running towards them. 

Aaron was confused, but when he saw the seriousness in his wife's teary eyes, Aaron knew that something had happened. 

"Honey, you have to go back to the clubhouse."

Her eyes were red and she tried to stop herself from crying. 

The three men returned to the clubhouse and the atmosphere was very cold. A lot of people were quiet, all looking at the television that was broadcasting the event. 

"Huh? What happened?"

Aaron frowned, recognizing the building that had a huge hole in it and was belching smoke. It was one of the Twin Towers. 

Even Victor could not comprehend the situation. The eldest Grey decided to contact his friends and ask them about the situation. 

Suddenly, people were screaming and gasping as they saw another plane hit the second tower. 

Some panicked, some fell silent, and some were shocked. 

Aaron hugged his wife and their crying baby. 

As for Angelina, she held Kazir's hand tightly. 




Kazir's family thanked him. Without him, they might have died. Apparently, Victor and Aaron had a business meeting near the Twin Towers today, but they postponed the meeting because they were both taking a week's vacation. 

Unfortunately, they decided to cut their vacation short because they had to return to New York to assess the damage. If the building they were using was affected, they would have to move their business to another location or perhaps another state. 

Their business was an advertising agency, they focused more on physical advertising such as creating and printing flyers, although they had recently done radio and television commercials. They were trying to expand their business into online services as well. Their company was doing well and they had a lot of clients in New York... From the looks of it, their business could be affected by this incident. 

However, they were happy and blessed to be alive and well. 

Victor and Aaron sincerely thanked Kazir. Without him, they might have been dead. 

Kazir knew that wouldn't be the case since Aaron and Victor were alive in his past life. Victor had died of a heart attack a few years later, after 9/11. 

Kazir talked to his father about healthy living and eating. Victor now went to a gym twice a week because of Kazir's perseverance. 

Still, it was better to be safe than sorry. So he planned his birthday and a week's vacation for his family. In the end, it seemed to work. 

Victor booked a flight for them, but another obvious result happened. The airport was banned from booking flights. A few hours after the incident, there were almost no planes in U.S. airspace except for military jets. They sometimes saw the jets circling Los Angeles. 

Victor and the others decided to stay at Kazir's place for another day. If the airport still wasn't allowed to book flights, then they had no choice but to take a road trip. But New York was on the other side of the country. It could take days, Alissa was still a baby and it could take a toll on her if they traveled that long. 

In the end, the family decided to spend the week with Kazir. Naturally, Victor and Aaron contacted their partners for information about the incident. The building they were using was intact, but they had to close their business for a while. 

Apparently, the Pentagon was also attacked by the terrorists. Four planes were hijacked. 

Two planes crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York. The third plane crashed into the Pentagon just outside of Washington, DC. The fourth plane crashed in rural Pennsylvania after the passengers fought the hijackers and prevented the plane from reaching the White House. 

After a long time, everyone in the United States of America helped each other to overcome this tragedy. The time when everyone supported their country. 

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